Ugh guys, I think Rhombus solved the oracle problem
Seems like they actually did. Holy shit
Just market sold it all. Rhombus was the dark horse that we all missed. They have trillions of data available...
Kek they're literally bribing people into using this shit.
Trillions of data points my friend. It was fun but it's over.
Why the fuck is everybody talking about oracles all of the sudden?
Puff Daddy agrees
The Oracle binniss is for hard players only.
>shitcoin devs come to Jow Forums
>sees how popular chainlink is
>start their own oracle shitcoin project because they think it will make them money
buuuh duh
You know that just means API endpoints right? Like the entire purpose of any oracle
Nah dawg. It means oracles. There is no way we can compete with trillions with a t. All full decentralized too
>yis take picture of me outside in cold
>i importent men on telefon during picture yis
Turbo cringe. Thought this shit was left in 2004.
Where do I buy the rhombus token sirs???
Literally the job of chainlinks core adapter. Point it at an API
>First 15 teams to commit gets 100$
Ponzi detected
Why do I need Chainlink when I already got Rhombus with connections?! Answer- you don't!
What is delphi?
a bunch of tranny linklets
intended for (you)