How do I shill link to interdimensional demons?

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Take a shit ton of acid or shrooms and dwell upon shilling, demons from the warp will pick up the scent

Smoke deemster and try not to lose your entire sense of self.

the machine elves shill link to (you)

He needs to take dmt. Best way for contacting demons is harvesting it live from a tortured young victim (dmt release/buildup in pineal gland before death), but any way works.

Yup, seems to be the other way around.
T. no pants.

I took three tabs of acid last summer and successfully switched to a profitable timeline. I 40x'ed my ETH since then.

Well, this is all terrifying

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relax man its only drugs

I did aya in December 2017 and switched to the Justed timeline

LINK is already known by demons, its KEK= BAAL expression into the finance world.

Lol, I know but isn’t the concept of real demons deep within the geometry of the universe absolutely hair raising? I have lost my self temporarily on a HEAVY dose of mushrooms. (First time) I respect the wave-plane or angle-plane or whatever you can say to describe the mechanics of the universe that our senses provide a thin mask for. I have timidly taken smaller doses, but I learned much from my first time and fear and respect the power of that plane or part of our mind or whatever it is. I may never take DMT because of this. Props to those that have the balls

When I say lost myself I don’t mean I had negative after effects like some Cuck. I mean that I did not know I had a body or name for what felt like weeks but was only hours.

Inter-dimensional, Deterministic, Holarchic, (((SmartContracts))), are practically what angels/demons are. Such a tool would have allowed us, "gods" to be immune from the (((Lies))) which are unique to our condition... We have the ability to forget and now also remain immutable. The use case for a Satan here as your accuser is disintermediated, counter-party risk eliminated.

t. nopants

You have to visit them I guess... DMT is particularly good for meeting dieties. Never did Ayhuasca but that would be your best bet if you have the proper setting and and least one other irl person that knows about LINK in the room to help guide you.

But, DMT really should work fine. Good luck have fun!

The reason we have remained interesting to higher aspects is precisely our probabilistic attention/focus/intention.

That crypto isolates the deterministic and probabilistic systems to solve the byzantine generals problem is an existential problem for The City, Babylon who's business since forever is exploiting information asymmetries and mocking Man.

Just smoke crack

there is only one way
make everyone reincarnate with the innate knowledge of link

You mean what Jews do

adrenochrome harvesting of a child, preferably an intelligent male.

Go to a pharmacy, buy a 2 bottles of Robitussin and take enough for a 4th plateu trip

Shill them also Monero, thanks and good luck

The absolute state of chainfags

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>wave-plane or angle-plane
Great name for it desu

Mushrooms changed my personality. I was a complete narcissist. I'd love to do DMT some day, but it scares the shit out of me. The last time I did mushrooms I went deep, and it's quite the ordeal to go through.

get on our level you triflin bitch

unironically during the December '17 shillstorm when I had like 100 different shitcoins on my radar and constantly trying to decide which one to chase next for a quick pump and which 20 or 30 ones to 'hodl' through 2018 in my longterm portfolio, I vaped 50mg of fresh hand-extracted spice and the elves gathered and performed a sort of ring-around-the-rosy dance with their arms interlinked in concentric circles and in the center was the white-and-blue chainlink cube. It was incredibly bright and rotating at a dizzying speed. It didn't actually say CHAIN LINK on it, the logo was in some fucked up alphabet I couldn't decipher.

It stands as one my most powerful hyperspace visits to date. Unfortunately they did not share a future price with me.

I only had had a brief awareness of chainlink at the time I tripped, just from browsing a few breadcrumb threads on Jow Forums halfheartedly. The experience really made me dig into LINK, its connections and use cases and I really started to believe it might be the next huge thing. By late January I was all-in and I've been all-in ever since.

It's been hell waiting but at least I've got my long-term capital gains locked in so I'm ready for singularity whenever now.

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Is it me or all that psychedelics do is spike your serotonin? All the 'mystical insights' seem like just a more Chad way of putting things you already have in your head.
That was my experience.

>needing drugs

gateway program

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Link is the literal implementation of the PROTOCOL OF GOD. "Smart contracts" (as enabled by the Chainlink network) really are too limited of a term to describe what they actually enable. I wonder if we could come up with a better term. Something like "autonomous truth engines".

This user gets it, post more.