I was just sitting in the toilet, browsing Jow Forums, and having the most comfiest shit of my life and then it occurred to me. Where do homeless people piss and shit? I don’t think there are any free public toilets around my area...
I was just sitting in the toilet, browsing Jow Forums...
in sanitary bags which are then disposed of properly
are you on the coast?
surf's up!
Do you really think all that brown stuff under the grass is dirt?
I just wonder how and where they get water to even piss. Food I can figure it out more easily.
t. notoilets
I work outside, sometimes in/around homeless camps. They shit in the dirt but usually have the common decency to bury it, even if way out in the woods.
Larger camps have dedicated bathrooms that usually include a tarped structure and a 5gal bucket that gets emptied into the local watering hole every so often.
Most are shitting in the streets while they post on here, can't you smell all these pajeets? Nice try OP, we know you're shitting on the sidewalk.
If you live in America they just shit in the streets because hurr durrr muh tax dollars better not be spent on public toilets cuz drugs
they shit in the woods squatting style. and as for peeing are you telling me youve never peed outside before?
I have been homeless before, but not scumming in the street begging, living in a tent in the woods looking for wood.
I would shower, shit and piss in the morning at a leisure centre. Piss any toilet I could in the day, shit in thewoods and bury it in the night.
Of course, mess tins, wet wipes for basic hygiene.
Not to hijack the thread but asking for some Jow Forums, im newfag here at Jow Forums
What can I do to become more wealthy other than a min wagie job, I have zero qualifications and only enough NEETbux to pay rent and bills. No savings.
Is that for kneeling down and begging
Umm, sure, and anything else you can think of where you might be on your knees. They’re multipurpose.
They shit in their pants often.
If they have enough money, they sometimes buy themselves cheap diapers.
Commiting soduku then
That is also a valid use case.
Why do you think San Francisco is having trouble with shit in the streets? They just squat and go.
Begging for cum in the back of your throat for $15
Isn’t that Indian cultural appropriation? For shame California, for shame.
It is pajeets and they're not homeless, it's their lifestyle choice.
How are there 20+ replies and nobody has pointed out that Starbucks allows anyone to sit at their tables and use their bathrooms, without buying anything?
Over here in SF the Starbucks bathrooms are notorious for homeless people smearing shit everywhere and using IV drugs and passing out inside or leaking out blood on the floor.
BASED homeless. Fuck Kikes and their stupid kike coffee. They have there board meetings wearing yamachas.
Homeless people are based + red pilled
Seattle and Denver too
Oregon not so much
Maybe because most of us don't like in shitholes like you do?
Interesting, I noticed there is a lot of shit around the chainlink HQ which is at 55 california street.
Really makes you think
I'm entitled to the bathroom of every McDonald's in the first world
$15 for a BJ? Better be the greatest BJ ever at that price.
>he doesn't use grindr to find meth/sex addicts to blow him for $5 or less.
Never gonna make it user.