What do you Jow Forumsnessmen do to ignore homeless people? Everytime I go out from work I see some of them begging and...

What do you Jow Forumsnessmen do to ignore homeless people? Everytime I go out from work I see some of them begging and, well, my chicken heart makes me give them 5 bucks or so, and if by accident I get pass them I feel like the worst person ever, I think I just donated like 200 only this month, what can I do to ignore them without feeling like a guilty piece of shit?

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>tfw homeless guy has a higher net worth than you

Congrats user you just helped a homeless drug addict or alcoholic get his next fix. What a guy!

You cannot fix their problems with handouts. On the contrary, handouts allow them to continue their cycle itself destruction.

Start by being a piece of shit, it’s a doggie dog world

I have thought about that, the issue is, almost always it’s a different beggar, sometimes children, and everytime I try to ghost pass them I feel so much remorse I need to take a shot of whiskey to forget, I wish I wasn’t a fag about it

i thought debt is meme

I did see a guy doing a juggling routine instead of holding a shitty sign once. Gave him $5 because he was pretty good. Otherwise I just ignore them. I’ve literally had people knock on my car window after parking at the grocery store before asking me for money.

They just want to use you. Don't feel bad about ignoring them. If you want to do something to actually help homeless then donate your time or money to a shelter that needs funding, or programs that offer a pipeline to employment and independence.

I’m actually donating to an orphanage and a community hospital, I know, I know, I’m very weak of heart

I don't even consider beggars human. I also don't carry cash or pocket change.

Why tho?

You end up wasting money if you have 1s, 5s, quarters in your pockets all the time.

i live in the socialist hellhole as francistan, and one good thing about this place is the safety nets. genuine homeless people are taken care of, leaving you with just illegal immigrants, moochers and complete lunatics. no problem ignoring any of them

why are you feeling guilty?
95% of them deserve to be homeless

If it's a native to your country you probably can't help them, especially not by giving them money. Even if you gave them 100k they would just blow it in a year and be homeless again. What they need is a different mindset, not money.

If it's a gypsy they are most likely part of an organized crime gang and giving them money will just lead to more of them coming. They are already better off than you think.

Stop being such a faggot

>one good thing about this place is the safety nets
And now look at your communist shit hole lol

But user, I AM the begging homeless person.

When I make it I'm going to give bums hundred dollar bills if they promise that they're going to spend it all on their drug of choice. I want to be responsible for at least one OD death.

You should realise just how badly someone has to have fucked up in Western countries to be homeless and destitute. Don't feel sorry for them, ever.

Remind yourself that giving them the money directly is useless as they will likely waste it or spend it inefficiently.
If you're really wanting to help homeless people there are charities that specialize in that that you can donate to, or you could volunteer time working at a homeless shelter or feeding the homeless if that would make you feel better.

No, why don't you consider them human?

Question: Why aren't there attractive females who are homeless. I talking about women who are 8-9/10 begging on the streets. I've never seen a beautiful woman homeless, it's as if they don't exist, yet statistical probability dictates that this should be a thing. What gives?

Because attractive women applies make up on their face. There a lot of good looking homeless women out there. They're just lack of make up and good clothes.

they can always get a job as hookers or they date someone who pays their bills for them

basically they have it easier not to stay on the streets

>What do you Jow Forumsnessmen do to ignore homeless people?
I live in the country and trade meme coins


In the UK homeless people are basically guaranteed some form of shelter unless they are druggie. Begging is more profitable in many countries than working a minumum wagie. I don't handout gibs in UK because the homeless are rarely homeless.

I gave a bum a dollar once, but when he saw me open my wallet, he was like “hey lemme get that $20”. Never again.