There is a sharp lack of dogs on Jow Forums
Why is that?
Good things about dogs:
>Man's best friend
We could likely make a lot more money with a few dogs around
There is a sharp lack of dogs on Jow Forums
Why is that?
Good things about dogs:
>Man's best friend
We could likely make a lot more money with a few dogs around
Other urls found in this thread:
you frens like my dog fren?
Dogs are based and redpilled, cats are for basedgoys
Cats are the mans best friend they might be weaker(some of them can take smaller dogs any day) but a real man is a protector and doesnt need protection. If you need real protection just tame a bigger cat.
Atleast cats dont attack your offspring like these nigger animals do.
>Calling others soi
>Needing a nigger animal to rely on own protection
I think your reality is off by quite a bit soiboy
just keep clearing out that litter box
>Toxoplasmosis is caused by the extremely common Toxoplasma gondii parasite. Between 30 and 50 per cent of the global population is thought to be infected, and an estimated twenty per cent or so of people in Sweden. The infection is also found in animals, especially domestic cats. People contract the parasite mostly by eating the poorly cooked flesh of infected animals or through contact with cat faeces. The infection causes mild flu-like symptoms in adults and otherwise healthy people before entering a chronic and dormant phase, which has previously been regarded as symptom-free. It is, however, known that toxoplasmosis in the brain can be fatal in people with depleted immune defence and in fetuses, which can be infected through the mother. Because of this risk, pregnant women are recommended to avoid contact with cat litter trays.
He's a good boy, fren
It's okay user, I know that's the brain parasite talking and not you, I forgive you
>Cats all around us
>Infant death rate dropping
So where is this mass exodus? Retard. Also i dont have a cat as pets are a waste of money but i sure as hell wouldnt get a nigger that attacks your offspring.
The irony is that even though this looks bad these are the lucky ones that survived and didnt get their face mauled off completely
waste of money and waste of time FUCK dogs they just want food and comfort
Are you niggers talking about the pit bull meme or just about dogs in general?
If you're afraid of that shit then just don't get a dog when your kid is young, or keep the dog on a tight leash around children when going out
The brainlets ITT, jesus.
>Also cats will never love you lol
>Thinking you can control a dog any second of the day.
Some of us arent neets. Mental illness exists in animals and most of the time it doesnt gets noticed until it "suddenly snaps". Why would i get a dog? It makes me do work(going out in the cold and stuff) and does not provide any benefit that a cat wouldnt which is low maintenance. Apart from that i should add not all dogs are like this (i mean not the behaviour but the outcome of the bite) if you actually get a small one it shouldnt be able to outright kill your offspring but even these can snap(cats can too). Its russian roulette with low odds but every once in a while a white child will die and it could have been prevented. Get a small dog or a cat if xou are not a retard anything else and you (not your child) deserve all thats coming for you in this regard.
>Cats will never love you
Great meme
Reality is some cats even get anxious in absence of their owner
Now you can argue what is really love but thats a different question because you can make the same argument about dogs
Oh i forgot the cats even have a better case going for them as they can live on their own no problem they could leave anytime and it wouldnt matter but they choose to stay. Mhh weird.
I initially thought you were being ironic, but you really fucking hate dogs dont you.
I guess i stepped in dog poop one too many times. But logically i think there is no reason to atleast keep the big dogs around. If it was for me all dogs above a certain size would get neutered and made extinct.
They can live on the cold streets on their own or in a warm house with pets and free food,
hard choice
>Get anxious in absence of their owner
Doesn't mean they love you
Dogs have quite a leg up on cats in this way as they have actually been found to stimulate the same dopamine receptors in their mammalian brains that in humans denote friendship and mutual love
Logically there is no reason to keep you around
Cats dont make good alarms
Lol I got a pitty myself man and he would never in a million years touch a person or another dog unless provoked.
first, I'd never ever ever ever let my dog be in the situation that he could harm anybody let alone a child.
Second, it has to do how the dog is raised. People that have those little yappy dogs are the kinds of owners that could never tame a beast. If they had a large breed of any sort it would be a murdering machine.
It's all about how you treat and raise the animal. If your a dumb piece of shit you shouldn't have an animal that can kill.
The fear I can I can put into my dog just by changing the tone of my voice slightly makes the ladies drip my friends.
I'm alpha, he's beta and your all chads hahah
When i smoke weed i stimulate my dopamine as well doesnt mean weed is my (social) friend. For all we know cats could have similiar chemicals working in the brain you are just assuming they havent because you love your offspring attacking nigger pet.
