As an economics student, i want to teach myself programming. However, i am a complete beginner.
should i use python, java, c or some apple stuff?
What programming language should I begin with?
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Python 3
by the way, i realised economics is quite useless. we have to deal with some useless mdels which cannot be directly applied in real life
Id say try python, its really easy to understand the syntax
For economics, Java and C won't really help you at all. C is geared towards creating libraries, Java is geared towards creating applications. I would suggest Python as it is geared towards creating scripts, which is all you'll do in economics. I also use Python for data science at my quant job so it is useful in industry.
thtats for web design, isnt it?
thanks for the advice
Oh, I forgot to mention that Python has the most autistic syntax that has ever created and that every day I want to kill myself and the fucking retard who thought that using indentation to identify blocks was a good idea. That guy has a place in hell next to fucking Hitler.
But once you learn to deal with the autism, python truly is the easiest way to do anything. Seriously, on C you would be worrying about a bunch of bullshit but on python it just works.
Dont mix tabs and spaces when ypu program. The compiler looses track of the indentation if you don't. That's why it gets angry. Beats typing curly braces when you want to get something done quick.
But don't ask help on Jow Forums or you will always get mocked for your code by autist incel hackers
In terms of a real programming language I would say Java. Python is really used for prototyping but is very bloated. If you're looking for a marketable skill then learn JavaScript. In finance people use C++ and is generally what you should aim for if you want to heavy calculations.
But if you are learning so as to get yourself a job then the programming bubble has burst. There are enough CS graduates out there looking for work. It wouldn't hurt you to take a coding bootcamp and try especially if it's affordable or maybe learning JavaScript (with HTML and CSS which are super easy) and Java. But don't hold your hopes up, and you'll need a portfolio since you don't a degree.
>autistic syntax
no worry, i am autistic as fuck. 20 years of my fucking entire life. have not made a single friend
JavaScript. Why? Compared to Python you don't have to use the terminal, you can just pop up Developer Tools in Chrome and start writing code and try it out in real time. Also, you can quickly spin up a web app and deploy it.
What can you do with Python? A text based rpg? Nah, go for JS - it's also a lot more lucrative in the professional markets.
How can you hate python syntax. You almost always indent as you would in python with any other language with using 1000 curly braces. Python syntax is GOAT for quick scripting. Also snake case >>> camelcase
Most used in financial sector
Python is always offered as easy language (its true) for newbies, but Im actually not sue that its the best language to start. But oif you dont wanna go too deep into programming python is ok.
this. I hate python.
OP, it doesn't really matter all that much what programming language you learn first, since what you're really learning are programming concepts. my opinion thought is to start with a static typed (vs. dynamic) language, so that you're aware of and in control of your data types.
C# is a great language that will give you a well rounded understanding. if you're a serious autist, I think learning to write basic console apps with C or C++ is an even better place to's like learning latin. nobody uses it and there's a lot to it that you'll never need (pointers), but if you know latin, you understand word origins and can pretty much understand all latin based languages.
you'll never need to use pointers, but once you understand them, you'll be able to understand how the different data types that are baked into the language your using actually work.
If you're planning on having a long term career, learn JavaScript.
Yes, you're reading this right. Python is dead. Java is dying.
JavaScript had taken over everything like a cancer, for better or worse.
>Web development
Obviously JavaScript.
>Desktop development
JavaScript with Electron
>Mobile development
JavaScript and Cordova
NodeJS + Express
>Machine learning
This is where the industry stands. Some people are still holding on to Python, but Python is already going the way of PHP. It had a great run, but ultimately its lack of adaptability to the new standards killed it.
By learning JavaScript you're opening a lot of doors for your career.
That being said, JS is incredibly quirky and very shitty at parts. But we're talking about a career, not masturbation over whether something is turing complete or not.
got it
he's right. if you're looking for a job...just learn JavaScript. We all hate JavaScript though. good luck.
Isn't Javascript incredibly powerful? Like, more powerful than ruby?
it's versatile. still sucks though.
That's what I'm learning...
The problem with JavaScript is that is started out as a very simple scripting language that only in time has developed into something this massive.
That's why it's not typed, that's why there are things like hoisting. Because it's so widely used, these quirks have sort of turned into scars, which can't exactly be fixed because if they were, lots of websites and applications would fall apart (for example, there's a famous error with null being recognized as object).
Starting with ES6, they're sort of starting to clean up this mess by building on top of the previous "weird as fuck" implementation (leaving it alone for compatibility), introducing variables such as let/const, more clean cut support for closures and blocks, great asynchronous processing that doesn't rely on calllbacks... But nevertheless, the hard part about JavaScript is learning about its quirks. It doesn't behave as expected in many situations, when compared with other languages. That's why it's hated. It has its own way of doing things, and you have to familiarize yourself with it.
TypeScript, which is a heavily typed and strict language built on top of JavaScript (it compiles to JavaScript) is an amazing antidote for this, but despite it being in development for quite long now it still isn't as complete as it should be for, for example, server use.
It was trashy back in the day. Slow, untyped and only really running in web browsers and with different dialects at that. CS grads have spent a decade taming it and a really bright guy started compiling it so that it'd run suitably fast on the server side. After that databases followed and now you have JS as a language existing in browsers, devices, server side applications and data stores.
I don't see the affair ending anytime soon.
>Implementing Ruby type system on JavaScript
Thinking that all the things that are considered warts of Javscript allowed it to boom with this magnitude. Java and Visual basic contended for it's spot and failed for some reason after all.