>Hey user! Why do you never come to happy hour with us on Fridays?
Hey user! Why do you never come to happy hour with us on Fridays?
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what's happy hour? is it somehow related to dystopian sci-fi?
>because your business plan is just a bunch of various charts
Usually the company pays for it. Might as well down some free beers
>hanging out with coworkers
Absolute yikes I spend too much time around these people as is, no thanks
have your happy hour once a week. ahah hahah
This is why none of you get laid
Jesus christ... I'm beginning to think that there are secret labs growing frizzy-haired mulatto roasties to sell to marketing companies in massive quantities
This. I usually make friends with 1-2 people and leave it at that
Because it's not happy, and it's not an hour.
it does not pay
I only wage for pay
i have no idea why people pay 4 dollars a beer to get drunk in a loud crowded place. it is hell. im a degenerate who lives on the edge of normie-dom and whenever the curtains are pulled back and I see into their world, I realize Im not missing much
I do this on a regular basis, keep em on their roast covered toes.
Glad I’m not the only one. Jew programming to promote racemixing
because you look like human filth
>secret labs
those are called white women’s wombs. the BBC revolution just barely started. get used to it.
because im jaded
>spending MORE than 8 hours a day with the same people
even when i like them this is a big no from me
>implying people on this board have a job to begin with
>implying people on this board with jobs would ever be asked by their colleagues to socialize
lol I organize staff outings because getting drunk with coworkers lets me stay in denial of my alcoholism
Lol cuz I take blood thinners. I literally cannot into alcohols.
Alcohol is haram. Then sue for their oppressing me.
because im your boss you fucking niggerhead. youre fired.
in fact: youre all fired. get the fuck out of my office.
1. I don't work on Fridays.
2. I don't enjoy the taste of alcohol.
>neoliberal concept of family
i'd rather die desu
Based, us white men need to help make the bbc inseminate the white womb because it’s what we deserve for oppressing them plus it will make superior kids
Is this sarcasm I can't even tell. I know there are people who actually believe this but this is so terribly written.
work life should never coincide with social life everyone has a box keep them away from anyone you know
I'd fuck 1, 3, 4 , 5, 5 again, 7, and 8.
i would go once and never again
greenbergstein pls go
because I would prefer to kill myself to be with you bumch of assholes, now shut the fuck off and do the trades and research the stock I said or you are all fired
We're not friends.
Await my termination letter as my office is full of two faced people and they might just conspire to get me fired.
Ive become quiet with most coworkers except 3 that are difficult without drawing questioning as im lower on the totem pole
> my annoying office supervisor who depends on me too much, she might secretly like me which is disgusting
> a previous unofficial manager who is an aggressive black woman that slightly bosses me and others around but is likely respected more than me as I hate faking niceness
> an unofficial manager whose a talkative woman that I speak with often
>as my office is full of two faced people and they might just conspire to get me fired.
Use this to your advantage and pit them against each other. If they are two faced to you, they are certainly the same to each other.
Have fun
The bearded cunt in the middle looks like he's fingering the one in glasses in the butt.
And she likes it.
>detonate my suicide vest
That fucking bearded hipster.
Because I don't want the pubes on this bitch's head to touch me, don't come any closer pls
Shlomo you should really care about 35% minority in your shithole and leave anglos alone.
This way, it's like monkeys flinging niggers at each other...only to avail of both your camps ending up mutted.
Not that I should care that much living in a 97% white country, but I do.
- black female
- white baby boomer man
- black female
- white woman
- mudslim
- white woman
- hidden white young man
Ffa I hate these pictures 99% of the businesses are run by white males yet they need to be put away.
that's how business works brainlet. those charts are printed without colour and diversity hires are tasked with coloring them in.
A white suprematist behind them to rule over them. That looks pretty racist to me. Deluded insecure incel can't even comprehend the message and finds offensive something that should not be offensive to him at all.
