1 day

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Priced in

when is the ama?

Their "big partner" is like 3 marketing people in a tiny office.


Enjoy the dump

>they haven’t announced even a single company who is actually going to issue tokenized securities with this platform
>but they announced a partnership with some literally who hucksters with no assets and a principal who has been punished by the SEC
Truly $1000 EOY.

Stay salty

You about you go pump this pathetic scam somewhere else. You're no longer welcome on Jow Forums.

*How about

Welcome on biz? kek.

ama on 24th feb

People that didn't buy are salty as fuck. Don't worry bro as soon as you're done getting buttfucked by your 2017 coins you can buy into the only useful legit project this space has seen in years.

Attached: 20190214_125323.jpg (1080x491, 243K)

Your missing the point. They are Brokers. You don't need a team of 50 people and an office block to run a successful brokerage. You need 1 or 2 very highly connected, discreet, trusted and respected industry figures. If you lived in that world you might understand this.

>Microsoft isn't an asset manager. Why would they have any assets or cash on their balance sheet or more than 3 customers? It's actually quite funny teeheehee.
It's funny that you have to run to Sasha to write your shills for you and even he can't do a credible job.

I read this on Jow Forums!

How to filter out pajeets ?

whats the official Jow Forums approved suicide bag?

The 7 partner at the firm literally need laptops, an office and a cellphone to do what they do. They're in sales pretty much. They keep investors database and matches them with issuers looking for capital. Once they've paid their own salaries and bought the newest Mac, why else shout they keep cash on their balance sheet? just to get taxed more?

The company would lose out by holding assets of any significant value. The money is in their datebase and connections. No there isn't an SEC filing which will help you with that. Just sit on the sidelines like a bitch or buy Rate3.

This post and your co-pajeet's post above it demonstrate such a profound ignorance of how taxes or accounting work that I am almost starting to feel sorry for you guys. Even if gibberish you just blabbered were true (it's not) it doesn't explain whey they only have 3 clients and downsized to a tiny office last year.


im the bitcoin.. and eth.. and ico og here... i know my shit.... all that shit is dead now..... the next bubble is security tokens.. watch Crypto Gurus youtube videos to understand what the fuck im on about..DO IT NOW. invest in the infilstructure... chx is the eth of sto's.. and it's only 22 million marketcap.. hold chx for a few years and you will be a multi millionaire

pajeet spotted

Their partner is a investment management marketing (TPM) company and as a TPM they usually get a % cut from management fee and performance fee from the assets raised. Thus, they should have way more assets in their balance sheet unless they are going to bankrupt and got hold of CHX as last resort. How many chx Sasha is offering to you pajeets ?

What if they just cash out.

This, why do they still type like that? It is possibly the most obvious sign of pajeetery

sell the news, you dumb nerds. this is only going down from here.

Good equity (especially private) assets are sticky and should be held on books unless of course they are siphoning assets to tax-heavens which aligns well with the AML charges. Last AML could be a just warning for more to come.

Honestly I want some money launders on my side. It can't just be for the mega rich.

Because learning good English needs efforts which cheap pajeets don’t want to commit to. It’s eaiser to shitpost here than clustering around a well-argued discourse. How can we geoblock paneers from Jow Forums ? It’s fucking intolerable now.

Unironically bullish.

I’m going to say two things both true here:
1) People are jelly af they didn’t get in on this for the easy 10x, myself included.
2) This project is scammy af and will dump tomorrow when everyone realizes there is literally nobody using it and then will bleed out further when no one ever uses it

What if, theres a timeline where tomorrow and next week we realize there are indeed businesses using their services. What happens then? You're not able to take that risk for a small amount of money?

>literally nobody using it and then will bleed out further when no one ever uses it

Hahahaha.... if you only knew....

27 cents. I could use some of that hopium if you guys have any left.

are you retarded?

IDEX price is the only one that really matters, whether it's high or low. HotBit is washtrading. Additionally, this was ~$0.25 two days ago. It pumped to $0.32 off of a lowkey announcement that their Twitter followers and Telegram know about... Everything is fine

one day we have a fucking big announcement and the next day it retraces a bit and all the noobs here start panic selling

It's like non-accredited investors are retards or something...

