Everyone here despises wage slavery and literally considers it the scourge of human existence, yet simultaneously shills capitalism with every breath in their body. Somehow not realising that ideologies like socialism exist purely because of that same opposition to wage slavery and the power structure of capitalism.
Is it just the level of indoctrination in modern (especially american) society which lets people hold beliefs that they know deep down don't serve their interests?
Just because you think the current system is flawed doesn't mean you should go full retard
Adam Fisher
"wageslavery" is an emotionally charged memephrase. The idea that there will be magical system of economics where you won't have to work is just fairy tale thinking, very telling of marx
Wyatt Lopez
>I hate wageslaving! >Capitalism rules! kys
Gabriel Gonzalez
Change jobs or start a business. Next.
Hudson Rivera
that was never marx or any socialists point (other than perhaps in a far out scenario of ubiquitous automation, but that is science fiction right now). the point was envisioning an economic system where you didn't have to work FOR OTHER PEOPLE, often accepting conditions that you have no real desire to out of sheer necessity, and having no real autonomy over your working life other than maybe choosing which master you slave your life away for.
Adam Taylor
Because, while I hate capitalism on a fundamental level, I happen to to live a capitalistic country, wheater I like it or not. Its not like I can do anything on my own, aside from voting, so... If I am stuck in shit, might as well try to make a few bucks from it.
Juan Walker
thats different. im talking about the people who defend capitalism like a religion, not the people who tolerate it and try and work it as best as they can
Jack Roberts
Incorrect. Marx was right about almost everything
Easton Price
>envisioning an economic system where you didn't have to work FOR OTHER PEOPLE
You will always have to work for other people. The fuck are you talking about? Every socialist/communist/whateverthefuckist economy had this. They had L I T E R A L wageslavery under the soviet union. 16 hour work days involving tunneling out a canal in -10 degree weather with your bare fucking hands, but at least you weren't negotiating salary like some oink oink piggy. Right faggot?
Andrew Wilson
>Redpill >Post a Jew who YET AGAIN takes a anglo style name to shapeshift into and destroy white society
Jackson Hall
OP, as you get older you'll notice that literally everyone you meet who supports marxism is a poor, lazy, irresponsible faggot.
"Wahh wahh I never studied hard in school or worked hard in life because I have anxiety!"
"But every time I get sick or run out of money to buy weed it's the evil capitalists' fault!"
"Wahh wahh my problems should be someone else's problems! It shouldn't be my responsibility to earn my own food and weed!"
If we're talking about anything, I'd like to talk about how liberal arts colleges have blown straight passed putting out grads without the basic skills needed to contribute value, and have gotten to the point where they're putting out grads who are philosophically incapable of contributing value.
Is this even post-secondary educations final form?
Joseph Stewart
In Cuba there are literally only two classes: politicians and wageslaves. Everyone there wageslaves and is forced to because there is no alternative. There is no "making it". All you can do is slave for the wage the government pays. This is real communism and socialism.
Landon Collins
>They had L I T E R A L wageslavery under the soviet union. This. I want to see "commies" from the west put in collectivized farms.
Blake Wright
Everything socialists accuse capitalists of doing they do one hundred times more.
Wage slavery? socialists literally rounded up people they didn't like and forced them to work. Environmental damage? There was no such concept as Environmental Protection in the soviet union. Stifling? Soviet Union gave no incentive or possibility to pursue art. All art was state approved No Upward mobility? You're LITERALLY A FUCKING SLAVE FORCED TO WORK ON A COLLECTIVE FARM FOR SOME GREEDY JEW
And commies keep rattling with "muh stolen surplus labor" . Faggots have no idea how business are run. Marx thought factories were magic and it shows. You just "own" a factory, press the factory button, and goods just pour out the other end. He was a fucking moron from the day 1 and his works should be in the fiction section
every wage slave lives with the dream that someday it will start a bussiness and will make a lot of many i.e. american dream, thats why they support capitalism and hate slavery at the same time.
The only wage slaves are the ones that bought the "higher education is a golden ticket to a dream job" meme and they're almost 100% the exact same people that end up unironic socialist retard druggy burnouts. The schools know that the students don't know why things are so bad so they all but encourage radicalism on campus.
They know that if they can get as many people to blame the system itself as possible it provides a convenient smoke screen for the fact that they're the ones specifically tithing these rubes upwards of $700 a month for their basket weaving degrees, all while the regulators make sure new housing can't be built in a reasonable timeframe or cost.
Imagine being more mad at the only people standing between yourself and the gutter than than the people most responsible for your situation to begin with (besides yourself).
because I realized that the only reason why wageslavery is so awful is because poorfags choose to breed and devalue their labor, or they're too stupid and irresponsible to establish wealth in their life times (boomers). I have zero sympathy for poor people who have children, literally creating more poverty and having their inferior genetics subsidized with the funds of productive people.
I just hope I make enough to escape the working class before shtf
Levi Price
Typical Marxist loser mentality. "My job might become obsolete one day so it's better if I never work."
"If I try, I might fail, so it's better that I don't try."
"The world is unjust, so it's better that renounce the world and shitpost about Marxist utopia from mom's basement."
"Some people are much more successful than me, so I should force them to be less rich, instead of focusing on creating wealth for myself."
FYI women are super turned off by your scarcity/zero-sum mentality. Also your worldview is demonstrable quackery.