She really is off her rocker isn’t she?
She really is off her rocker isn’t she?
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She’s the one we need to set this whole thing off
Well she's not wrong. It is near impossible to win a lawsuit when you're poor vs rich
Alexshitria Ocuntio Craptez
She’s descriptively correct but that function is required to have a wealthy society
We need her to run for President in 2020. She can't win.
Wow man that was so great. You should post more.
Sound about right. Generally, Marx is right. But his program is dangerous.
Although if I look at that quote, the "none at all" is overly dramatic and doesn't apply to almost anybody. To say "have much less" would have sufficed.
I'm voting for her when she runs for president because it's in cryptos best interest.
>her shit won't get passed
>economy will still tank
Win win
She’s based AND redpilled, my waifu
AOC is going to make anime real
Kinda aside but did you see her in that youtube vid that was shot when she was in college. the dancing one? She's what, 29 now? In the vid she was early 20's. She looked way better in the dancing video, imo.
It pains me to say, but her economic knowledge is only slightly below the average member of Congress'.
But this particular quote shouldn't even be controversial. It's simply the truth. The law itself is the haves defending themselves against the have-nots with made-up rules.
Take a basic crime like robbery. Who do you think worries more about being mugged? The homeless guy living under a bridge or the millionaire in his gated community? I have worked at a court before. Trust me - the law is eminently in favor of the rich and designed to keep the poor down. That's a feature of the system, not a bug (and I don't care, since I'm relatively well off myself).
Bitch doesn’t realize that man’s own mind and body are his property, and a government that seizes the “means of production” is, by necessity, taking control of each individual’s ability and means for exercising their free will and agency over their own property/mind/body/“means of production”.
The fact that the Constitution tasks the government with the paramount responsibility to protect “property” is hand in hand with protecting their freedom from involuntary servitude.
She's not wrong, because that's exactly how property rights work. The court system enforces your property rights. That, and just punishment of crime are the root, fundamental purposes of the social contract.
She is literally not wrong at all. This board is just filled with angry white boy's so they have no comprehension of what the real world is like outside of their warped homogenous bubble's.
> t.richwhiteboi
*whisper it*
The primary function of government security forces is to protect property rights. Not to protect you.
>The court system enforces your property rights. That, and just punishment of crime are the root, fundamental purposes of the social contract.
So start claiming your body and mind/freewill as your property (especially if somebody trespasses on it) because it’s yours to exercise dominion over as you see fit so long as you don’t trespass on the property of others.
he's kind of right but all the power is still consolidated within a small group at the top. Which is always the issue when the government grows to large and can't scale.
And no libertarian-anarcho fags this doesn't mean you're right either. Go read Hobbe's and Locke dum dums.
The absolute STATE of biz
pro tip: Your body is your property. Most people are too stupid to identify it as such. The courts and cops treat such people accordingly.
She will liberate us, Jow Forums
Antifa supports you, Our Queen.
Jesus christ you fucking retards it's an Adam Smith quote.
You drooling halfwits are ignorant of basic economic theory and principle and have nothing but bitter, reactionary knee-jerks to constitute your beliefs and philosophies.
Get fucked you genetic failures. She's the future.
She’s got crazy eyes
She doesn’t look stable or reliable at all. If it’s her or trump I’ll go with trump. If the dems come up with a non socialist I’ll vote for them
>states one fact as to Adam Smith being the author of the quote
>proceeds to vomit a bunch of personal opinions based on nothing objective whatsoever
the cope is palpable with this user
Kek. This board is full of absolute brainlets who think they're smart.
>This goy thinks his vote matters
> gets trolled
> doesn't like getting called dumb for getting trolled
In addition to being a genetic failure, you're also a policy failure. With more public funding for education this ineptitude (not knowing basic economic history on an economics board) could have been prevented.
Am I doing it right?
are you happy? will the memory of this victory make you happy when Trump gets reelected anyway? be happy, fren.