>3 clients
3 hedge funds

>downsized to a tiny office
no proof of this, just that they pay less in rent... why would you not pay the least rent possible?

>little shit nothing “fund” who got paid to “partner”
Haha, ok. The shills were out hard lying about what a big deal this was when it’s a literal scam company. You got shilled.

seems pretty decent actually.

Attached: h.jpg (720x1134, 91K)

should I buy the dip?

>seems pretty decent actually.
That's because it is. People think this is some sort of fund or that because they don't have billions in assets it means anything..that's not what these guys do. They literally do marketing and secure the deals, deals which will now be flowing thru own. It's amazing how stubborn and salty some people are. Like I don't give af if u dont have any own or not, neither do any of us holders. That's your loss buddy.

sorry to break it chx and lto are diff sides of the same coin, scammy trash, not to mention >50% in devs hands

>no proof of this, just that they pay less in rent... why would you not pay the least rent possible?
Are you saying they stayed in the same office as last year but are just somehow magically paying a quarter of the rent? This is the kind of brainlet tier reasoning faculties you have to possess to fall for something this scammy I guess.

Let's see what should we go off of, their SEC filings that paint a very clear picture of small, failing business, or some buzzword-laden marketing copy written by a marketing company about themselves.

>They literally do marketing
Which one is it, is this a huge Wall Street player who will make the platform SEC compliant, or is it just a marketing company?

No one claims it's a huge wall street player. They're from Boston ffs.

They are however a licensed broker dealer. SEC and Finra compliant.

The partnership allows OWN to have securities issued on their platform. It's a great achievement. Ppl shouldn't have to bend the truth to make it seem more impressive. It is a great achievement for the platform and will allow it to operate in the US.

I have never seen someone as dedicated to fud-ing a project... it's actually kind of sad user. Did your parents not love you?

>Ppl shouldn't have to bend the truth to make it seem more impressive.
Sorry I just have to chime in here. Doing a deal with a broker is unrelated to issuing securities or tokenizing them. There are about half a million SEC registered brokers. That doesn’t mean any of they can do SEC compliance which is completely separate. The two activities aren’t the same thing. They just fall under the same agency. What you are talking about is something a securities law firm does not a broker dealer. Brokers are basically salesmen who have to be registered and pass some tests to make sure they aren’t crooks.

hold with the rest of us to 10 billion marketcap you weak handed faggot

i will type any way i want, peasant

This. Scams usually cooks well under your “confirmation bias” fermented by pajeetery.

chx is up 5x since i told biz about it 4 months ago. don't sell until 10 billion marketcap in 2-5 years.

>>They literally do marketing
>Which one is it, is this a huge Wall Street player who will make the platform SEC compliant, or is it just a marketing company?
They are a brokers dealer. They work the deals, they get the customers that get pushed thru OWNs backend.

Some "dump" that was. There seems to be a pattern developing here, but I can't quite figure it out. Hmmmmm...

Attached: 20190214_203311.jpg (718x877, 140K)

Scamming innocent people with a fake project is what is sad. If I can stop a single user from losing money on this scam it's worth spending 10,000 the amount of time I actually do.

What a humanitarian! Let me guess, you also warned people to not buy the scam known as "Bitcoin" back in the day? I'm so glad there are smart people like you looking out for other people's best interests.

Stop equating CHX with BTC. Bitcoin had so many ground breaking stuff that’s now considered new-normal like approximate BFT consensus etc. We don’t even know TPS of CHX mainnet capable of handling exchange level transactions they are applying for.

> has no clue that tZEO (and shitcoins like Poly) are ERC20 tokens with TPS max of 15, that's IF cryptokitty doesn't jam up the network

why do you want us to laugh at you?

Right, because you know exactly how valuable Chx tokens will be in a year or two.
>inb4: "zero cuz it a SCAM duh! Ahyuk hyuk hyuk!"


are the future!