>apple iphone good
>starbucks coffee good
>movado watch good
>personal chauffeur good
>capitalism bad
Apple iphone good
Other urls found in this thread:
It is not her job to act like she wants others to act.
Because you can't like anything if you don't like capitalism! Seriously just go and live in he woods.
Better to be a cunt than a hypocrite am I right?
It's fun to watch the manufactured love and hate for this woman to seep in public conversation. You people are too easily manipulatable.
She's not saying capitalism is bad, just that American citizens need to benefit more from the success of their companies and products. It's a reasonable ask when unemployment will skyrocket in 10 years thanks to based automation.
To be honest, in a socialist country a politician would have all that and more.
In a socialist country none of those consumer products world exist numbnuts.
I met a couple of ministers when I went to Cuba, all of them had iPhones and all the good shit. Citizens were starving but politicians were living the high life. Honestly, if I didn't have the means to make that kind of money in capitalism, I would 100% be running as a socialist candidate like AOC. Come on man, everyone wants the good shit.
Yes, but those products were developed in a capitalist country and exported to a socialist country. I think you’re missing the point entirely.
Is this real? I don't believe that Amazon doesn't pay federal taxes
One politician is getting this much press and these idiots just line up to give their opinion.
If she's getting pushed it's because she's a manufactured wedge issue and people need to be distracted.
>Implying all that money wouldn't go straight to welfare niggers or lost in the military industrial complex
>their companies
People like here will destroy this country by hating people who they assume hate them back, voting for things they don’t understand, and providing free squallar to people who need guidance and opportunity. Forgive them lord, they know not what they do.
You don't need to build the good shit to have the good shit.
kek keep coping. You anti capitalist fags are the biggest hypocrites there are. Gulags for all of you when the communist utopia you envision becomes a reality.
>muh free gibbs
>muh ubi
>muh bar tender failed economics grad "politician"
Of course. Except it's not billions in profit it's billions in revenue. I'll leave it as your homework to figure out why that matters and how that makes it so they legally don't have to pay tax. (Hint: look into 'expenses')
> creature comforts are hypocritical
Fucking wot lol
>tfw no commie shitskin gf
you brainlet, Amazon has a revenue way higher than 11.2b holy shit what a monkey
Regardless of her personal economic status she's making the argument that money distribution in our current VERSION of capitalism is out of whack and is causing our country to enter third world status, which is fucking true. And she doesn't care if she winds up paying higher taxes as a result and can afford less Movado watches or whatever the fuck.
>Billionaires really NEED their billions though. It's sooooo hard to maintain a lifestyle with an iPhone and a watch and a driver with less than $20MM... ugh! Then how will I ALSO fly private jet to the Maldives and continue to pay my 20 person staff at my chateau?
Fuck off, OP.
t. brainlet
>brown girl bad
They don't really make a profit.
I hate this retarded boomer meme. It wouldn't be possible to to exist without consuming. That doesn't mean that capitalism is good. There's just no ethical consumption under capitalism.
False dichotomy retard. Socialism isn't the same as communism. And I'm not even really defending her. She's a moron who doesn't even know what socialism is. If anything, she's a social democrat, not a democratic socialist.
socialism is communism lite, faggot kys
also note (IRS) allows businesses to carry net operating losses (NOL) forward 20 years. So likely AMZN is reducing current operation gains with losses resulting in zero tax liability.
That and capital expenditures are the main reasons, along with transfer pricing policies. In curious to see what their GILTI and FDII liabilities (if any) are. I haven't read their 10-K.
This too complex for the socialist brainletts to understand.
Enjoy your next democrat candidate for presidential elections.
It’s hilary clinton’s clone, and her campaign already started.
another kikes pawn to destroy america.
Socialists like AOC are identical to the anti-Janny posters of biz.
They intentionally destroy the infrastructure they thrive on just to attempt to show they are on top. That they care the least, and therefore are on top of the social hierarchy.
The shitposters of politics
Rent Free
Based and Christpilled
Idiot, he's saying that it's the freedom of not having a state controlled everything that led to people wanting to invent new shit instead of wasting away dreaming off better days like you are doing
Can someone explain this to a total brainlet please?
>movado watch
How do you know what brand watch?
Are you a faggot or something?
Tell us the brand of her dress now you faggot
If you're in a taxable loss for a year, you can carry it frward to offset future taxable income. Historically you've been allowed to carry them forward for 20 years. Since tax reform, losses generated in 2018 onward do not expire and can be carried forward indefinitely.
She wants the entire world to be on renewable power by 2030. Currently, the US has about 10% of power by renewables..
I studied Chem Eng., and I co-authored quite a few research papers on the topic of renewable energy. The current status of the industry is literally the alt-coin white paper market. Pajeets put forth a research paper that is filled with buzzwords and ridiculously poor mathematics and assumptions.
It would be our wet dream if all of US was powered via renewable in a decade. It just isn't happening, for a long long time... But feel free to tell me it is possible if we "really push for it".
