I live in a scandinavian country, and my youtube channel recently started growing a lot. I havent given a shit beforehand because it made next to no money, but now that i might be able to make it into my main income, i need some advice on how to not pay taxes on the money i get from youtube. Do i need to move to another country? Can i just set it up so it looks like i live somewhere else? Can i make a company based in a tax haven? Whats the game plan here?
Tax evasion
what's your channel?
pay your taxes. there's a lot of immigrants who need your help. please be considerate and think of those in need.
Not important. Its just a how to channel thats getting a lot of traction lately, that screenshot is actually a week old, the numbers are much higher now.
I am gonna take care of number 1 first. Maybe i can donate to a charity when i find out how to not have the state steal half my income
Pay your taxes Scumbag. If everyone was like you the world would be a pile of shit.
For those who didn't get it. OP is a Scumbag.
Just pay it for now. You can move to somewhere else and get out of tax obligations in ca 2 years or so I think. Singapore has no capital gains tax.
fucking cuck I was just baiting, kys
Yes I agree op should be a good goyim
Ivan on Tech? Is that you?
Old Fren. I work in Insolvency. I see people with OP's attitude every week. Maybe 1 in 20 end up doing well. 19 in 20 end up with nothing. Some lucky to avoid jail.
There is nothing wrong with being a contributer to society. If you contribute more, so be it.
Better than being a selfish prick who self sabotages.
OP. This is what you do. You register as being self employed. You open up a license with your government as a registered business owner in whatever area (media for ex,), and then you start tracking your income/expenses. You can directly write off any relevant expense off your income as tax deductible. So let's say you needed a new camera or microphone to "record" videos you would write those expenses off. You can stretch this pretty far. Another example, you took out somebody for lunch that was going to be feature on your channel. Etc,etc. You will still pay tax but only a minimal amount.
>t. i do this.
Fine whatever. To no surprise no one on Biz knows anything with real world application as allways. Guess I am back to buying a condo in Beliza and Bahamas and move there in march for the low tax and cheap living. Thanks for nothing.
There we go. Finally someone with some actual useful info.
Are you an idiot, seriously?
The money comes from Youtube (Google).
They will be sending the money to a bank account in your legal name.
Where, in this process, do you see an opportunity to conceal the nature of your income?
Absolute idiot.
Thats not even close to how you get payed from youtube.
Why don't you shove a banana up your arse and hum chop suey.
>Fine whatever. To no surprise no one on Biz knows anything with real world application as allways. Guess I am back to buying a condo in Beliza and Bahamas and move there in march for the low tax and cheap living. Thanks for nothing.
Mate, how can I as a trader write stuff off? I am terrified to cash out of crypto because of the government.
Oh, I see! What do they do then, send you gift cards?
The money goes from youtube to adword, then to adsense, then to a paypal of my choosing, then to a bank account of my choosing. Please stop commenting on this thread, you have no clue what you are talking about.
Google Coin - Haven't you heard.
You probably wanna be looking at moving to Bahamas or Belize aswell if you made enough to justify it.
>The money goes from Google account to Google account to Google account
>Then to highly predatory payment processor that fully cooperates with all AML investigations and can seize your money for 6 months if they want
>then to a bank account in my legal name
>please stop destroying my delusions
Sure, you can say it like that aswell. Thanks for still not contributing at all to the conversation other than saying what everyone allready knew. I am probably not gonna be able to do this with some clever accounting bullshit.
>Sure, you can say it like that aswell
Whats your deal? Do you get some sense of accomplishment for riding someone elses high? Do you think he "won" this "argument" because he also put a picture of someone looking stupid and he reworded my statement to fit his narrative? Why is it that everyone on Jow Forums allways just commit the first fallacy they can find and then think they did something amazing to the other interlocutar?
Sorry to be a jerk but you need to look at it very realistically if you want to fuck with a government.
