Every partnershit this shit announces is some partner of a partner trash or some startup bullshit.
Sell before its too late, its all fake.
Are you fudding to accumulate more QNT, or fudding cos you’re salty?
I'm telling the truth because Gilbert and co just hype something that doesn't even exists.
You will never see its code. You will never see real partnerships and you will never get your money back.
Quant is going to $100 dollars EOY, eat your shit you dumb fucking fudder.
typical moonboi
enjoy your everdumping bags
Your just mad you didn't get in early, Quant is literally gonna fucking hit 100 EOY with REAL partnerships and actual usecases, Dumbass making false accusations with no proof, or you're just a fake fudder aka someone who's spreading lies to get the price lower, notice how you have no proof at ALL
Fud moar pls! Need more QNT at lower prices 4 my children!
got in at 0.005
sold at 0.038
staying """salty"""
Dumbass you just revealed your hand, you sold, so now you want it cheaper. Notice how you avoided my comment about proof. Nice try though but you can try again next year.
I sold because its just a fad your literal retard.
All the """"partnerships"""" were priced in and now everyone with a brain getting rid of this shit.
What do I even have to fucking prove you absolute mong?
>Muh global cloud client
>oy vey sorry we're just a part of paid startup program
>bank announcement is "in the works" for more than 6 months already
>muh tokenomics release is just a v 0.000001 crap they "worked on" for half a year
Retard confirmed
Do yourself a favor and buy some quant on this dip, dont believe your own FUD and miss out on the next antshares. When QNT moons you can look back at this and thank me.
Give me one fucking reason lmao
C'mon, I'm waiting here.
There is no point buying QNT right now.
Unless you literally want to lose money.
It's the British hustle.. You better buy Asian projects - they deliver.
"Buying QNT RIGHT NOW" you keep showing your hand, literally your right, there's no point in buying it right now when you can fud the price down (like you're attempting to do) or wait till this correction bottoms.
If speculation is the only reason for you to buy a shitcoin I suggest you fucking neck yourself.
"neck myself"
What type of nigger language is that? I dont speak black. I literally can't even see where you were going with that as it makes no sense anyway you put it. But you're black so that explains everything.
nigger boy do yourself a favor and buy QNT.
With 180k real volume id be worried right now.
-50% is around the corner.
>attacks personality instead of attacking my point
great job there, moonboi
your shit is going back to .01
Dumped this sham at 2x, overvalued af at 40milly marketcap
Volume on bittrex and upbit combined is 50k Lol real actual volume. this shit will collapse back to 20c once the panic starts when $3 breaks down very soon, it’s down 25% in just two days
Cause no one knows about it yet u faggot. Idex isnt mainstream u prick.
> Cause no one knows about it yet u faggot.
Stop deluding yourself.
Being top 1 on volume for half the year on idex alarmed everyone who needed to be alarmed when it was still sub 5 mils.
team and insiders are almost done market making so they can dump on plebs then it’s a freefall , gilbert can’t delay delivering on those fake partnerships and promises any longer . muhhh announcement of an upcoming announcement, even all the YouTubers shilling in unison can’t keep this up anymore it’s ogre
Plenty of cringe posts here for my collection. See you at 0.07 by Easter.
desperately trying to justifying your dump
You're gonna get JUSTed
Dude on average day the top vol coins get 100k.......it isnt fucking mainstream yet.
deluded pleb
quant niggers are typical moonbois
>m-muh pa-partnerships
No matter that the token is worthless piece of shit, but muh partnerships (which they are not real collaboration either, just hype)
kys faggots
This thread reminded me of why i didnt buy at 22 cents and other floors, saw the mods of r/cryptocurrency shilling it, thas all I needed to see, I go to reddit to learn what to stay far away from.
How many devs are using Quant user? Do you any idea? Of course not because it's closed source. You blind son.