Anyone else here still a virgin?
>tfw 28 year old KHV who still lives at home
Anyone else here still a virgin?
>tfw 28 year old KHV who still lives at home
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yes 29
Spend $3000 on a sex vacation to Thailand. You'll be bored of sex within a week.
i dont want herpes
Paid sex is like play GTA San Andres with money maxxed, all cheat codes activated, infinite ammo, non death and everything else killing a Ballas that cant even hit you because the IA sucks.
where in Thailand?
nah, I was crushing puss in high school and college. 20 wamyn at least. I've been on a dry spell for the last 2 years tho. 0 action once you get out of college. In the adult world its way harder to crush puss. You have to compete against actual men and not just college boys. Feels bad man.
My ass still virgin, if that counts anything.
HSV-1 herpes is incredibly common among adults. I haven't caught it yet but I'm not even worried about that.
Pattaya is the most bang for your buck. Literally.
i know, but girls are scary
27, looking forward to becoming a wizard
makes me smile knowing there's some roastie my age who I am "supposed" to be getting cucked by right now instead of hoarding my shekels for myself.
That's some positive vibrations right there. Instead of thinking I'm an incel, I'll tell myself I'm depriving some roastie of my shekels.
none of this shit is remotely as hard as you incels make it out to be. just have to be reasonable and shoot for in or under your league, at least to start. stop being pussies and get out and do something about it.
I wish virgins had their own separate internet they weren't allowed to leave until they've had sex so they'd stop spamming the actual internet with their obsession with wet holes.
once my mountain of shekels is large enough i might buy some 16 year old 3rd world womb slave to bear my heirs, that is the only use I have for a woman
just lmao @ these roasties with their student loan debt thinking some chump like me was going to bail them out
we do and you're on it, normie. gtfo
Jow Forums is normie central you dumb nigger. Go post about your dry dicks on wizchan where you belong.
29 year old virgin here. I hate living.
Lost it in December. 24 right now. She is 22 and we are serious. She bleed and I was really shocked. She was a virgin like me. She is a beauty but had a religious family so didn't have a bf until now. She is an engineer and earns a lot. I have no job but she loves me and said we could get married and I could be a work at home dad. I'm constantly applying for jobs now so if anyone has anything related to writing or Digital marketing please let me know
>implying any heterosexual man isn’t obsessed with wet holes
Kill yourself idiot, we’re all here shitposting to get more sex and power
>I can't have sex because I'm not rich yet
Euthanasia is the only option for you I'm afraid
the good news is there are worse fates than being a KHV. for instance, you could be married.
Hell no I fucked myself so much with crypto that I'm a fucking seasoned vet... oh wait.....
Yea dude for sure I got this sweet digital marketing position open. You sound perfect for it.
Ever heard of the website blacked? its exactly like that but strictly gays.
You’d be filming each scene then publicly advertising for us.
When can you start?
10 months to wizardom here.
Although I have kissed girls before, if that counts for anything.
23 yo KHHFFPV (kissless hugless handholdless flirtless friendless partyless virgin)
>tfw 29yo KHHFFPV
If your serious I would be happy to work for you. I'm not judgemental and all I care about is my family and money. I can start as soon as possible. Please give me your contact info
32 virgin. live at home.
25 virgin here.
Going to become a wizard.
I will not have sex until I make it. Women are a distraction and a trap. They keep you complacent.
Studies show those who had sex in high school are less successful.
What keeps you going?
i have no interest in relationships and would probably be on anti-depressants, but i really don't like leaving the house, so i've never been to a therapist.
>the have excellent gf
>Work with attractive women, most of which are attracted to me
>Back in University and get way more female attention than I did when I was younger
>So much puss available but untouchable because my current relationship is so good that it's not worth it
Honestly, there is no winning.
Dont worry, when you hit 40 women will look at it as a blessing. Or theyll think youre a murderer.
but muh meat flaps
How are some of you virgins? I don't get it. It's not that hard to get laid
Good on you man for not being degenerate and jeopordizing your relationship over primal urges.
