how to short the education system? is there a college 2.0 to invest in?
How to short the education system? is there a college 2.0 to invest in?
Just don't go, that's it. Amusing to see those low IQ replies.
>arguing with redditors
>going to reddit
Hope that wasn’t you OP. Just wasting time like a cuck.
Anyways the answer to your question is the same as it’s been for years: buy gold, silver, and btc. And stop fucking asking questions that have been covered here as nauseum
Nazis like you tried to stop my immigrant family from subverting your culture like we previously did in Russia
based GreenWojack showing how retarded liberals are
German got raped by the Soviet Union. There was nothig subversive about it. Nazis were weak and their ideological descendants are likewise impotent.
Holy fucking based. GreenWojak dropping red pills like USA drops bombs left and right.
I bet you sit there late at night and think how only one or two people will probably show up at your funeral.
It doesn't matter if you posted user or not on reddit. People on campus know who you are and they probably don't like you.
No, the national socialists were the prime examples of heroes. They were pitted against one of the most powerful diabolic forces that humanity has ever seen. The only reason the National Socialist Germany lost is because the Bolsheviks were willing to sacrifice all of the Goyim in Russia.
No, Germany would eventually lose anyway because Hitler was an insane drug addict who actually believed in G-d and he wasted money for concentration camps maintenance. Just to keep jews without food to witness if one of them will ascend to Jesus levels. However, Stalin was a based sociopath, of course he won.
You just can't make it up, it's just facts.
you're going to look back on this and cringe OP.
Wow. This post, and then this reply actually converted me to national socialism. I finally see the light! Hitler was right!
This. It's too bad he didn't go ahead and kill all the slavs in the USSR like he had planned to for lebensraum.
turned yourself into a meme
This cringeloard ... dear god
Nazi' weaponry was decades ahead. They could unironically push Soviets to Siberia, maybe forever. How deluded could one be if he wasn't able to develop a proper strategy for that? How deluded could one be if he wasn't able to adapt his strategy during more than a year of siege?
kek you just started a mass purge of 300lb dorm-dwelling incels at UML
why on earth did you censor God on your own post lmao
Because he’s a trumptard piece of shit
holy based as fuck
OP I looked at your comment history and you’re an npc like the rest of reddit
>actually visting R*ddit
>arguing on R*ddit
cringe and bluepilled
you have to go back