
Are they a necessary evil, do the hold the world together though unspeakable actions and our expense

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They wouldnt even shit on you.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

The tools they use to manage global commerce couldn’t be in better hands, amirite lads?

They're just plain evil, but the truth is if they weren't doing the evil shit they are doing, somebody else would

Bestest larp currently on the internets:

In the land of Israel, were the shadows lie.

would you rather it be the italian mafia? jacob rothschild isn't even in the club btw. he does his own shit.

even Caligula held his country together for a while

i read about half of that thread. i still dont get why he types, "laugh out loud"

That's a really interesting read, that dude should write some book.

Yeah he should have written "maniacly laughing out loud with the plebs" to be more consise

feel free to rothpill yoursel
in chronological order:

extra readings:

you need to learn about the nature of words and what the english language is. what this world really is.

Every phrase, word, syllable, and vibration can cause an err or spell

Read God Emperor of Dune.

how does that have any relevance to my post? explain

so how can we figure out how to disrupt the rothschilds? cmon Jow Forums lets use our weaponized autism.

words can be spells, would not surprise me if l o l is some sort of spirit name like kek.

too much work, and they gave us a system of clear rules to operate in

No, they are scum. Fuck the Dollar™

Good thing i'm not a street, pajeet.

truly one of the biggest and heartiest anal suppositories of our age

so are they just always going to be there?

The only possible challengers are the Chinese, and I'd rather be economically ruled by these guys

its not about money, theres a esoteric part of this.

hey faggots just derailing this thread
circumcision is good and healthy for boys
jet trails help reduce global warming for the peoples benefit.
vampires are real and run the cuntry
trump is a jewish shill
prove me the fuck wrong faglords