Is 28 too old to become millionaire?

Is 28 too old to become millionaire?
What is even the point, you cant hit on 20yo girls withoit being called pedophile.

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Uh I have a rich relative that has multiple 22 year old plates. He doesn’t care what people say

In States?

Yes he is 38

this. anyone who calls you a pedophile is either

literally retarded
mad cause no 20yo puss
doesn't know the law

of course most 20yo are stupid as shit but who cares honestly if you just want a quick fuck they don't care their parents wouldn't care no one cares. its not like I will get married to one of them

You know it's funny. When you're a kid: you're too powerless, short, and lacking in authority and autonomy to make yourself rich so you make a dream for yourself to achieve it "when you grow up".

Now that you are physically grown up, you still feel powerless and lacking in authority and autonomy because you feel that you missed your chance to jump through the window of opportunity that was only meant to be open when you were around 16-23 years old. That window is always open, so grow up.

My Uncle who is 38 and looks remarkably young has a 16 year old HS GF.
People give him shit for it but he is planning to have his first child 2 years later.

Im 26 with a 21 year old gf, its definitely possible. No one calls me a pedo, we're both adults.

Also no, there's been lots of people who found financial success in their 30s/40s (or even older) without inheriting it. I wouldn't focus on becoming rich so much as coming up with something that actually brings value to people. If you can do something worthwhile, the money will come on its own, if you set out just to "make it rich", it probably won't happen. With that being said I'm a far ways away from a millionaire and support myself wagecucking and making a billion+ dollar company millions of dollars (literally, did about $10-$20 million worth of contract work in the last couple years, maybe more), so maybe my advice isn't the best

That's good. The older a girl gets without marrying: the more neurotic and abrasive she gets. Age of Consent laws were designed to weaken the institution of marriage.

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My uncle who is 38 and looks remarkably young has a 9 year old elementary school gf.

People give him shit but hes planning to marry her during ramadan 2 years later

Getting old is depressing. It always bug me “I wish I started a little earlier, may be 20-21”
But who would have told me?
>parents are dumb mortgage payer with netflix subscription
>friends are dumb who want quick party every weekends
>girls are dumb and dare you fall for love meme you are looking at 3-5 years of unproductive period
Being alone and working for your goal is the best state in life I ever found myself.
If I don’t make it I will be listening to same asshole boss until my retirement.

>20 year old are kids

All my life I only had same age group girlfriend. High school and college.
Never dated 2 year younger girl. How does thay work?
>If you are 26 you are probably spending 8 hours in office and she being 21 spending 8 hours in college.
>How do you even meet up! At her college? Around your office? Do you have to go out with her every weekend to some restaurant to have conversations? Better, so do you have own house where she can visit you?
What are the things I should have before dating a younger girl?
>$1 milllion in assets?

A boat too, bitches love boats

she doesn't go to college, she just does acting (bit parts on things like netflix shows or tv movies) and modeling for stuff like catalogs or magazine ads. I work out of town lots, as does she, so generally we'll only get to see each other for a week or so every month. Its working out fairly well at the moment. I think codependency is extremely toxic and ends up driving most people apart, you'll eventually get sick of anyone if you spend all day every day with them.

and about stuff you should have, idk man, I don't really have much. I live in a rented basement suite, dont have a car, and really don't spend much money on anything or have much in assets.

user almost every girl wants older man

>caring what other people say

never gonna make it

The biggest offender are old women who are jealous of young and pretty women.

hej, det går bra nu!

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nice. i hope i can get myself a 16 yearl old brood sow when i'm a 35 year old boomer. age parity is a meme

I'd rather be a millionaire at 28 than not one at all. Also, have you seen all the rich, old, fat guys with young gfs?

Imagine being this fucking dumb.

27 with 18 year old gf here.
Who gives a shit what people call you

Are you trying to make us say yes to the first one and say no to the 2nd one so you can call us racist ?

I was banging a 19 year old at that age. They dont care.

Literally this

Also I'm 26 and I hook up with teenage girls sometimes, mostly early 20s but teenage sometimes. Some very cute 15 year olds too but I don't sex them, maybe only if I visited them in their native Germany and Netherlands.

The prime situation is to marry a 23 or 24 year old fit girl with low debt/a good job when you are 33-35 and making enough money to fend off her thot instincts

Imagine seeing yourself as an old pedo at 28, of course you'll never make it with this attitude you pathetic cuck.

Do you talk/text every day over the phone or only mostly just when you see each other?

How do you meet these girls.

If you're wealthy and have a young girlfriend/wife, she's the one people will consider suspect. They'll call her a gold digger, they'll say she's just waiting for you to die so she can take all your money, they'll claim she doesn't even care about you really.
The worst they'll ever say about you is that you're foolish for not realizing it (whether it's actually true or not).

Most of them are friends of friends. The teens are usually from KIK groups, I verify them with Snapchat selfies. If they don't have Snapchat then you're 99.6% certainly talking to a LARPing homosexual bottom boy. Fags and trannies try catfishing guys all the time.

You’re going to hit age X eventually no matter what you dumb fuck. Whenever you hear your mind say “it’s too late” that’s literally loser mentality. I said it was “too late” to learn programming when I was 20, now I’m 26, in good shape, learning French, and pretty good at python. All in 18 months at 14 hours a week split between the three activities. If I hadn’t been a massive faggot for four years thinking it’s too late, I’d be in great shape, learning Italian having already become fluent in French, and be learning C++ having already learnt Python.

No matter what happens you age, the key is you want to be doing well relative to how shitty it is otherwise. Even if your point was true (it isn’t btw, golden rule says half your age plus 7, so you SHOULD be aiming for 21 year olds when you’re 28, 22 is too old) you’d still be better off living the 8/10 version of life at that age than the 5/10 version.

Your body is an aging prison, it is entirely on YOU to make that prison as comfy as possible.

So call them out on it. I'm a 32 yo woman with a 21 yo bf who looks like 17 that I like to mother and take care of. Younger guys have so much stamina its fucking awesome and classical ideas about who provides for who are fucking stupid.

Well your parents could always die tragically at the same time and you get
>life insurance
>Possible Lawsuit

You can also luck out on a shitcoin or start a biz.

>6 years to become good at python
The ultimate state of Jow Forums everyone

>32 yo woman
you know the rules

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"Youth is wasted on the young"

Why are you so old and not already married?

Your response better include tits.