Honest price predictions?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>Honest price predictions
$528.37 eoy

>only $100

This is fud

30c eom

20c eoy

15 cents EOM, 15 dollars EOY

this is assuming ads launch smoothly. if ads don't launch or are full of bugs and glitches then 5 cents it is

honestly, Brave/BAT has the potential to be the seemless peer to peer cash platform BTC was suppose to be. It makes sense to me now now, yes the browser and token combo together will create a synergistic effect facilitating the transition to web 3.0. Brendan Eich is a genius.

To gamble on the day to day price of BAT will be scene as mistake in the future. $5? $10? pennies. Most won't even see it coming.

>the browser and token combo together will create a synergistic effect facilitating the transition to web 3.0. Brendan Eich is a genius

Attached: 1545937866358.jpg (339x339, 8K)

Depends on how well ads launch and how many prominent youtubers shill for their supper. Anywhere from $0.10 to $100 eoy. After what XRP did in December of 2017, such a prediction isnt ludicrous.

I'm glad others see it this way too. Fusing a cryptocurrency with a browser is ingenious, and being able to earn the currency is unprecedented.

Brave/BAT work on solving problems that need to be fixed (the fraudulent, broken online advertising industry + online privacy), while using cryptocurrency, while giving users an incentive to learn about cryptocurrency, use it, and eventually invest in it.

I know BAT has dumped like a bitch in the past year, and maybe its price movement has never been convincing, but the idea and the team behind Brave/BAT is too insanely good to pass this shit up. It has to work out in the end.

Attached: bat.png (1680x955, 38K)

Price prediction?

50 cents peak

lol maybe in the next bull-run. This project is a paper tiger and eich is a washed up fag basher IN SILICON FUCKING VALLEY. This shit's going nowhere. They did a quick cash grab and the UGP is being used to fill their pockets with fiat. Y'all got had.

Imagine not knowing the only true God of silicon valley is profit and sjw shit only gets lip service.

dubs suggest ur gey

Brave has some very serious privacy issues, specifically the foced whitelisting of tracking scripts by failbook and twatter. If the project goes in the right direction and more people use it, bat could do well.

Then theres the issue of Brave's vast majority control over coin supply.

So you can now listen to YouTube with your phone screen off using Brave. it's over! game over man $1000 eoy confirmed

>specifically the foced whitelisting of tracking scripts by failbook and twatter

Attached: baby face.jpg (385x383, 19K)

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>citation needed




stay poor

Attached: batgeorge.jpg (600x450, 53K)

>mfw it doesn't work on the iOS version


no thanks faggots

Attached: rty.png (1940x538, 64K)

>mfw the browser tracks the value of the currency live (just saw my 40 complementary BAT go from $5.12 to $5.13

I have to admit that's pretty cool.


Post photos of babies all you want, point still stands.

John Mccain?

lol holy shit, i used this browser for almost a year now and never knew this

>Post photos of babies all you want, point still stands.

Attached: baby face2.jpg (286x200, 10K)

Attached: babby3.jpg (467x600, 36K)

>Post photos of babies all you want, point still stands.

Does it though? Where have you been the last 3 days?

Attached: babby4.jpg (352x259, 26K)

>point still stands.
>point still stands.

>still stands.

>still stands.

Attached: babby5.jpg (196x250, 6K)

>Post photos of babies all you want
>point still stands

Attached: babby6.png (92x115, 18K)


Attached: babby7.jpg (373x521, 29K)

triggered beyond reason

>I haven't researched BAT in over one week
>here's some FUD
>point still stands.

oh yeah?

Attached: babby20.jpg (361x361, 24K)

>s-stop posting babbys

Attached: babby9.jpg (290x174, 7K)

Attached: babby10.png (835x709, 213K)

>triggered! y-you're triggered stop posting babbys!!

Attached: babby11.jpg (394x453, 31K)

Keep posting
Daddy Brendan demands it

Attached: 1531513502590.jpg (960x956, 137K)

>c-c'mon I know you're triggered, please stop posting babbys!!!

Attached: babby19.png (594x603, 351K)

>I-I'm begging you, I know you're triggered, please stop babby posting!

Attached: babby69.png (857x638, 555K)

>t-triggerred!!!!!!!!!! please stop!!!!

Attached: babby911.png (641x640, 554K)

Link tier

>th-this can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

Attached: babby411.png (1013x682, 499K)

20 INR by EOY or I eat my turban.

Attached: 20 INR.jpg (840x358, 103K)

Attached: babby451.png (1002x672, 87K)

Attached: babby411 copy.png (2026x1364, 1.16M)

>trust me folks, my vaporware coin is much better than BAT!

> we've got the best vaporeware out of all the fucking vapeurware in existence!

>My VapeureWaire Coin blows every other VaporWear Coin straight out of the water! Oour Vaporwear coin is the BEST vaporware coin there in in the WHOLE cryptosphere!

Attached: babby b&w.png (405x273, 98K)

Attached: babby blue.png (1013x682, 402K)

Attached: babby green.png (709x477, 337K)

honestly tho BAT prob won't work. i can't see a future where people get paid to see ads. ofc that's not literally what's happening but per cash flow that's what's happening (unless I misunderstand the project)

$.05 by June. Cap this. No seriously. This is where it will be.

LIES. just checked

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>Brave/BAT has the potential to be the seemless peer to peer cash platform BTC was suppose to be
this is the dumbest possible take and I am convinced you are all idiots under the age of 15

include me in the screencap please


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That youtube video was pretty convincing; I think it was an android phone though.

>the video was also a year old for what it's worth

$5 EOY

me too champ let my kids know that i didnt buy in because i didnt want to lose money cheers


Got 1.700 bat, enough to make it?