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You're jus tnot in the real world yet.
Wait till niggers start stealing your job and your nieghbourhoods just like they did mine.
Actually read what he posted. Dude starts off from a faulty premise of assuming that everyone has extra money to spend.
>You have got to keep trying, and if it doesn’t work, you always can revert back to what you were doing before
Most genuinely poor people don't have that option. Most middle class people who become poor are idiots though, in their situation because they spend everything they earn until they get laid off or something, and a lot of middle class people project that onto the actual working poor who never have money to waste in the first place.
Refute THIS *grabs dick*
It is unrefutable.
>t. 31, not rich yet, gettin kinda nervous
It is true. I would say if you aren’t retired by 40 you are a slave
If you grew up in the first world, yes, 100%.
I have to pay a 100% tax on technology while burgers get free shipping and moneyback
it simply isn't possible to be poor in the first world unless you are absolutely retarded
murrr :3
If you didn't become a bitcoin billionaire by now you're literally a cuck and you'll die poor and hopeless in a gutter.
agree 100%
t. just retired at 40 with $1.2m
To correlate wealth/money with character/intrinsic value is nothing but siding with "them". To correlate wealth/money in a controled scenario is nothing but worshipping the ones that actually control/concentrate the wealth.
We live in a controled scenario where you are just allowed to proceed IF you meet some requirements, if we lived in a non controlled scenario everything could be created or done but in reality we have some "blacklists" that "they" created that you need to obey in order to be "sucessfull".
Money was created in order to help to make it easier the transactions/exchanges of real good, the intent that money had at first isnt the same that we see nowadays (usury, non backed by minerals or other stable thing).
If you endorse this view you are nothing but a bootlicker of "them".
If you endorse this fact you are literally talking that people that really created or did good things to humanity for all their lifes have lower value than a Kardashian or something else that is "they" puppet and just created a tool to control us.
this applies to 80% of Jow Forums
I noticed Jow Forums had an influx of boomers since the last bull run
I wish the CCP would finance my business ventures.
I’m 37 and have about $20 left after all bills...I guess I’ve failed at life, damn
This is pretty much me, I think of killing myself daily...
he really seems to know a lot.
what is his opinion on looking like a fetus at age 60?
my dad was poor at 35 and is now a multimillionaire
>white people thinking they can be poor
If you are 37 and still posting on Jow Forums you deserve it
>Jack Ma
any of you faggots calling people failures for not having money do not understand how the world works.
t. not poor person
>I'm white and basically poor
> I'm 40, what's your point?
It's hard to. I'm 29, last year I l went to salary for $42k up from $12/hour, and now I'm waiting on a final for mid to upper 50s range.
thanks for ruining my day OP
>45 is the new 35
Imagine being so useless you can't even compete with niggers.
>listening to anything rich people tell you
Instead look at what they actually did to get rich. In Ma's case he sucked massive amounts of government cock and was granted a de facto monopoly by the Chinese government. So basically do that in order to become wealthy and if you fail and are over 35 then you deserve to fail.
>stealing jobs
Has never happened ever.
Bought 20 BTC in 2016 and watched that shit moon, cashed out 15 coins I’m filthy fucking rich baby
If you’re ugly at 35 you deserve it.
This. They would often be the first ones to quit.
>$300k if all sold at $20k
>filthy fucking rich
>ever not stealing
Jow Forums pls
To be fair he is most likely a shitskin third-worlder and that is rich to them.
wtf I'm thinking deep now..
Will nigger steal a job?
Steal or job? What a dilemma
Not all people are born with high IQ.
With low IQ you will never get rich
>cashed out 15 coins
Most anons payed for your gains and your lucky to get of the pyramid scheme in action
While you held to zero...ha
samefag nice try though
35 is generous as hell, there's absolutely no refuting it. He's not even saying you have to be rich by 35, just not poor. At 31 I realize that I could have easily been rich by 25 just by not being a degenerate lazy faggot and easily a multi millionaire by my age if I wasn't low iq, lazy and willfully projected a victim mentality onto myself. However, I can still be not poor by 35 and hopefully multimillionaire by 40. Not through any particular virtue of my own, rather I've simply made every fucking mistake a person can make.