Not even from the US so I couldn't care less, just find it amusing
Other countries seem to be able to go forward quite well with renewable energy? Doesn't this screw with your theory?
meanwhile russia keeps building new nuclear power plants, laughing at the entire world as they literally drown themselves with electircity for pennies
Nothing is as simple as it seems. Nuclear energy (france as an example) is very potent. In fact, In Canada, nuclear energy powers most of Ontario.
The issue is, a significant portion of mechanical equipment rely on petrochemicals (diesel generators, gasoline vehicles, diesel trucks). To say we will replace ALL of these with electric or some renewable energy vehicle in 10 years, is quite ridiculous. We will need oil regardless while we make the transition, and that won't happen in 10 years.
I do agree though, it is possible, but not in a decade. Heck, I would prefer it
Wow got anymore hot boomer takes, bro
Yeah if we do have a break down of civilization what happens to those nuclear reactors though?
Nuclear energy does have drawbacks, it is intermittent (not easy to control the reaction output). Ontario is a good example of this:
Another drawback on nuclear
desu nuclear reactors have fucked up even without a civilization breakdown.
cheap energy tho
Isn't Japan basically destroyed because of Nuclear Energy?
>paying to dump electricity
oh wow its almost like canadians are braindead subhumans!
meanwhile eastern slav slum countries excess energy is given for FREE to everyone to use, see ukraine, giving free electricity between something like 2AM and 5AM in a 3 hour window
The issue is the electrical grid congestion. Think of it like a tank of water, if you have little to no demand (output) for the tank, but you keep filling it, the tank will overflow.
It's the same concept here, when you start a reaction (nuclear), it will keep supplying energy, and you can only dampen the effect. If there is no demand to accept that electricity, then you need to get rid of it. Nuclear is inflexible like that
3 out of 4 items in ops list are from socialist countries
You can't be hung up on technology failures of the past. Just because some ford pintos caught fire in the past doesn't mean we need to halt car use completely. control rods can be designed with enough poisons to render a fuel matrix impotent.
they should start some big dick mining operation using that wasted energy lol
Yeah but we're heading for a environmental breakdown, possible collapse of civilization.
Look for entries on company's doing stuff thorium/molten salt reactor related massive increase across the board compared to PWRs, 100% passive safety no meltdown and walk away safe, uses nuclear 'waste' as fuel, other fuel is plentiful thorium, small and able to be assembled on assembly line style reactors are possible (current ones are nearly all bespoke and massive), has only 1-2% waste - inside that waste is medical grade isotopes and RTG fuel (for deep space probes) both are in short supply. What ever country has them first will have a massive edge. Main reason US can't mine 'rare' earths is due to regulation prohibiting thorium being dug up so could also be short Chinese rare earths to hedge the play if US gets MSRs first or something, watch regulation in that area.
yes i understand that, that's why in eastern countries where nuclear is dominant, you have offers that basically state "in the middle of the night, when electrical consumption is at its lowest, we offer you FREE electricity to use"
since, like you pointed out, it is cheaper to simply give it away for free for a couple hours instead of going through hoops
yes you are right, in a catastrophic event where suddenly the power consumption of the industrial and private sector drops by 50%, all that excess nuclear energy will be an issue... however at that point i am sure you are dealing with far bigger problems than that
canada PAYING to dump electricity is just a "lol fuck you no free stuff for you!" move by the companies towards the consumers
I see your point, but at the end of the day demand is demand, it varies. I do agree that instead of giving it away (or paying people lol), they should find a way to utilize this energy.
Gotta say im liking the discussions in this thread this guy knows his nuclear
Okay I'll bite. Who is manufacturing the love and hate any why?
She likes capitalism as long as she can siphon as much as she can from it into our bloated and corrupt federal government. Not sure why she made such a big fuss about the Amazon HQ, typical NIMBY shit I suppose. Long Island City is a post-industrial shithole outside of the gentrified luxury highrises popping up.
She can't be the next candidate as she won't be 35 until the 2024 election.
>she's from the democratic people's front of judea not from the judean people's front
>the rest of the world can fuck off the only important thing is that my politicians and welfare recipients stay in the 1%
Can't wait for the government to collapse to buy a couple choppers from the military and start giving economically illiterate tankies free rides
they also hire a shitload of people
>movado watch
please explain this for fellow eastern european user
this reminded me of the ecat.
i was following the tech like 10 years ago. everything was going smooth, media coverage, peer reviewed public trials at various eu universities etc. then the creator moved to the us to register the patent and since then i've never heard any news about it. at least the website is still there (ecat.com)
i know this is Jow Forums and Jow Forums which is the home of Jow Forums so anything that has to do with government help or taxes to help the less fortunate in society get up is blasphemy, and i may be asking a lot here. But can you idiots stop being brainlets for 2 fucking seconds
>Not sure why she made such a big fuss about the Amazon HQ
It has the appearance of regulatory capture. So her argument seems to be there is no net benefit to society. But she can't explain it except in a incoherent socialist way.
