Prove me wrong.
Pro tip. You can't.
There are no intelligent fundamental bears
What a cutie
She eats kids
that's how she gets stemcells to stay pretty
I'd give her some kids to eat
Hey if it’s working for her I’d say keep it up
This is a Hillary board now
>biz is with her
It was her turn ffs
Looks like this is a cute hillary thread now :'(
Postem if you gotem
How did she go from to that?
guess she went from happy to ambitious
would've still fallen for her
This just makes me think of serial killer docs. But if they were the reluctant hero in the end.
I'd smell her fundamentals
Damn, she looked like Ana de Armas back in the day
Look at how beautiful our 46th president used to be.
Those Cluster B dead eyes
everybody that didnt vote for Hillary Clinton on 2016 has a less than a 70 IQ
No, she's not into cum eating. She eats carpets.
Would you fuck young hillary?
based and bluepilled
That's my fetish
This is correct
You're supposed to change your IP when samefagging
KYS retard newfag
Based and bluepilled
This is correct