The Great Americn Housing Scam

Americans have been conditioned to spend small fortunes on shacks made of glued together wood chips and tyvek cardboard.
These shacks cost a minimum of $250k if they're near a desirable city.
Americans actually take out 20 year mortgages to pay for these mold magnets.
Meanwhile in Europe and the UK, houses are made of brick, stone, or concrete.
A German would never pay €250k for a cardboard shack, even if it's near Berlin.
But Americans are conditioned to accept these flimsy shacks as homes, and even pay through the nose to own one.
They're told it's the American dream, and the best investment they can make (better than LNK).
How did this happen?

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In America, bricks are for the rich.

Obviously, because 250k € != 250k$

You are a number nazi.

The cost is due to Location and large demand.

>Comments are disabled for this video.
Can't let the burgers get woodpilled by Euros and Britfags.

last time I was tripping I looked around and realized I was living in basically a big cardboard box...350k house btw it was a weird ass experience

Am I right tho?

Houses are depreciating assets

First off let me say that OP is a faggot.

Listen here dipshit
Houses cost $$ to build. They cost $$ to design. There's a cost associated with building permits. Plans need to be stamped, approved by a licensed engineer, in-order to conform with building code and perform within legal standards of your local jurisdiction. Material and labor are influenced heavily by the region in which you live (ie people building your house in a nicer region will demand a higher wage to contend with local living costs).

Typically homes in the US are built from the ground up (think McMansions and new developments). The new construction will inevitably increase property value.

>Americans have been conditioned to spend small fortunes on shacks made of glued together wood chips and tyvek cardboard.
Americans have no choice but to spend small fortunes on shitty homes. You can blame the economy for that user. Live in a shitty area if you want a cheap house dipshit.

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It always surprises me, especially since you have in multiple parts of America these extreme weathers. Bricks could save your house.

Also to give Americans some slack most new house in Europe aren't fully build with bricks but mostly with concrete (and some bricks on the front ) due the labour intensity of brick work.

Some user once told me that in America no one expects to live for 30 years in their current home. Maybe that's the explaination why they choose for fast and cheaper construction work.

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what do you propose then? Forcing contractors to sell below construction costs? Older building methods last longer but requires more time, resources and labor

You can get a house for a lot cheaper if you don't mind living around black people

I literarly missed so much shit in my post it's not even funny OP.

>building professionals demand a high per hour wage, even in residential contracting
>Homes typically take atleast 6 months to complete, during that time the contractor is paid to perform the work
>materials need to be manufactured and shipped to the site, which can be costly
>OP's mom is a whore
I can continue, but I won't. For I know OP is a faggot.

>mfw I live in a 115 years old apartment building with original slate roof tiles.


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what must baffles me that you build those cardboard boxes in areas prone to tornadoes as well. I just dont get murrifats some times

here in krautland we got very windy days too but the worst that would ever happen is some roof shingles fly off. not a whole neighborhood whipped out of existence.

but that is what you want over there frens cardboard boxes are just as important to the american dream like every other cheap solution you got over there. you dont get rich quick building brick houses. that stand for 50years or longer. But you do building cardboard boxes that have to be rebuild every 20 years. Or maybe even sooner if a stormy day comes along.

America is so fucked I cant even put it in words.

>They cost $$ to design.

Most of the designs for houses are copypasted from templates.

>There's a cost associated with building permits. Plans need to be stamped, approved by a licensed engineer, in-order to conform with building code and perform within legal standards of your local jurisdiction.

Only several thousand dollars at most.

>materials need to be manufactured and shipped to the site, which can be costly

Most of the construction materials are not made to order. You can build 95% of the house with materials you can buy from big box stores.

>Materials cost several thousands (not even including stuff like cables and pipes etc)
>Working hours cost several thousands
>Property rights are costing several thousands
>Building rights and whatever cost several thousands
Oh here we go. Housing only costs several thousands. Why do millenials don't buy any Houses?

You're not wrong, but you're not entirely right either. You can get a concrete or brick house in the USA, it's just going to cost 1/3rd or 1/2 again as much.