I do think there was benefit by the way. Just speculating.
Not in New York city.
Can you stop making us poorer and stop supporting leeches for 2 fucking seconds? Why is it that brainless sheep have this compulsive need to support politicians that make the world much poorer than it could be?
SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK IN AMERICA. Get it the fuck out. Capitalism works. The Federal Reserve System is sucking the country dry. The Rothschilds and their bloodline is to blame. The meeting at Jekyll Island kicked their plan into gear. If yos tnaw uocialism, you mix it with a capitalism in a hybrid, Nordic Model type economy.
Still, America is fucked until people stop depending on the state and figure their lives out themselves. I'm talking taking care of themselves better, eating better, being more wise with their earned income, and investing time and money into the right sectors.
If she didn't have those things you would be mocking her for being a poorfag. We know the game now Gramps. This whole capitalism meme is done.
Since she is a socialist her and all her cronies will have those things. Everyone else will have to dream of those things.
>1 billion people lifted out of poverty in the last 25 years thanks to free trade
>1 billion people that now buy mercedes cars, iphones, levis jeans, samsung tvs, have healthcare, go to college, go on holidays abroad, etc
Yeah capitalism is clearly done because art majors working in starbucks don't make $20 an hour..
Almost of that is because of China, a literal Marxist state that is still planning on establishing socialism by 2050.
dumb fucking cunt who capitalizing on uneducated masses
Women were a mistake
Yes, China truly is a shining example wealth redistribution, union rights, high factory pay, and safe working conditions.
Can you fucking kill yourself in 2 seconds?
The Chinese government didn't do shit brainlet, all chinese growth was because of foreign investors and foreign consumers, that is because of free trade brainless tankie
As economy turns down socialists will gain more vote. I would not be surprised communists win next elections in usa it would be fun to watch the shit show
Trumpards are the true socialists. Yellow revolutionaries, bringing socialism in everything but name, as a true revolution should've happened.
Not under champagne socialist and university students suffering from Unwarranted Self Importance syndrome.
Anons, why shouldn't I invest everything I have into molten salt reactors?
also how do I do this
Should I buy Thorium related companies?
Trumptards are too dumb to be socialist. If you're right wing and anti establishment your options are fascism or voting for the establishment.
negotiation 101, you push for your best possible pie in the sky moon lambo scenario and you make your political adversaries compromise and settle to give on the attainable goals you actually wanted all along.
It only sounds extreme because democrats are nothing but controlled opposition since bill clinton, they're paid to lose and cry about "muh big bad republicans" while getting their campaign donations from exactly the same corporations as the republicans.
The masses that bring revolution are too dumb to understand academic socialism. Yet they deliver it without that understanding.
This is the essence of Marxism.
>Trumpards are the true socialists
You make absolutely no sense. By definition socalists who want more taxes will likely win next elections, and i will enjoy the shit show. Trump voters on average have much larger wages so ofcourse they vote with their wallets. As economy turns down however, you will have larger pie of paycheck to paycheck people and student loans etc. when you will turn the tide to socialism following european model
Amazons rev was 218 Billion in 2018. if there was no profit (required for no corporate taxes) then that 218 billion circulated through the economy. Every wagie they paid paid taxes, every box they bought paid for wagies in box companies, etc. etc.
Try to squeeze corporations for taxes in the digital age and they'll move their tax HQ into belize, ruining your little "plan"
>By definition socalists ...
Your straw-man definition. Marxism revolution doesn't deal with ideology. It deals with social dynamics making radical change necessary. Trump brings that, or will.
Im arguing with a pseudo-intellectual kid clearly. Go back to pol please
Make them do it then, and get their fill of pajeets there too
Tarrifs used to be the main funding tool for the government
>implying she thinks this
She isnt capable of any level of high order thinking
Amazon reported $10.1 billion in net income for 2018 and $232.9 billion in revenue. They didn't pay any federal income tax on that because they have a large deferred tax asset from previous reported losses. I'm not saying that's a bad thing - they pay a ton of local taxes and their employees pay a ton of taxes and contribute to the economies in which they live - but I am saying you're trying to be smug about something you're absolutely wrong about.
How about talk needing less tax money and less government instead of blaming people not paying enough taxes
>Talks about 'socalists'
>projecting this hard
>She's not a social democrat, she's obviviusly a socialistic democratulist!
Socialists of all kinds sure do love semantics
it's endlessly perplexing college commies like you are more materialistic than i could ever be. i don't have anything op listed, i genuinely don't care about anything op listed, yet i like plenty of things
i know the rationalisation you're making in your brain right now: "you're lying, faggot"
this is the essence of socialists: they're despicable characters at their core, but the desire to believe we're good people is innate to every human. in order to cope with his own wickedness, the socialist must create a mental construct in which everyone is even worse than him
>Trump voters on average have much larger wages
Dem money comes from massive entities like WalMart and Google, Rep votes come from places like Penn. and the Great Lakes.
what an incredibly jewish post. showing the middle finger to jannies is based