>so user, tell me about yourself and why you want to work us
>mind goes completely blank and stutter some incomprehensible babble
I legit cannot get through interviews Jow Forums. I prepare answers to interview questions but I always forget them on the day and sit there like a brain dead NPC. Do I have dementia or some shit? Seriously considering seeing the doc about this
So user, tell me about yourself and why you want to work us
you masturbated the night before and eat junk food. any figure why you can't put a sentence together?
>cognitive impairment from depression
you are temporarily retarded, yes.
Get help from a psychiatrist if you believe in them.
I recommend a Scientology Center for the best help, fren.
BS job interview question # 419.
>literal scam
If it's fight or flight, this is normal and just learn how to talk your way through it.
If it's fog and you're sleeping out, then you need a doctor's help.
iktf bro, I'm terrible at interview too, I basically have 2 interview modes: one is where I start fine but as the seconds pass the pressure gets to me and I start being a blabbering idiot, like literally blank out and sit silently for 10 seconds thinking "holy fuck I don't know what to say" and asking them for the next question with a nervous smile. The second mode is I start fine and actually get comfortable but that results in me seeming cocky because I'm usually an asshole so I only know how to banter and some people take it as me being too cocky but that's the only way I know of acting confident.
I haven't worked in so long I'd probably say "Idk bro...."
also ironically my best interview ever was in front of 3 roasties. they said they liked my honesty and I seemed trustworthy. go figure
I'm able to ace an interview but usually either suck dick at the job itself or get bored after a year and quit caring
I literally went from playing cards with an old guy to talking my way into an interview and then talking my way into a fucking sales job with 0 college degree or experience at all.
But I couldn't sell and burned out after a few months
Next job was in a call center, easily got it with an interview and they all talked about how impressive my answers were. But the job was boring as fuck and the place ended up closing down. Kek
>so user, tell me about yourself and why you want to work us
At first, I thought that I want to work for you because the company is the most promising paradigm deflecting beacon of efficiency. Changed my mind after this aftr meeting you ... Mr boss. I now just want to work for you ... because I can't resist your commanding gaze and bulbous, tempting bulge that's impossible to hide.
This is normal, happened to me when I went to interview at my local library for a part-time IT gig. They asked me the "tell us about yourself" question and after getting like two sentences out I froze up. Rest of the interview went fine and they actually ended up calling me back for the job but I already was full time elsewhere then. I wouldn't worry about it though, it's just a lack of experience.
you didn't talk them into giving you a job
they knew it was burnout and let you think you were talking them into giving you a good job
I can tell you're retarded from the fact that you prepare a day before interview to answer trivial questions like that. Nigga this is not a who wants to be a millionaire they want to hear YOUR answer not "the correct answer".
I answer this on the spot depending on the company, mostly its just "Well I want to work for you because I need money and I'm good at X/Y/Z..."
>preparing scripted answers for scripted interviews
Can you not see what youre doing wrong?
>and then he sold me that steaming pile of shit for only $299.99 what a moron!
It was a sales job that could pay 150k+ if you were good and at least 50k if you were just average. Mostly commission based. I don't know what the fuck you're saying. I didn't know anything about the company until a card game w the vice president and he suggested I would be a good fit. I told him I'd do an interview the next week if he had a spot and he set me up. I showed up in a t shirt, flip flops and shorts while another person was there in a full suit to interview. I didn't even bring a resume so he told me to hurry the fuck up and type one out on his computer before his boss got there. No larp
>work for us and you can make up to $150k*
Did you really fall for that, lad?
Dude it was an office job selling prefab steel buildings and shit like doors, windows etc.
I got paid like $15/hr plus a commission weekly for 6 months and then after that the hourly rate went way down and you were expected to have repeat customers buying and commissions rolling in.
I sat next to people and listened in to calls where they sold a $40k building for a church and pocketed $1500 in one call.
do not overprepare. i used to fuck up easy answers like that. just treat it like a normal conversation. know your resume inside and out and know your "story" as to how you got to where you were today
also to let u know what happened to me when i would overprepare i would talk way too fucking much and end up in a spot where i kept repeating the same words because i felt like my answer wasnt satisfactory enough. again REMEMBER to just chill the fuck out and treat it like a normal conversation youd be having with a friend. relax when you reply and answer clearly.
the only serious job interview ive been to, they asked a huge list of corporate hr bullshit questions which I awkwardly stumbled my way through trying to give the right formulaic answers to their formulaic questions. I also a couple times took 20-30 seconds to think before answering a question because I was so dumbfounded as how to respond to such bullshit. I thought there was no way I even hear back and then they call me like 2 months later and offer me a position in a godawful city in the next state over from me.
>“i need money”
Confirmed LARPing neet. This answer gets you shut down every single time, they know you’re there for the money dipshit, so are they, but if you’re too retarded to come up with literally ANYTHING else, you’re too retarded to hire.
Best Key/buzzwords to throw out to question like this is “advance my career path/take on new challenges/make new goals for myself”.
Interviewing is the easiest shit if you are REMOTELY personable.
>that one fag made like $1500 that one time
1500$ is nice, however you cant earn a living making that amount here and there every now and then.
Thats why your position was available before you got their and thats why it was available to the next guy after you.
Dont you see? Thats why they hire people on commission and let them go after a week if they cant sell. They simply dont bring in enough money to keep a sales team paid year after year. If they paid salary for a sales person the sales person would rage quit after he realized that that company doesn't make wnough money to sustain a full time sales team
Low level selling is an aids tier job, but it does build character, to say the least.
One of the worst jobs I ever had was canvasing neighborhoods and cold calling people about home improvement projects - during the height of the recession mind you, company was selling itself as a credit based project company, basicay trying to pick the bones off people under water, give them false hope 50 grand worth of overpriced spitshine would somehow make their boomer-shack sell for more post bubble so thet could sell and maybe break even.
Knock Knock. I see your house looks like shit, do you have time to talk about home improvements? Thats a real neat 98 Chevy Lumina btw.
Backbone and ballsack steroid mode.
Too bad I'm currently employed and was able to choose my job from several offers.
If its a good company that could advance my career or I'm interested in it for other reasons I'll mention it, but it its just a regular job I'm not going to bullshit them.
Keep shouting LARP if you feel like it though.
That guy was one of the top performers for sure but he made over 100k the year before I got hired. Most people there pulled in 50 or 60k total between commission and hourly pay. Nothing amazing I'm not sure why you think it's a larp. There were people who stayed for 5+ years, usually the top people who cleared 75k or more. Sure there was turnover but they gave us 6 months of decent enough pay with no need for any sales just to get our feet wet. I sold literally 0 units and left after 6 months and 2 weeks when my next paycheck for 40 hours was like $200 after taxes.
Also they gave us solid, paid leads every day. They made it about as easy as they could for us to sell something and I was just bad at it. They made us loosely follow a script until we started selling and I was never comfortable. I was also sick during training and already hated it because it took 1.5 hours each way to commute because of traffic. Glad I moved on
At almost any job interview I've gone to I've lied a lot and pretended to be someone else and almost always end up being the first choice.
Just give them a firm handshake.
don't do this op, the psychiatrist will put you on antidepressants or anxiolytics that will make you dumber. go to a psychologist instead and see what therapy works for you.
You need to prepare all those questions like a routine. If you dont "remember" what to say you haven't prepared well enough. We should be able to wake you up at 3am, shout those questions to you while you're waking up and still be able to answer them.