As if cats care about beeing in the wild. Some even prefer it. Granted most of them appreciate human social interaction naturally as we share a long history of mutual evolution. Cats have evolved with humans for longer than dogs.
Cute also your last edgy sentence maybe i should kill your offspring to make it come true?
Its not about how they are raised retard thats not how mental illness works damn. Ehy do you think animals cant just snap just like humans can? Thats fucking pre school retardation and you cant control your pitty if you arent around it 24/7
My bitch bulldog died of cancer one year ago, I dont feel like having another one for a long time...
That's the thing. I don't leave him wth anybody when I'm not around, unless they are somebody that knows how to handle the animal.
If you love dogs why are you bashing small dogs then? It seems like you got something in your own psyche that makes you want an unpredictable killer in your vicinity. For you it might be thrilling but for society as a whole its a liability just as free roaming murderers. You might be keep it tight leashed all the time but it just needs one moment of distraction and anither mans or your child might die all because you didnt like the small nervous yorkshire because it made you less manly? Do you prefer fat women or muscle women too or do you go for slim cute ones? Not trying to bash you or dogs in general maybe even but what would you say if i kept a tiger around? I can say he knows im the alpha and he is the beta i tamed him after all but that only means i have to fear no harm and he will pick downward then. Its selfish thinking.
Fuck pibbles.
I have an idea for a compromise. How about if a dog attacks another mans child the owner will be held accountable too as he intruduced this liability into the lives of the people around him and blood can only be repai by blood. So my idea is the family of the victim can kill the dog and the owner.
Sounds fair to me.
My condolences fren. It's hard to lose our loved ones. Just remember, you gave your doggie and beautiful and happy life. They LOVED you back for that! Don't think of the "What ifs/ or Could's ....just know you provided everything your dog could ever want -> YOU! I dont know if your "Religious" or not, so please dont think that i'm preaching or "Bible Thumping" -> I believe that GOD is very merciful. If you have been a good person and go to heaven, your dog will be there too!
you do understand that canines are all so domesticated that they come out as a virtual clean slate right? some shit breeds have negative qualities that come out with little coaxing yeah.. but overall you could argue larger dogs seem to show far less signs of mental health issues
i'm with you on why people continue to breed and keep shit dogs, people are too lenient whatever it is should have some purpose
guys receptor comment all but proves doggos are better companions than cats. ontop of it, they experience by far the most human-like emotions of any easily housed animal. No dog is gonna attack someone unless they're jealous, they were bred to do it, or person(kid) did something to make it think it's in immediate danger.
as with humans it's really case by case, but by and large cats suuuuuuuck in comparison dude. They smell, they (also) can be violent, and are less likely to exhibit affectionate qualities all dogs do.
lol no its 1. the parents fault for 1a having a shitty friend who raised shitty dog 1b letting shitty friends dog come over 2. the parents fault for so far raising a shitty kid who makes animals fear for their life. Who ends up responsible for their maimed/traumatized kid ie YOU? them, ouch
Coming from someone who doesn't own pets cause fuck the extra work. the right doggo can change anyones mind though user, so quit being a faggot
You cant predict mental illness. Even dogs who seem to have a "clean slate" in their genetic line can have a mutation and due to that mental wiring that makes them go nuts on a specific trigger no bad raising required. Not only that a dog can suffer a head injury and just like humans change their behaviour drastically. A parasite is also a possibility. It doesnt really matter if a dog has a "clean slate" as long as it can kill a human child with no problem it doesnt belong in our society especially since we lack enough offspring.
Small dogs do seem to have more mental problems but they arent capable of fatality that quick. Thats the difference its not just the behaviour its the potential a yorkshire bite porbably wont kill you. If cats would be able to kill children like the big dogs i would say the same no animal that can kill a human child belongs here.
Again im not arguing against dogs as a whole but the big ones should be killed off they provide no utility and arent needed.
The one responsible ultimately is the dog owner but not because he raised it wrongly but because he/she ended up getting a big dog and introduced it into other peoples life who had no choice in that and cant do anything against these people without facing legal repurcussions.
You know without the protection of the state owners of these dogs wouldnt exist because they would actually face real vendetta from affected families but in our society the owner gets proetected and thus we have no justice in this regard.
If fakilies were allowed to legally torture and kill dog+owner my stance would be different.