Is he /ourgoldboi/?
Is he /ourgoldboi/?
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he is a merchant. he sells you fear, shiny yellow fear, and you buy it.
But recession is coming either way nigga
He presents charts, the charts say what they say. I don't buy from him.
Chris Hansen
>what are you doing here today?
All these goldniggers bought gold at JUUUST the right time, like the late 90s, (((Peter Schiff))), (((Andy Hoffman))), Mike Maloney, (((Max Keiser))), so they think "yeah gold just 5xs like all the damn time"
he presents charts but mainly he misrepresents money and fuds the financial system and the central banks all the fucking time. i greatly enjoyed the series about the history of money it was well made entertaining but full of fallacies and reaching and misinterpretation.
This. If you don't have a background in finance, you should be very careful listening to finance "gurus". It's very easy to make financial data fit the story you're trying to tell and make the conclusion look "obvious".
That series actually made me j-woke more than anything. I did buy some silver, but mostly I’m just ready to live in a jewless country.
Hidden Secrets of money episode 4 is one of the best explanations on how stuff works that I've ever seen. He's the real deal.
I am surprised he hasnt gotten suicided yet for exposing (((them))) in the hidden secrets of moeny series
what do you see as the biggest fallacies of it?
Of course, one must be suspicious as to why someone with millions of views are sharing his plans atleast. If he would benefit the most from accumulating gold and silvef he wouldn’t even tell anyone about it if he’s like most big investors
But there’s the option that he’s a legitimately caring guy who wants to tell as many as possible about how flawed that the current Dollar based financial system really is and how it will eventually come crashing down very soon and that historically, PMs has been among the best hedge options in case of recession, especially if we would actually revert back to a quality money system
Gold has gone up to counteract the dollar printing
>inflate money supply
>value of each individual unit tanks
Have your heard of the weimar republic or the roman empire? Venezuela? Europe?
He’s not wrong
His predictions could end up being way off but his presentation of the problems are spot on.
It doesn't matter what timeframe these permabulls predict, fundamentally they're all correct in that the federal reserve and government deficit spending is a pyramid scheme that only fucks you and will lead to mass destabilization of civilization eventually.
Hidden secrets of money is gud
Stage 1, a country starts out with good money which is either gold or silver or it's backed by gold or silver.
Stage 2, as it develops economically and socially it begins to take on more and more economic burdens adding layer upon layer of public works.
Stage 3, as its economic affluence grows so does its political influence and it increases expenditures to fund a massive military.
Stage 4, eventually it puts its military to use and expenditures explode.
Stage 5, to fund the war it steals the wealth of its people by debasing their coinage with base metals or by replacing their money with currency that can be created in unlimited quantities.
Stage 6, the loss in purchasing power of the expanded currency supply is sensed by the population in the financial markets triggering a loss of faith in the currency.
Stage 7, a mass movement out of currency into precious metals and other tangible assets takes place.
Faster collapse if he spreads more knowledge
he is implying gold and fiat money are fundamentally different going as far as saying gold is real money and fiat is just debt.
babbys first attempt at torlling?
Fiat is just debt though, he actually goes through the effort to prove each dollar in existence is owed back to some entity with interest.
Fiat and gold are fundamentally different.
Gold is physical and has scarcity.
Fiat is just bank notes that can be printed infinitely if wanted to. Look at Venezuela, their fiat is useless because of inflation.
Even a broken clock is right twice per day. When you are always bullish on gold/bearish on the dollar, you are going to be right eventually.
fiat has always been debt, even on a gold standard. your gold backed note is actually an IOU. the note is an 'IOU this much gold'
indeed but it goes a bit further. money is debt period. and when gold was money gold was debt.
I disagree. a debt has to be denominated in something. whether that denomination is gold bullion or a banker's balance sheet, in order for there to be a debt, there must be something in which the debt is denominated.
when gold coins were money, the gold money was not debt because there was nothing in which the debt could have been denominated. everything was denominated in terms of gold.
>a debt has to be denominated in something
money is generalized fungible iou. it is the denomination of debt naturally finding it's relative value to all goods and services.
>when gold coins were money, the gold money was not debt
yes it was. remember what money is it will help you understand! money derives it's present value from future goods and services.
no money derives its value because it is a storage of production. the amount of effort required to create the money is stored in the money and gives it value. when you hold a piece of gold, what you hold is a storage of production, like a battery that holds electricity.
fiat money is debt because that's the only way fiat can be created. fiat is government decree. government decrees have always been written on paper. every single dollar is basically a governmental decree, not that the paper has value, but that the paper is an IOU for production. the paper itself doesn't store production, but gold itself does store production.