I'm almost positive that's not true. there's no way
I don't know how any of it works
thats what i'm fuckin saying. I swear 80% of these comments are just retards over exaggerating to get attention.
It starts within you unironically. Stop thinking about it, obviously whatever you’re doing right now isn’t working. Change the process or endure it
based Azn
in my case it is true I am a 29 year old kissless hugless handholdless flirtless friendless partyless virgin
never even saw naked bob in real life
>obviously whatever you’re doing right now isn’t working.
I do nothing and dont know what else to do
Do something about it or learn to cope. I want you to make it user.
lost virginity at 14 (well, it was a blowjob. Real sex at 15 first time) and fucked around 10-12 long term relationship women. Now 29 yo. You faggots should kys, unironically. If you think crypto going to moon (which may unironically never happen again) is going to help you... I have bad news for you.
I lost mine at 27. 29 now. girl couldn't even tell I was a virgin. I guess my years of porn taught me what to do.
I lost it to some roastie. I always wanted a waifu, even when I was just 19-20. It never came and I just waited and waited and next thing you know I was 27 and a virgin and decided I just needed to lose it so I could be comfortable around women.
I dont know how its too much work at this point
porn is ok I guess
if you havent lost it at school you most likely never will. I mean it doesnt get any easier than that at any point in life. You are just unfuckable autistic ugly (and most likely) poorfag.
I agree with the other poster. you need to do something different, that's the only way anything will ever change. You have to be brutally honest with yourself, and you'll need to step out of your comfort zone.
it fucking sucks doing that. i mean it REALLY fucking sucks, but if you can manage to power through, it'll be the best decision of your life if you keep it going.
27 here don't know what to do at this point. Had a chance with one girl years back, but i fucked up. I know im not bad looking i just need to try harder.. going to start cold approaching again.. i gotta do something. wish me luck fellas.
I went straight from high scool to work. I can confirm its way harder
Well it is
fucking yes, that's the attitude you need to have to get anywhere with this shit. go out and do something about it.
you shouldn't have been too pussy to use backpage
Good news user. Theres a sectioned off site called Jow Forums most of them are attracted to
That’s the spirit bro. Keep up that cope :^)
Just dont agree to sell knives door to door or anything pyramid schemey
I'm not a virgin but my dick doesn't work and has never worked well, so instead of killing myself I want to make a lot of money and give my aging parents and double digit IQ brother the comfortable life I would have deserved if I wasn't a genetic dud myself, and maybe get into philanthropic causes like life extension and crowdfunding
Could also be that the people who had sex in high school were never meant to make it anyway. I doubt if they were all future Dan Bilzerians they wouldve been thwarted by some cute stoner chick from culinary
but these anons
seem fine. I've never heard a really good reason to play the field and fuck hoes. The real redpill is that sex is mostly just a meme unless you're making babies/actually care about the girl
Try watching some todd v dating
Dude, just go on Tinder or POF, start talking to a girl, meet up with her and make a move. You don't need to be some social expert or hunk to get sex. If you're scared, start with an ugly girl first and in a setting where you don't really need to commit too much socially. Maybe pick her up at night time in your car and take her to some park or something, talk for a bit and just touch her, then kiss her, etc.
It's a natural interaction, don't overthink it. One thing you need to do is establish some sort of closeness early on, though. Like, talk sweet to her and try to hold her hand for a bit, put your hand on her thigh, etc. If you don't, it will be hard to get with her afterward.
You have to basically just take her, you can't be a pussy. When she's with you, 90% of the work is done.
Oh and, dress nice and look good too, wear cologne.
Youre literally explaining this to a bunch of beta cuck boys. Who are more than likely 90% buttfuck ugly who a girl wouldnt want anywhere near them.
Do you jerk off 24/7? If so, stop, cause that's probably why.
>90% buttfuck ugly
i mean maybe there's like 10 guys like that, but most incels aren't super ugly, just dusty
Goddamit anons! Is this the kind of shit you idiots talk about on Jow Forums late night? I will not put up with this bull shit on Jow Forums biz. You beta mother fuckers blew it this Valentines, and I will not let this shit happen again. All you neets need to get laid is a fat wallet and confidence. I'll fix your fat wallet problem...that confidence problem is on your therapist. Now get your pathetic asses into this thread right now, and lets get those wallets fat quick.