We also have stuff like earthquakes, forest fires, floods and other nonsense to contend with, and it is much cheaper and more viable to rebuild a "cardboard box" as you put it, than a brick shithouse that still gets BTFO by any one of those.

Europe is very geologically and environmentally stable, since people have figured out through trial and error of living in the region for thousands of years where not to put stuff. In the USA we just don't fucking care and will slap down a box in the middle of a swamp and give a middle finger to mother nature.

Cheap construction quality is the price we pay for our belligerence.

If a house is so cheap and plans are
>muh copy paste
then build one faggot. It couldn't be that hard, right :^)? Clueless dipshit.

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>here in krautland we got very windy days too

You do not get tornados or hurricanes in Germany, you goofy fuck. Please do not pretend that any type of storm you can get in Germany comes close to a hurricane.

I agree with OP.

Scandinavian homes are built like this with 300-500mm insulation, and are pressure tested to insure they are moisture-sealed. This requires high skill and lots of hours to build. Brick homes are too cold and energy inefficient to use up there

Yet the price of these homes seem that much more expensive.. 200k-500k depending on location

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>houses in california don't fall down in earthquakes
really makes you think

>what are basements

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cant even read can you poor soul... the absolute state of murrifats. Your country is fucked up, take this pill and thank me later.

Leave asap


You're fucking dead weight.

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>they don’t know the construction industry is an aritificial bubble made by the federal reserve.
Gosh you folks are blind

We Americans park 15% of our entire population directly in the path of storms that can literally kill them randomly, and we don't even care. Each year thousands of homes are destroyed by environmental disasters. Do we care? No.

Floods? Don't care, build it.
Wind? Meh, build it.
Literally earthquakes that will destroy entire cities? Build a city there, it's cool.
City burns down from earthquake once? Build it again, fuck you.

IDK what you eurofags are expecting. Americans don't settle down into a house and have 8 generations of kids there. We move around, fuck up, fall down, get back up and move somewhere else, trying to peddle our boomer bags to each other every time we do it. We are fundamentally different than Eurofags in this manner, because we are a rootless people for the most part, and our residential construction reflects it. Transient and fleeting. A house may only last 40-50 years instead of fucking 400.

You kraut are a dipshit. Too much migrant dick up your ass so you can't think straight?
>In the wake of a tornado tearing through the place, the only thing left from your property is your destroyed basement, basically a concrete pit in the ground
>All value has disappeared
Whew lad what a waste of money.

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as points out the only real cost comes from greedy contractors that refuse to work below the ((( FED ))) price floor regardless of how bad economic conditions get.

The problem is the last asset ((( they ))) won't let deflate because of how many retards plus the economy rely on real estate equity. Contractors know this so you have an unnaturally high entry cost for new home construction in markets that should otherwise be cheap.

Hence the manufactured housing crisis.

>Not understanding the costs of the labor and materials market, and its' influence on the value of your home
You know how I can tell you don't work in the industry faggot? Stupid dipshit retard.

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I can tell you definitely don't.

Why wouldn't contractors take advantage of that? Margins in the industry are tighter than your asshole, and mistakes on projects result in going out of business. It's only a natural response to a fucked up market and any retard can see that.

Leader of democratic world, designer and implementer of literally all new technology, sole military superpower, elected the actual Donald Trump to be our president, after having a literal gay muslim african be our leader. Yes, Eurofags are Salty. We do everything better than them, including virtue signal.

The only thing that the eurofag does perhaps better than America, is obsess about America. American's are careless about our future, the apathy level is high and do not mistake outrage for apathy. If Americans cared about what America is actually doing as much as the Eurofag who has an abominacion living rent free in his sloped skull, then the world would truly tremble.

Our momentum is terrifying to the eurofag. We may be turning brown and commie, but we will still fly the stars and stripes, and we will still cluster bomb sand niggers out of existence. Yes, the Eurofag is worried! Because the sand niggers now live amongst him, and his economic and cultural relevance is fading to nothingness. Soon, he will be little more than another territory the USA can occupy with a scattering of FoBs and sexually frustrated marines.

>Why wouldn't contractors take advantage of that?

