How many kids do you plan on raising anons?
How many kids do you plan on raising anons?
I would like 3-4 kids, but realistically I'll have 0.
if you are white, you got it bro. Find you a wife. make it happen. the world needs whites.
if you are non-white, don't worry about it, keep playing video games and wasting your life.
I have already two. Not planing on having more, at least with the same mother or in the next 10 years. If I am like 50 and I am filthy rich, the wouldn't mind having some 20's yo replacement tho.
0, I’m unqualified to be a parent
I'm white, 6'3", not fat, and a PhD student in molecular biology. It's not looking too good for me user.
0 why would i willingly waste my life on parasites
Same story here. The wife barely survived thw last pregnancy
I have 3. 2 girls and a boy. A task for life, it's funny though.
Zero, but I do plan on making at least 10 women raise them for me. Already up to number 4.
None. Don't like kids, don't like roasties all that much and don't want to waste money.
Learn some toxicology and go into drug analysis.
0, I hate the idea of having children to sap me of my funds until their 18.
Would rather adopt than have my own.
Probably 0, not cus i cant trick a roastie into being with me, just not sure i would want to bring children into the world.
exactly 1 because I want to help solve the overpopulation problem
and no niggers, indians, or shit asians care about you doing "your part", stupid fucking betamale
Says the guy making kids with single mothers who are going to grow up to be drug dealers.
Good work lol
Theyll more likely end up being trannies with the way societys currently going
if any of my happa kids turn into trannies I will fly back to SEA and then fuck them in the ass
>SEA and single mother
Well shit bro your kids have like a 100% tranny rate good luck on fucking your children then i guess
I'm going to fuck them straight you fag
Ye who turn into rappers who fuck your children. My dad left my mom too. Its horrible ye but at least i am not a faggot and planning to do this to 3-5 women myself.
Why do you need money if you dont want kids? Like, what are you even working for?
I've got a kid and another on the way. Will get 1-2 more after this.
I want four kids but I can't find a white virgin
I had too fucked up childhood to make any, i feel like world is too fucked up place, but its most likely that im crazy after all the shit i went trough
how much do you expect to make after your PHD?
The more heirs to choose from to continue my shit the better
>to continue my shit
Are you continuing your fathers shit? If not, why are you hijacking the lives of your flesh-and-blood.
>Ye who turn into rappers who fuck your children.
How many rappers make it? lol
As far as single mothers - the statistics show that these kids are far more likely to end up in prison, have lower education, etc. Not saying it's this way for everyone, but in general you're not doing "muh white race" much of a service by refusing responsibility.
>Why do you need money if you dont want kids? Like, what are you even working for?
Freedom. Without a family, it's totally attainable to live for the rest of your life without having to work. Then, you can pursue the things that truly make you happy, whether it be your hobbies, or spiritual enlightenment.
Not gonna claim this is the path for everyone.
I am, he was an electrician who delved into real estate over the course of his life.
I wouldn't say I'd force my kids into anything, but when the time comes I'd rather my own kin continue things rather then just simply selling off the assets
Why not? Go on tinder in a city if you’re at least a 6/10. Learn to talk to women
Go join a church
You have hapa overseas kids? Tell use your stories user
I want triplets and then to adopt three more after the first are in high school. Still waiting for someone not to blink when I mention this
Anywhere from 50k (post-doc) to infinity if I start a company. I've also been aggressively investing since I was a sophomore + my online business that generates me a little passive income, which I call my entertainment funds.
>Why do you need money if you dont want kids? Like, what are you even working for?
kek, neck yourself normalfaggot
Tinder is not the place to meet girls-especially for relationship material. Girls are much easier to talk to in person.
If my kid turns out like me then, none
you could just ask me we're in the same group chat
I'm a non-white immigrant living in a "white" country, so none.
Gonna make my waifu chain Irish twins together for 20 straight years. So, around 28.
3-5. Hopefully majority boys. Gonna teach them and raise them to become either businessmen or politicians. Then hopefully I raised them well enough that they'll go and have 3-5 kids themselves and raise them well as well. By 2300 my bloodline will maybe be one of the elite ones. I've read about theories where you can be reborn into your bloodline or something. Hopefully it's true, but I doubt it.
I'm only 19 though so I should focus on becoming a businessman myself.
Also i just saw this thread trending so i decided to shitpost, I'm not in business.
Id be ok with just one boi, cos I want that little shit get my full attention and funding to propell him as far as possible. But I hope getting at least 3 grandkids out of that.
But desu, I just dont see myself married. The idea of being with a woman has lost all its appeal and I stopped asking girls out unless I am drunk.
I have 1, I want 6 more desu. I'm a Paki.
Children are a bad investment.
Incel here. Manlets and failures breed manlets and failures, I want the cycle to end with me, even though I also sorta would like a wife and family. I also have very little redeeming factors, in terms of achievement or intellect. Not very attractive either, so it's not like I have a choice anyway lmfao.
Well Said! A true man who understands HIMSELF, the WORLD and most importantly... his meaning in it. TOP POST!
t. Jew
I want to have ten or fifteen children at the bare minimum. Of course I will do it going the sperm donor route. No way I'm raising all these kids by myself lmao (except maybe seeing them here and there from time to time maybe).
It's just a matter of marketing your DNA properly for the coming spinster bubble in which millions of desperate childless 30-something women will need a reason not to kill themselves.
I don't give a shit if you think that's degenerate. I'll make dozens of white children and give lots of white women a reason to live. You're a retard if you're not preparing for this bubble and waste away your chance for spreading your seed beyond anything your ancestors ever had the chance to.
2, hopefully. My gf is white, blond and blue eyes and a virgin when i met her. Just bought our first place together.
The weird thing is im super pessimistic about the future, feels like we are descending into a technofascist surveillance state where freedom of thought and action will be impossible in 40 years time, if we dont release an AI that enslaves the human race first.
I just cant resist pumping loads of jizz into a fertile young woman.
Over all my lifetimes? 5,000,000,000
I'm just raising my wifes sons currently. She says we can't afford any more, but considering what I'm earning and giving to her, I think we could easily. Would have been nice if their fathers could actually pay child support, but they got a harsh sentence after they got into trouble with the law. I think the judge was just racist.
We don't get along with their sides of the family, as they called my wife a white whore. I will admit this did make me angry, but I bit my tongue, took deep breaths and waited at home for my wife to put my cage back on me before she wen't out last night to the bar. Hopefully she will be back any time now.
>I'm just raising my wifes sons currently
not gonna make it.
My third is due Friday. We won't have any more afterwards. So, 3.
>wants to adopt 3 more
is there gonna be 3 arranged marriages or what's the ulterior plan here?
> being this new
Not gonna make it.