What are your goals in life?
Mine is to start a PMC.
What are your goals in life?
Mine is to start a PMC.
private male contractors?
you mean a gay escort service?
hold the world record for most money made of cat racing
To reach a point where I don't want to kill myself.
Acquire enough influence to increase chances of improving this joke of an education system
it's importance is underlooked. Education system has to make kids based and redpilled.
Say, there is a child, parents are fighting all day and eventually break up. Child gets abused, gets self-conscious, gets dumber. How do you prevent that so parents won't be retarded assholes? Spread religion as the cheapest solution? Suck out dry all third-world countries economies to improve quality of life of those retards?
No, you just can't prevent domestic violence and divorces. This child might grow up as not the best individual to deal with. He might do a lot of random bullshit nobody will happy about, even he himself eventually, unless he went completely crazy. Crime, addictions, depressions, suicides. So what you want to do in this case is to decrease chances of degradation through education system. Let education system replace braindead parents.
I just want a quiet life.
To escape to the perma-winter NEET fortress
How would you even start someThing like that lmao
you're probably a fat neckbeard retard who will get imprisoned for the rest of your life 5 mins after starting it
open a bar and party with my friends forever
Move to a frozen wasteland and construct a laboratory where I can test my scientific hypotheses.
Don't want a lambo, don't want 3dpd women, just want to do research and invent stuff
shut the FUCK up
Same but a gym with a bar.
Are they looking for bitcoins
>putting children in government run institutions will surely be better than traditional parenting!
Not kidding or being ironic, you should really consider killing yourself due to the microscopic chance you get an ounce of public influence and try to make this happen.
>Mine is to start a PMC.
spotted the parent
remember that the vast majority of parents are brainlets. much moreso than the slightly stupid public officials who would design such programs.
Live old and in good health
you want to raid the homes of British terrorists who like anti-Islamic tweets?
>slightly stupid public officials who would design such programs.
holy fuck, I cannot believe that you think some faceless, blameless, corrupt bureaucrats would be able to handle raising kids effectively
I think you must be trolling, because your opinion is so horrific, abominably stupid, and contrary to all evidence in reality that for maybe once in a very long time, I don't believe that anybody can actually legitimately hold that position.
>no arguments, just fear
yup, I sure spotted the parent.
you can't user, the education system is intentionally kept that way. Just focus on your child
I bet you were beaten as a kid lmao
>no arguments
My argument is my gun, that I will pick up and use to murder you, if you ever try to take children away from my friends, and family, to raise as government drones. It is perhaps the one thing I would die to prevent happening, or die in order to inflict pain and suffering on the people trying to do it.
I will personally try to kill you if you try to make it happen in my country. That is my sincere promise to you.
I am sorry that you had shitty parents and apparently such a terrible childhood that you think being placed into the system is preferable. That really sucks for you, but you will have to do it to other kids over my dead body.
end my suffering
both of you are correct it just depends on context
For example in China or singapore it is in the gov's interest to make sure their children are smart
In US there seems to be a systematic strategy to keep people retarded through food, water, air, education, etc. However this only applies to the plebs, rich people will have access to top quality education
mate he's just trying to say that not everyone can have access to good parents so the only way to ensure every child turns out alright (therefore ensuring the strength of a nation) is to make sure public education is great.
Great idea but unrealistic
I used to be like you, until I learned to numb the pain. Now I just feel nothing
I actually think families in good communities are the best, and that the dumb abusive parent situation (and global overpopulation as well as the useless breeder problem) is best solved through restricting the right to breed.
I just wanted to confirm that you were triggered due to selfish feelings as a parent rather than a sense of concern for children in general, so I pushed your buttons a little.
Humans should never try to play god, putting the State as God and saying that it will make everything unquestionably "perfect" is the worst kind of faith you can have
You three should team up.
>Desolate winter fortress laboratory creating all kinds of sci-fi shit, protected by and experimenting on an elite PMC of augmented super soldiers.