Hello my name is Craig Wright and I am going to fuck all you non believing soi boys and socialist cucks in the ass very...

Hello my name is Craig Wright and I am going to fuck all you non believing soi boys and socialist cucks in the ass very hard over the next 3 years

Have a great day :)

Attached: 9E915CFA-2652-4FF3-B318-509FFCBEA358.gif (900x900, 138K)

nice meme op

Kek your shit coin is crashing

You got pozzed just like Linus

based. knew youd join the good side 01G ;)

>be a megalomaniac millionaire
>instead of focusing on become billionaire try to prove something you are not
>fail miserably, lose all credibility, become as reliable as pajeets
>bring nuclear winter to crypto

Is he like this because he lives in southern hemisphere ?

>that image


post proof of stiffness

thanks fo usin ma meme bloke

>Yeh Oi can take yous to Bendigo