Porn is your problem. You poor little soul havent put two and two together yet.
They can find ugly girls. And they need to make themselves look presentable. Even ugly guys can get laid if they have a shred of game. It's not that hard at all. And if you guys don't want to go through the trouble of being presentable and running some game, then just go pay for a bj or sex. There's no excuse for not being able to bang, unless you're physically paralyzed or something.
no, porn isnt a problem for me
I dont know what do different
just going outside and do what?
for woman Im invisible anyway
thank you for the kind words rakesh but I don't want to buy that
>tfw girls interested in me but I overthink elevating the situation so they get bored and move on
how do I elevate contact with women, seems like I never got over moving in on a girl and getting dissed, now I don’t do it at all, just overthink it
Nah just a couple times a week.
I'm sure losing my figurative virginity to Sailor Moon tentacle rape and OTHER anime lesbian porn in my early teens fucked me up to an extent but I really don't jerk off all that much. I think I'm actually physically injured from taking shots to the sack, having "masturbated wrong" when I was younger (rather than volume itself; prone masturbation-it's an autist thing) and perhaps even Peyronie's disease (my dick literally looks like an accordion or something sometimes when I have to piss it's unreal).
I'm also circumcised and the few times I've been able to manage brief, awkward and kys-tier embarrassing sex it's felt more like I was jerking off with a dusty baseball catcher's mitt that's been in a climate-uncontrolled garage since the 90s (nerve damage?) than the intimate or exciting experience normies get from it.
I'm pretty despondent about the whole thing; I don't think there's any way out for me that doesn't come out of the barrel of a gun, but I don't want to give up on life that easily when I can still do positive things for those around me with it. There are a lot of people worse off than all that. Might as well cuck myself to a greater good if I'm able rather than just sit around feeling sorry for myself.
Establish a bit of intimacy early on. Be aggressive. You have to act like a man around a woman. You have to remove all your social conditioning and just act rugged. Think of her as an object or a tool, designed by natural for your satisfaction and progression. You guys are fucking men, don't forget that.
Why dont you go to bars or use Tinder? 2 years is way too long for a dry spell
tlc tugger might be worth a shot. you can keep your head area wrapped up so it keratinizes, then its more sensitive when you take it off.
and with sex i found if you don't worry about her pleasure, and just do whatever position & movements give yourself the most pleasure, its a lot easier to get off.
also quality condoms go a long way.
Nature *
You've probably become numb due to masturbating too much. Or do you just have low testosterone? It could be a combination of both. Consider what it's like to eat food when you're starving vs when you're close to full.
It's a completely different experience. That also applies to sex as well. If you've gone a week or 2 without sex, it's a lot more enjoyable and much easier to finish too, vs when you've been masturbating or having sex regularly.
Level 33 archmage checking in. I have a bachelor of science, make 90K (fuck you, biz, it’s a lot for me), medfag sales job and chiseled abs. I’ve won s powerlifting competition and write my own music too.
You can have the rest of life dialed in and still hate yourself too much to approach women and push those away that show blantant interest or approach you.
Here’s how I’ve made it this long;
>Never leave the house except to work, train or spend time with family.
>let any depression or neuroses go untreated (adderall for adhd currently, but no therapy or anti depressants)
>watch porn compulsively, shit post and play vidya
The other guys here are right though; it isn’t that hard to have sex or date or be in relationships with enough effort.
I can’t see myself sharing my life with a partner or experiencing intimacy or sex of any kind, but after awhile you can redirect that energy. I get lonely sometimes and admit that I’ve missed out on s huge part of life, but it’s more time to perfect my physique, refine my career, cook delicious meals, play vidya, write music and whatever else.
hey i’m going to cut the shit with all you guys. I’m 35+ married two kids. I wouldn’t normally be reading this shit but here I am. I was a virgin till I met my wife. We didn’t wait for marriage, but I am a follower of Christ and wish I had. Sex is bullshit. Intimacy is real. Sex is easy. Intimacy is hard. Practice makes perfect is the lie sold to you. Diseases and cheapening of Love is reality. Don’t ever think less of yourself for inexperience. It is all a farce. You are a man, go get a real girl, and don’t lower yourself for an unworthy whore. Find a girl your match in wit and desires.