I really hate that "incel" entered the normie lexicon. Don't you have a new soundbite from Late Night with Stephen Colbert to go watch on YT? What are you doing on Jow Forums?
just kys already
What kind of esoteric insight is that lol
This. I cannot fucking understand this. I spend all the week with this normies and they want to hang at the end of work. Just fucking kill me please.
Because I am an autistic retard that thinks the jews are our lizard overlords and can't deal with basic social norms.
>tfw love to hang out but never know what to talk about apart from conspiracy theories
Blond women have higher IQ naturally than brunettes.
The dumb blond meme was forced by kike television writers in the 80's
It's obviously gonna be higher if you throw the nogs, poos and spics together with the rest.
h-how dare you suggest our african brothers and sisters and trannies aren't as smart as *hite people.
Because alcohol is for niggers
>sips violently
No can do, Friday is TGIF Night
>99% of the businesses are run by white males
Jews aren't white tho
Lol I love these fucking people I own a bar in a hip lib area we charge 1.10 for a shot of skol we can get about 40 shots per bottle and the bottle cost me 8.34 for 1.75L we go threw about 20-30 bottles of that cheep shit thinking about getting a crypto ATM we start accept eth and bitcoin and these fucker will go on coinjew buy $20 0f btc and use it because its hip biz never go to bars
>Doesn't "like" the taste of alcohol
Get aloada this guy amirite?
fuck you all smiling at
I do every friday
>hey Tyrone, we need you to stand in front for a photo again
>yes massuh
As things should be
That shitty music and editing. Could only handle 5s before being forced to close.
I'd much rather keep to myself. They'll likely just report me for some of my honest views or attempt to give me a talking to if they don't like something I said. It's like when my supervisor was talking with me and a coworker. My supervisor was complaining about having to get out of bed for work. I end up revealing my view of the job, I don't truly need it, she marveled at my response. At a future date she used it against me when she gave me a talking to.
Because those that actually go to happy hour Friday are same group of cringy software devs that never talk about anything other than redditcore NPC normieshit.
If I'll ever again have to listen to them talking about their favorite video games I'll fucking rip my face off.
Our software company also recently did a website overhaul and ended up with same ludicrous stock photo gender/race/age-neutral smiley people mishmash.
And we're basically just 45 middle aged white guys / 4 white women running everything.
sorry i've got more important things to do
>commie salute and everything
it doesnt get more blatant than this
How do I invest in this company?
Because I'm not happy
>but i was there user! dont you remember, lol omg i drank soooooo much
>literally cheering for their own genocide
White people truly are subhumans.
So why isn't someone claiming racism on this? So glad I don't ive in Muricah when I see this type of stuff
hahahahaahha this shit is just getting ridiculous
funny how dickinson college is named after a US Founding Father. those men built America for nothing.
>we're going out to lunch today, user
>sit in silence at a restaurant I dont like while coworkers higher on the totem pole lead the whole conversation
>you're so quiet user
>before I reply, yeah he's always so quiet like that heh heh heh
>oh well that's cool user heh
>so Susan you son is feeling better now??
>[hens clucking continues]
Martial arts practice.
I will come when I make it.
I don’t have time for socializing, not that I’m an incel or basement dweller but who the fuck has time to dick around when they haven’t made it yet. Probably why most of you will never make it. Stay focused anons, keep your circle small and grind it out. Best advice I can give you on my birthday today
Lol tony you don’t drink alcohol anyways!
The only thing I miss about working minimum wage was that all my coworkers were cool relatable people who I hung with often after late shifts. Now I work at a library and I love my job, but 99% of my coworkers are all senior ladies that can't even put up with the slightest adversity or walk DOWN a flight of steps, and they get on my nuts about the most minor shit. I miss having coworkers I like.
>not being "totally stoked" to work at cuckNitro
>2/7 white males
>one is blurred out way in the back corner
>other is in the back all the way to the left
she is 29 years old and looks like she's 44