how many levels of exposed is this fat junkie on? Little warning to you AMBlets if you troll i will upload the exposed cheap 10usd aliexpress boards they tried to pass of as "ambrosus lab" inventions hahaha
How many levels of exposed is this fat junkie on...
What the fuck happened?
Angel the new Big Mac King??
that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg. makes the skycoin hardware look like something apple engineered.
comfort eating probably.
here the same "tech" literally from aliexpress/taobao. AMBlets i not even gonna read your shit i have 1 Mins between posts. I gonna fully expose you tonight
Ambrosus lied about pic related tech. Its just a cheap 3d printed case no over constribution
Go to bed, Will.
im fucking done with crypto
who is planning to find these scammers and break some kneecaps to get our money back
Literally no one cares anymore. The project is dead. You can stop now whatever vendetta you had its done you're kicking a downed man. Stop acting like a degenerate nigger and move on with your life.
It's more than just comfort eating. He's definitely burning himself out on drugs.
kek pretty funny he looks like a fatter more desperate version of pharma bro
I wouldn't hold your breath. There was an Obsidian fudder who posted on here for like 6 months after the project had exit scammed/
t. jbrl bagholder
> who posted on here for like 6 months after the project had exit scamme
This is my dearest hope for the bear market. That worthless shit projects get called out for the garbage they are. Based REQ autist fudder is already off to a fine start.
Are you retarded do you really think anyone makes their own boards? It's about the application
i wonder what happened to mrbearfag. i wonder how fucking JUST he is