Take advantage of what? An market prime for undercutting or taking advantage of price gouging if you're the only labor force in town?

Who gives a fuck about design. It's all relatively the same when you look at the details. At the end of the day the contractor has to put food on the table or go out of business. Stupid retard kys.

Yes, what the fuck do you think I'm talking about moron?

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Terrible ad hominem. Shill harder faggot

maybe... or maybe because the country of the fat is a single capitalistic scheme and they build cheap houses to save costs but charge gigantic sums for it?


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Some insight on Jow Forums about the relationship between culture, archetypes and the material world, kudos

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This is what Eurofags will never understand. Well put user, Eurofags BTFO'd.

it soon will be

only answer any murrifat ever gives about Krauts or EU in gerneral hurr durr migrants huuuuur

Thats it. Do you even know how many things I could list that are fucked up in your shithole of a country?

Lacking education
Education dept
no health care
high crime
gun violence
fucking mass shootings litteraly every day
your president is a clown
the alternative was a satanic bitch
you have massive dept
you build fucking card board boxes to live in
your average murrifat is fat in a way only 1 out of 100 people are in the eu
Migrants lets build a wall
cant build the wall
lets shut down gobernment
hur durr durr

do I have to go on I can if i have to

… that's right, you don't care! You also don't care fucking up the world economy and thus indirectly start a WW and then arrive as the "saviors" lol you amerifats are too dumb, egoistic, capitalistic pigs

you can add
>lives rent free 24/7 inside eurofag heads
to the list
that's right and don't forget it, retard
we will fuck you up if you piss us off, and we won't think twice about it

>They cost $$$ to design.
>Who gives a fuck about design.

Nice backpedaling.

Oh looky looky -> Another Poor fag living in his mommy's basement pretending/larping to know what he's talking about. The LAND is the major cost of the Real Estate you fuckin wanna be! Don't get me wrong, i respect a quality built home, made of materials that will last generations. However, over here in North America (and the rest of the real fucking world) it's the LAND that is important. Every fuckin day another NEET poor fag is shouting off his useless mouth about something he will never own. Duh.... gonna build me a cabin out in the woods, Duh.... gonna convert a Van, Cool man..... SHUT the FUCK UP! Poor fag


sure thing fren. the problem is the based either left your country already or are going to do so as soon as they can. the rest of you will stay until the very end because the burga dweam wememba! enjoy, and ask me if I care I really dont. But maybe someone reads this and starts to think for himself a little.

lel u probably didn't even serve military, retard

>A German would never pay €250k for a cardboard shack, even if it's near Berlin.

Berlin is the asshole of Germany. It is the greatest assembly of scum in the country plus all the politicians and I say this unironically.

Expensive cities are: Munich, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf - not Berlin.

this is true no one wants to live in berlin only hippies and turks

t. Munichfren

The funny part about America, is that its composed of all of the most adventurous, risk taking, desperate, greedy genetic lines of Europe, and then Europeans act surprised when we are like this, ~300 years down the line.

Again, what the fuck are you expecting? We ARE you, except cranked up to 11. Bigger, stronger, FATTER, more creative, more evil, more benevolent, more vital than you.

We are the result of societal evolution, while you are the actual dregs, stirring in your ancient shitpot on a low simmer and waiting to die. It's called the old world for a reason, and that's because its just sitting around waiting to die. Sit and wait in your welfare state. America will make the technology and fight the wars that set the path of human history for the next 1000 years.

We will deal with china, we will deal with africa, we will deal When the time comes. You know it. I know. You don't need to give up now, but I do hope you at least try to put on a good show when the time comes, so we can make some sweet ass fucking footage to go down in the collective memory of humanity.

screenshot this post.

no one will talk about murica in 50 years. only in rare cases to say "do you remember those idiots kek"

I guess you know the feeling, since that is the state that germany is already at right now.

