Hey there queerbabies. Now that Sub is dead, what internet coin/token should I put my money in to?

Hey there queerbabies. Now that Sub is dead, what internet coin/token should I put my money in to?

>Elastos is being sued for securities fraud
>NKN is worthless faggotry
>Skycoin is okay but has not even gotten through any of their three mainnets this year.
>Holochuck is the dumbest fucking leftist vaporware circlejerk I've ever heard of
>Zeronet is decent, slow and steady

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Is the second phone for her escort job?

UBT. Highest volume on IDEX. It's getting ready to pump. HEED MY WARNING OR STAY POOR!

Well if you can't tell what coin Jow Forums has been telling you to buy for the past two years then you should kill yourself.


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no no no

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>NKN is worthless faggotry

You are literally never going to make it

I suggest you check the different Skycoin telegrams, listen to the plan and progress, and decide.

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The problems with Skycoin is the distribution controlled by the owners, the "special" nature of the owners, and the crazy ambition of the whole thing. If the coin distribution wasn't as it is I would go all in. But having some small bag considering their current work is indeed wise.

cleary something is wrong with this algo

Attached: bchshitcoin.png (718x517, 40K)

Better than setting it up on predetermined rates. You're welcome to suggest a better alternative to the clear issues in PoW/PoS. Distributing based on bandwidth and software bounties isn't a bad deal.

>not bad
k lol

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Mcap doesn't mean anything really. All coins are slumping and the only things that are real action in the market is which teams are being gutted from the outside or running out of money.

Her dress look like those colour blind test. Who is this bitch?

>no girl will ever send you pictures like these

Attached: Chewiewhatawookie rolled a random image posted in comment 170 at _d63bbb8a9e8f597931d0aec6069dc84b.j (633x758, 143K)

>All coins are slumping
how did I make 100x in roughly a year then?

Top kek

they wont, cus its for her 5000000000 instagram followers

>99% crash

All coins are slumping yes, but this one coin beat them all, expect for something like bitconnect.

what does NKN even do lol, and dont come with "read whitepaper" or something, explain it

UBT wasn't on the list, do you know why?

It's actual adoption.

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>how do I lose money

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