Why don't American boomers understand the concept of building up familial wealth? Why would boomer parents rather their kids pay rent to some kike landlord, instead of live at home and help build wealth for everyone?
Why don't American boomers understand the concept of building up familial wealth...
Because boomers are retarded and they created this current bubble and will at the same time pop it once they dump their real estate or fucking dies
You know why.
>t. lazy poor retard
Because as you get old, you need a lot of your own wealth that you don’t share to keep you content due to the lack of a youthful body
My parents let me stay with them and instead of paying rent they force me to put 25% of my wages into vanguards
actuallu kind of based because I've saved a shit tonne thanks to them
>Option A: My child pays rent to a jew
>Option B: My child pays rent to me
Why wouldn't anyone accept B
Because they have no self awareness or ability to delay gratification. My retard parents could be retired and own multiple homes, but instead they financed muh boat, muh jetskis, muh motorhome, muh european cars and borrowed against the house when they couldn't afford the nonsense debt that they accumulated. They both still work in their 70s because they have nothing for retirement. I hate those fucking idiots so much.
and do you know how much deep down inside they HATE YOU? Seriously, they probably cant even stand to look at all your pathetic glory. I wish one day we would get the "PURGE" and i could watch all the "Boomers" shoot their ungrateful, spoiled ... little faggot incels. What a glorious day that would be! ps: I'm not joking about how much your parents really HATE YOU. You know it to be true. You have accomplished nothing, your a total loser, never kissed a girl, you beat off to cartoons, your a Commie/Socialist Autistic fucking piece of shit. KYS
>i bought a house and car and went to college with $9/hr
>you can too and if you can't it's because you need to work harder
Well that mindset is technically still true. Minimum wage for most entry level labour jobs here in canada is like $15-$20/hour (depends on the trade, union, etc), you don't have to get a job flipping burgers. North america is literally in a widespread labour shortage, and those jobs have the best hours with the best starting pay relative to how much you need to know (fucking nothing, anyone can shovel gravel all day long). That's how I paid for my house and college (albeit I dropped out because it was a waste of time and I can learn whatever I want on my own time without paying someone).
Also on the topic of the thread, its because most boomers saved absofuckinglutely nothing for retirement and are now poor themselves. I'm almost certain were going to see a trend of cheap "minimalist" funerals because most boomer's estates wont even be enough to cover the cost of a traditional funeral. Its pretty hard to build wealth when you get a house you can barely afford on a 30+ year mortgage, reverse mortgage it when you retire, have half a dozen credit cards, while having expensive habits with an affinity for traveling.
>projecting this hard
My parents fucked up in many ways.
But they paid for their funerals and burials in full so I won't have to.
Because they want to rent-kike the children of other boomer parents, so its only fair they offer you up as well.
Don't fall for this meme like I did. If you have to work more than 20 hours a week to pay for school don't do it. There's a reason most uni jobs have a ten hour cap and you'll be competing with students who don't have to work at all.
Get a real job, such as an apprenticeship, take the money from it, and preferably invest it into something else.
You're forgetting that most jobs are 9-5, overlapping with school schedule
>but you can work a different job that goes later
Either way that's three to five hours a day, not enough to live on no matter the job, and that IF your boss decides to give you hours that day
>but you can go to night school
Limited courses and b-list teachers that couldn't care less about your performance or whether or not you understand something
>but you can do half and half
This means you would have to sacrifice some courses and extend your time in school before recieving your degree.
And all of this is assuming you are willing to give up quite literally any free time you have.
>but i don't have free time anyway
You really do, you just don't notice it until it's gone.
>t. Laborer who is about to quit his job of six years because he finally saved up enough to go back to school without needing a loan
Wish me luck lads.
Why not get a job at an engineering company and then have them pay for your degree when you do night school
Good luck.
Best bait I've seen all year
Just found out my mom only has 100k left in her retirement account and still owes about 35k in her house.
She's 75 years old and has had a stable job for 40 years along with my (now deceased) father, who also had a stable office job for 40 years.
Where did the money go?
No new cars, no renovations, no vacations, no expensive clothes, no eating out, no expensive gifts.
Are boomer just that shit with money?
>Heh, can't take it with you.
Just hope she dies before she does a reverse mortgage and dies with 0 net worth
Nah, love that old bag despite her being shit with money.
The real reason is fairly simple, it's called PROJECTION.
Boomers grew in a time of unmatched socio-economic growth, they could get a good paying job just after high school, owning your home or renting a family sized one by 25 was the NORMAL, not an achievement, just the normal, it did not hinder your financial future.
Deep down they don't really understand why their kids can't do the same or worse: why they would NOT do the same, so they blame it on laziness or whatever shallow explanation.
After all for them it was easy.
They have not internalized that globalization, immigration and feminism completely changed the rules on the labor market, how is everything much more competitive and fast than it was 50 years ago.
And you know what? They never will.
raising you you ungrateful fuck
You saved some money to possibly free yourself and now are going to dump it all into zog programming camp.
Still, there may besome networking value, even educational from the vast minority of competent teachers. It is a scam otherwise.
At least find some workarounds to avoid tuition.
Congrats on this. Seriuosly.
I'm sitting in the basement being fed tendies, take that wagie ragie !
Sheeeit where did all the parent's money go.
Avg. cost of raising a child is 230k, that's fucking nothing.
Congratulations, you just discovered the wealth destroying power of inflation.
good job breaking out of the programming fren make sure to set up lasting, generational wealth for your kids
it doesnt have to be just money
Well, there's obvious pros and cons.
Living at home at 35 is financially awesome, but raises manbabies with zero independence and life skills. And I can see how after investing two decades into a child you might want to enjoy a little calm and time by and for yourself finally, as you approach retirement age.
It also pretty much prevents long-term relationships for the kids, both because it's super inconvenient and awkward and because there's typically just not enough space for yet another adult in the household.
It's brilliant for building wealth, but not so hot for everything else.
Nice strawman, no one said 35 year olds, Ramsey et al recommend to kick out 18 year olds if they don't pay rent to you etc.
Just 5 years at home in your 20s you should save enough to deposit a significant chunk towards a house of your own
the jews
>paying rent to your family
That’s about as jewish as it gets. Jews convinced boomers to compete with their kids instead of competing with society. Boomers care more about kids in South America than their own kids. Boomers are jewish slaves
Nice fantasy you have going there. Sadly not what this thread is about. Boomers were born between 1945 and 1965, so are between 75 and 55 years old. How many of them have 18yo kids, you think? Especially considering how much more common it was for that generation to have kids in their 20s. The youngest boomer kids are very likely to be over 25 already, bar a tiny amount of stragglers.
if you had a child in your 30s, and was a late boomer, you kid would be 1i now you fucking remtard