Can't speak for east coast and flyovers but wooden houses are required here in cali due to earthquakes. Since wood is more flexible our houses can withstand 7.0+ quakes with minimal damage

>We ARE you
ahahahah the absolute state of yanktard. obviously you didn't pay attention in history class. it's the other way around.

nice cope fren :)

i dont only live in one of the richest countries in the EU but in the richest city inside of that country. I think what I would call a miserable live is the average live of any murifat.

but you do you Fren as I said already I could not care less because the based in your country dont need an idiot like me to tell them all that shit. and people like you can stay where they are they wont be missed

>we hate America! fat mutts!
Also Eurofags
>lets spend our precious free time talking about America!

I don't need to tell you to stay mad, because that's a given, so I'll just tell to to try and stay white and wish you good luck with your communist feminist government and your literal millions of niggers they imported.

Now I'm hungry so I'm going to go eat a fucking hamburger, and I hope that fact makes you mad too.

you forgot to quote me idiot are the arteries in your brain already that clogged up? enjoy your hamburger which I think you even meant unironically which is hilarious. if you meant it ironically at least you have a good sense of humor.

and I would not consider this a waste of time some Frens over there have been dealt a very bad hand from the start and need to read stuff like this to wake up. If only 1 Fren flees your country after what I have written this was no waste of time. But I dont think so either so maybe you are right :) i am not mad tho at all. only baffled by the amount of stupidity your country runs on

have a good day Fren

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>tfw live in a three-room apartment in EU all by myself
>10 minute walk from my uni
>80 square meters cost 83.000 euro
>walls so thick I once had 17 people over for a party the whole night and no one complained or heard anything

Really feels good living here desu

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You should see the dogshit quality of houses built in Australia in the last 10 years. Last 5 years especially.

It’s cute when euros act like they aren’t completely fucked from mass immigration.

>>tfw live in a three-room apartment in EU all by myself
>in EU
something tells me it’s Romania or Bulgaria

it's cute when murifats can only come up with "mass immigration" as a negative argument because that's the only "point" FOX could dig up. I see literally 0 migrants but what do I know ey. And even if there are people fleeing their shitty live from Syria or what ever I will welcome them with open hands. Because I would do the same if I would've lost the birth lotto.

I am gone now to but I will eat a Salad. Good day to all of you Frens!

or a shitty little town. Definitely not a big city in Germany or Finland or something prices are through the roof because everyone wants to move here. They just cant afford it anymore which is a shame.

Even here in the UK new builds are shitty quality. Buy victorian builds and you'll see the difference.

you krauts better watch it, frau merkel will have you thrown in das Zuchthaus for 'erratic display of national pride'

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kek'd funny and based

Clearly you haven’t been to France or Germany lately. Just because you’re pos country doesn’t have then yet doesn’t mean they aren’t coming. Enjoy the shit in your streets and your women being raped

>Most of the designs for houses are copypasted from templates.
doesn't account for everything below ground that needs to be designed for each plot
>Only several thousand dollars at most.

Frens I am gone now last Post. You clearly never left your country before. Like 99% of all murifats. At least take the time to read my previous post you degenerate.


I assume buildings in northern states (Alaska is no brainer) are from brick and concrete? Sucks for southerners and their flimsy shit getting blown away by these winds tho.

True cuck

Holy there's actually some truth to OP saying Americans buy wood/board homes?
I live on an island in the Caribbean and concrete homes are the norm here, in the 100K-300K range. We get hurricanes sometimes so no way can we fuck with wood/board houses

Kek neck yourself nigger


Well do you know that the EU econmy is bigger then the US with less peeps and in addition with only half the debt of the US?

We EU faags thank you that you do the shit work for us ( fight the drug war, national war, oil war, .... ) we really think you that you risk your life for us.

my main complaint
and albeit very nieve
alot of cities that tout environmental responsibility
make these kindas of houses to meet demand.
yet these building practises are the most harmful to the environment.
places like san fran and portland
portland esp with all the new tenament buildings going up.

yet in every one of these places you cant use natural building methods.
the only house in portland is that one hippy hostile offa hawthorne thats made out of cobb.

once more alot of people i think believe, or atleast i believe theres some americans that think like me and i believe that you cant just right out buy a piece of land with nothing on it. unless you can prove to the bank or municipality that you are a 'developer' or that you already own some land with a house on it.

i mean my granpapy just bought someland and threw a shack on it himself.
i cant do that anywhere near public utilities nowadays.

