I'm gonna work hard to get a promotion so I can afford a mortgage in the nice part of town

>I'm gonna work hard to get a promotion so I can afford a mortgage in the nice part of town

Attached: NPC.png (393x435, 103K)

im gonna dab on jannies EVERY FUCKING DAY

Attached: 1547591604403.gif (554x400, 238K)

good for you OP

Attached: dubs.png (258x195, 79K)

checked for back-to-back time-based digits
based without comment

Attached: 1.jpg (1000x999, 241K)

>I buy bitcones cuz fuck joos

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.u1.jpg (750x1000, 58K)

this is the most chad post ive ever seen

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>I'm a lazy piece of shit and I dehumanize hard working people so I can feel better about my pathetic life

Attached: 1441234325628.jpg (251x242, 14K)

>I'm going to post mean things about normal people because I'm abnormal and nobody likes me

Attached: 1544484692158.jpg (1242x1279, 465K)

>I'm gonna do whatever I want to do and learn new skills so I can make lots of money and retire when I'm 30... I'll start tomorrow

i am unironically hoping to purchase a condo downtown so that i can feel better about myself in front of my coworkers who are all married or splitting their rents/mortgage payments with other people.

rent it out and you'll move a step above them in the status food chain
then they'll start asking you questions about investing because they see you as a useful tool
as an equal, they only want to be your better
this is the ugly nature of all this shit

He has to buy it first. He can't buy it until his shitcoins moon. He will die homeless.

no i have 35k earning >2% interest in a savings account. i could sell my shitcoins at any moment and probably have enough for a down payment


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>I'm a wagecuck and I feel offended

this but unbrainletly

Shoot for the stars

>the nice part of town
Reminder this is code for no black people. Therefore the NPC is subtly based and redpilled.

>loses job / misses paycheck
>house repossessed
>thanks fo the money goy

thats fine dude, mommy and daddy wont always be there to pay your way and when you are a faggy bum in the grocery store parkinglot asking for money I am going to call you a fag and tell you to fuckoff.....when im 45 i'll be planning my retirement and you'll be getting your first job at mcdonalds because welfare tells you to get a job or get fucked

now go ahead dude, roleplay back....say some shit like "im a btc millionaire" or "my parents are leaving me the house"....make yourself look even more retarded

pic related: even this is too good for you

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that actually looks pretty comfy desu

kys poor fag


manlet cope

t. incel