Chainlink ETHDenver Celer MEGAthrear

5:30 pm est
Join us at the Chainlink and Celer #BUIDL Denver meet-up to discuss the powerful combination of real-world information with layer-2 scalability. Each team will present their project and how it tackles blockchain security, scalability, and the use of external data to execute on-chain events.
>anyone have a stream?!!

Attached: 350FEFB1-5E41-42B6-81D6-A395EE7D1585.png (500x500, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for stream

Bumping to keep this on the front page. Anyone?

I’m streaming via periscope. Another marine will be streaming it on YouTube



Can I make a periscope link before o stream?

Bump for stream link ty frens

Huge damp incoming
8k Satoshi eod

idk never used persiscope user.

if not, whats your handle user


Reeeeee where is the fucking stream?

I’ll post a link a few min before Dan speaks

Dan speaks in 1 hour

Kek, I have no clue. Lemme check

530 EST
is literally right fuck now, are you braindead?

Godspeed marine

This reeeeeeeeeee

How long until it begins?

1 minute ago.

2 hours

My twitter handle is @stinky_linker. It’s connected to my periscope.

LINK is fucking dead kek
Can't even get an amateur stream of an event let alone an official one. Why doesn't Sergey sacrifice a few big macs this week to pay for a proper stream? Fuck this

you're wrong, check the time again

No user fuck you.

Sergey took skiing lessons in Switzerland today

Do you enjoy pretending to be retarded or are you actually retarded?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at 3.34.29 PM.png (554x330, 30K)

Where's the YouTube link to the stream? For all we know they're exit scamming right now. Is anyone even there? Kek

as an ico contributor, i'm okay with this

dipshits i know that reading time can be difficult but its PAST 530 est. the absolute state of brainlets on here.

Attached: time est.png (1107x297, 21K)

>FoR aLl We KnOw ThEy'Re ExIt ScAmMiNg RiGhT nOw. Is AnYoNe EvEn ThErE?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 4.56.43 PM.png (190x146, 60K)

It's all so tiresome..

got it open in a tab. pls do the needful and dont disappoint user i will suck ur cock at the yacht party.

>this was his response
Yikes please stop, I can't handle your cringe "humor".

Sirs! Please! I have been praying to Vishnu for a stream. Pls do the needful and post a stream. I have a doubt now.

yikes just took a massive shit on your chest and thats what you reply?

I'm there right now, and Sergey just assaulted a man wearing one of those Jewish cap things. He told him "Kikes are not welcome here, the age of the Jew is over" before tackling him and kicking him in the head multiple times.

I'm too scared to film it in case Sergey attacks me.

>Why doesn't Sergey sacrifice a few big macs this week to pay for a proper stream?
user, I...
This isn't exactly news but I'm not surprised it has been supressed here. I've seen mods prune threads about this subject multiple times already. Just coming back from a 3 day bang so please screencap this. Apparently Sergey already spent $32MM on bigmacs and was forced to leverage his entire company for a line of credit that would satiate his hunger. By last month he was no longer able to cover the interest payments and collections came to his door. Please save my vid related as I'm worried it will get my post deleted. I suspect all the above is the reason for Sergey's sudden departure to neutral territory in Switzerland. Hopefully Dan is able to convince some big wigs to fund this operation a bit longer, at least until they can get mainnet up and running.

Attached: 1549773874235.webm (718x404, 789K)

hyperomegayikes, what's the point of doing this when I've already proven it starts at 5:30pm MST? It's all so tiresome.

this is all i could find

How do you faggots not tire of chasing shitty ChainLink presentations. This is sad.

You can go back to your fake satoshi and 40 billion supply kike scam coin XRP threads, you can also just stay in discord and circle jerk with your fellow attention seeking namefags.

Bump for more complaining when periscope doesn't happen.

you mean hearing a person with actual intelligence speak over some role playing faggot like csw? gee, not that hard. faggot.

t. nopants

e a r l y a d o p t e r s

Just win baby

100s of teams

send link please

hodges is terrible speaking no presence on stage and hes mubling

Lol screen just went down in the middle of the presentation

dr dong is up now!!!

cannot hear shit

Attached: 20190214_175453.jpg (4032x3024, 3.17M)

Alexa hang up!

What was the exciting announcement?

link working with celery farmers to put vegetables on the blockchain

Mainnet 25 feb

Don’t ever talk to me or my wife’s son again