You are an idiot.
This what you described is everywhere in Europe. Design, labour, material...
Go suck a BBC, fattie.

joke's on you. I will live in the woods in a hobo shack built by myself with wireless internet and a solar generator.

because your grandpappy lived in a time of expansion and self-reliability. Nowadays, people can't be trusted to do things themselves (there are also too many of us) so the government and banks stop you from following your grandfather's path.

> in Europe and the UK, houses are made of brick, stone, or concrete

Nah. Lately there are a lot of "cardboard" houses being built in Europe too.

I live in a redwood victorian that has survived multiple 7.0+ earthquakes since 1901.
They don't make em like they used to.

No one wants to build permanent homes anymore because prospectors out there have big hopes of tearing down every single house to put up apartments so they can make even more money. Almost everyone in positions of power wants to flood their area with migrants to take advantage of so they can get that $$$. There also need to be enough migrants that even never-ending apartment construction can't keep up with the housing demands. Everything in America is now designed to be temporary and changeable at the whim of corporate and government policy to suit their own benefit$.

Usually the only plywood you'll see in houses is on the roof for the shingles to get nailed to or on shit like subfloors in a basement, and its usually cedar or some shit, not particle board

vivid memories of reading a Jow Forums post (which of course are always 100% reliable, naturally) which summed up the problem you described as being that when it comes to construction America is so heavily focused on getting everything done by the lowest bidder, rather than looking at value for money, that you end up with shit-tier housing commensurate with that.

I get that Americans adopted a cheap building style since they are more mobile and just move somewhere else when their neighborhood goes to shit or when there are better opportunities at another place. Something must have gotten out of hand though when these cardboard shacks cost 250k dollars now.

ITT salty, metro sexual European men bitch about America. What’s new? I actually quite like Europe, Germany is clean and beautiful. But what’s up with you guys being metro sexual, and bi curious? How he standard European dresses, is called a “hipster” here in America. Skinny pants that are extremely tight around the ankles, scarf, equally gay shirt, etc. also, I’ve seen tons of fat fucks in Europe. You guys are behind the new fitness and healthy living phenomenon.

Muuuuhrica lamd of the brave home of the cucked thai whores sucky sucky fucky fucky 50 dorrah

Foundations are solid and installed with sump pumps to ensure they last a lifetime

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I just want to say,I Iove fucking whores and cheating in my wife its the best feeling a user can experience being happily married and fucking bitches of a lower social standing than her.

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White Americans aren't very smart at the end of they day, so you they get taken advantage of at every turn and they love it somehow and consider it their best civilization yet.

because consumers don't care about value for the money and just want things cheap

developers are just responding to consumers

>1/3rd or 1/2 again as much

my house is cinder block construction, but there is an addition that is made of wood...the quality difference is noticeable.

t. Amerifat

don't worry OP

Americans are such scum they'll shill for your government to make this the new norm

Oh look. A europoor that lives in some shitty cold stone building that he calls his home, but in america we call it a fucking apartment with private entrance. How much did you pay for your apartment with private entrance surrounded by niggers and muslims?

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>he thinks they taught him the truth in history class

my school told me so its true! what a faggot

yes, 3500 "shacks" with granite countertops and hand scraped hardwoood floors. executive knockdown texture, recessed fixtures...

If you europoors could see the shack I'm typing this from, you'd want to fucking kill yourselves living all cobbled together in a long "house" with shared walls. Seriously - you don't even know how great we have it.

I'm living in a 3500 dream house on a couple acres of land with a creek through my back yard, huge boomer swimming pool with a spa with infinity edge pouring over into the pool.... over 1000 feet of screened in porch space outside... oh and I can shoot guns in my back yard - or I can stand my ground a shoot a dirty fucking europoor trying to steal a look at my amazing home and property.

You will never be able to afford the type of homes we live in here in America. You can't afford the land value. You can't afford to even buy yourselves some space from your neighbors. Do you smell their cooking through the walls? Do you share their mice and bug problems. Ahahaha, you're so fucking jealous of the American dream. Only the poorest american's live like you europoors, sharing walls and shit. ahahaha

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