When you say "I want to evade taxes" what you're really saying is "I want to hide a source of income".
If the source of income is tied to your identity, and the end-destination is tied to your identity, then there is no amount of funny business you can put in the middle to hide it, the end points are all that is required for a tax authority to draw a line between them, and they will not give any "benefit of the doubt". They will simply write you a bill and offload 100% of the burden of proof onto you, good luck.
The user that gave you the business expense advise had the best solution, but even then you will have to pay some taxes.
What this comes down to is this: if you use a large corporation like Google to make money, you will have to play by the rules of Google's masters. No way around it. "Tax evasion" is a statement that you are free, not a serf of the government. If you are not a serf of the government, your money must come from some other source outside of their control, such as a blackmarket or a local barter economy, etc.
You want to benefit from their structure but not play by their rules? Then your only hope is that you do not make enough money for them to notice.
Georgia would get it
What you don't realize is that I'm not here just to have a laugh at your expense, I'm hitting you upside the head to realize what the fuck you are talking about before it becomes a bigger problem in your life.
what a bunch of NPC thots. I would gas them all.
Women don’t make history, period.
Remove squeezing some influential man out if her queef box or inspiring a man to kill another man/nation because of her brapper, and you destroy 90% of all female historicak figures.
Wahmen literally have 20% less brain power than men, and most are incapable of using what they do have due to being purely emotionak creatures. Inconvenient truth.
Look up AEOI/CRS.
You can thank the financial crisis followed by the panama papers, the football leaks, the UBS thing, the HSBC scandal and the paradise papers for effectively killing tax evasion.
2014/2015 was the last year you could effectively walk into a banking secrecy jurisdiction and tax evade at will.
The ONLY country not on track for full cooperation is the united states if you are non resident. But given the current political climate, the next non republican in the white house will *probably* take a shot at closing delaware/new mexico and for those reaching for their keyboards with a "muh states rights", the previous republican admin steamrolled far greater barriers under the national security/terrorism finance magical umbrella.
Incidentally everyone thinks Trump is proping up the current SPY bull run with his tax cuts, while the true financial flux powering this bubble is the massive unreported multi-trillion dollar transfer from absolutely every OECD/developing country account beneficiary in any tax haven you can think of directly into delaware's coffers.
The next (D) will accidentally trigger the next US crisis by harmonizing fiscal reporting standards across all OECD.
No one's fucking noticed. You can literally track those flux looking at the international bank of settlement data. Fiscal justice advocates are writing about this but investment bankers, central bank economists, analysts and PE/VC types don't talk to anybody not making 8 figures.
Scandi user here. Don't do tax evasion, they'll most likely get to you eventually. On top of that, you can't buy any expensive things if you do tax evasion. If you were living in a shit hole country or you made your money from crypto, tax evasion might be an option, but doing it in Scandinavia is pretty dumb imo. Just move out of your country. You can most likely still spend a few months per year in your home country. Countries like Malta, Bulgaria and Czech Republic a good choices if you want to stay in Europe.
Nobody here owes you anything.
Oh didn't see this. What a faggot. Will delete my advice.
go die of cancer the weak should die off if you cant be a minimal worker you have 0 value to civilisation
Yes you will pay taxes but the goal is to bring it down as much as possible. You could also buy giftcards around the holidays and say you gave them to clients. You can use these gift cards for groceries, department stores, etc. Or even just buy plain $100 vanilla mastercards. Just dont go completely overboard. Use a balance of expenses everywhere. I would also talk to an accountant about specific tax laws in your country but just ask them how you could go so about getting a register a small busines with the govt and what expenses to keep throughout the year.
"Move" to Puerto Rico.
felix pls
Sunny decree is that you?
This user knows what he’s talking about.
The US currently has the largest amount of capital inflows in the world - many multiples higher than all other nations.
Wespa, is that you?
If it touches your Bank account avoiding taxes is like gambling. Very dumb thing to try.