Good luck anons. I fuckin love you all. Reading about some of you shitcoin baggies and despairfags has rendered my heart, despite how scarred it is
Any ideas for turning off the part of my brain that thinks I need to be with someone? I’m tired of my ape brain sending signals to reproduce and be social.
can a fella know how soft a naked boob is around these parts
words can't describe it
God. Seek him out, He is surely with me and nothing else compares or fills. Take it from me user. I don’t bitch and I don’t look back, but I could write a book about my life of heartbreak and tragedy; but I Will Not. I look forward to the bright future #WWG1WGA
that crypto will make me rich
I tried to put it to words and couldn’t. Nothing compares desu
28 and live at home.
only had sex with prostitutes.
so technically i am still a khv if you consider that none of them was attracted to me.
The monks make it work. I should try for myself.
>I just needed to lose it so I could be comfortable around women.
did it work?
read the bible cover to cover with an open heart. You will not walk away unchanged.
Not him, but here's what works for me.
I would recommend getting into meditation and taking it seriously. This is the most active way to dramatically reshape your mind and deal with difficult thoughts/feelings.
To sum it up briefly: reality is composed of three elements.
1. Impermanence - all experiences, from large to small, are impermanent. By observing reality moment-to-moment you can see how thoughts, feelings & sense perceptions arise and drop away by themselves.
2. Unsatisfactoriness - in every moment of life, if you look closely, you can clearly perceive the sensation of dissatisfaction. This is the reason for all human striving - people believe that by gaining money, or pleasure in the future, they can alleviate this feeling (it doesn't work).
When I started actively seeking out this sensation, it was shocking to realize that some form of dissatisfaction is ALWAYS there, remaining stable for hours on end. But by confronting it, you can transcend it.
3. No self - the fact that your sense of self or ego is unstable, can drop away at any moment/come back and has no fixed structure. Observance of this fact
A person who acquires great knowledge of these three through direct experience attains enlightenment.
Can be tough to define what this is, but in brief, this is the only way you can ever solve the riddle of life - not through gaining money, wealth, status, women or anything else that people generally pursue. Some enlightened masters, like Ramana Marharshi, live in caves their entire lives in deep satisfaction with no need for socialization or modern comforts.
Now, there's no guarantee that this will solve all your neuroses. It hasn't solved mine. But they are reduced, and far easier to live with - I can see them becoming completely irrelevant in the next meditation retreat or two I take.
If any of this is interesting to you, one book I would recommend is "Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha." I've been meditating for a decade, picked this one up recently and it greatly improved my practice.
Besides all that: martial arts are a nice social outlet. Although be wary of injuries. Haven't been to class in a few months since someone heel hooked my ass.
100% I can agree that true joy is not achieved through stuff.
I have personally observed very wealthy people with very dissatisfied lives... and also in my youth visited Jamaican orphans with the most exhuberant joy for life I ever saw...
Quality posts, fren. I think even the promiscuous people are looking for contentment in the wrong places too. Seeking out pleasure can’t be the end goal.
brother im going to have to need
Where/how did you two meet?
Damn dude you hit the jackpot. How lucky do you get on the slots? I’d buy a lottery ticket if I were you
Blacked is a meme
>thing I dont like should be banned
No, lost it at 19
I was quite beta back then and never had sex with my ex’es either so in the summer of the year before I decided to open an online dating account.
Eventually I found a flip who was a very good match despite living in a third world country as she was educated, intelligent, had plenty of common sense, wasn’t from a poor family, didn’t follow herd mentalities and also came from a country with huge potential
A year later I visited her and on the first day she wanted sex, which felt like an embarrassment for me as I couldn’t get hard, I actually cummed quickly without realizing or feeling after jacking off in an attempt to get harder
I’m still with her although I’m no longer as beta as I used to and is infact among the more extroverted people in my country