>it's all so tiresome
if you have a roof over your head, clean water and relatively safe city then you're rich in a world sense
how to be a multimillionarie
>this is what poorfags tell themselves
Wow at least you can sleep a bit easier on those sentiments
well in my case, my expenses are close to zero. I am homeless, carless, jobless and phoneless. I repair my own clothes and maybe upgrade once in a while from a thriftstore. I eat bulk rice lentils and oats as 75% of my diet so I spend almost nothing on food. I live in my university stealthmode. I can keep going to school for free, doing well at it and collecting scholarships for very little effort of which I invest into bitcoin, BNB, link, eth, monero. I steal bags from recycling bins and return them for cash to eat but also save some of the money. I get medical marijuana and amfets which I sell at a huge profit. I could have entered the workforce years ago but I choose to spend most of every day studying math, finance, cryptography, other languages. Each time I finish school I just re en roll into something new and keep learning. I also have a project that I believe is a multimillion dollar idea and I basically put all my time and energy into that. so basically frugality to a ridiculous extent, controlling 100% of my time, having no expenses, constantly learning useful skills and being patient with dollar cost averaged high risk investments. It takes tremendous mental fortitude and sacrifice and I would not recommend to everyone because most people are addicted to trinkets and NPC status symbols. Not me though, NEET 4 lyfe fuck normans.
im not saying i don't want more than that but there are a lot of people that will never have what i have already no matter what they do. just a good thing to remember
>Refute this
Oh look at OP being such an alpha faggot. Commanding Jow Forums to give him excuses for his failures.
>$300k best case scenario (so $150k ish)
Just wait until you realize you could have been actually rich in 5 years if you just held
most rich youtubers are average to low IQ, pro athletes, etc
its all luck desu
This is funny and ironic but these cumskins are too in their feelings to take a joke
£3,000 in the bank, I house share with friends, so I have low expenses, I can buy whatever I want.
I feel rich, so I win
Minimalist lifestyle is the way forward
the point is that you should be a business who exploits niggers
And why would they? What do you have that other people don’t?
Hodling 5 left baby just in case of emergency
you will sell at 30k, then kill yourself when its 250k
You have friends user? You are rich. I wish I had real friends.
Theres nothing to refute.
>t. Under 35 boomer
No one cares!
>Has never happened ever.
I think they stole quite a few jobs when they were, you know, slaves.
the current meta in the market game allows for a wider optimization when it comes to wealth and where you are on the bell curve in terms of iq. Shit if dumb niggas can make 100K a year smoking good kush on a screen then hell why not.
read "millionaire next door"
where do you live?
t. Shitskin
I'm 30 and I got 1 million.
But I got no friends and no interesting life events and I clam up around people and can't talk to them.
I'm an unattractive autist and I want to gas extroverted people.
Why do poorfags get so mad at other people who had good luck? I thought people were supposed to compliment others on their good fortune. Unless... you’re so miserable you have to wish misfortune on those who were smarter or luckier than you?
No, big jack basically said anyone can be a billionaire like him. So no, he's literally calling everyone else a poorfag
Imagine you grinded at doing something for years and years and investing all your time and effort at this one thing that you are sure will make you successful, then the day you're supposed to receive it someone like the YouTuber Logan Paul just casually walks in with his cap back and yanks it away from your hands and runs off with it.
Thats how it feels faggot.
>boring git selling survivor bias to naive young people
At least Tony Robbins was fun as he told people to stop procrastinating for 40hrs.
That's a random guess.
>well in my case, my expenses are close to zero. I am homeless, carless, jobless and phoneless. I repair my own clothes and maybe upgrade once in a while from a thriftstore. I eat bulk rice lentils and oats as 75% of my diet so I spend almost nothing on food. I live in my university stealthmode. I can keep going to school for free, doing well at it and collecting scholarships for very little effort of which I invest into bitcoin, BNB, link, eth, monero. I steal bags from recycling bins and return them for cash to eat but also save some of the money. I get medical marijuana and amfets which I sell at a huge profit. I could have entered the workforce years ago but I choose to spend most of every day studying math, finance, cryptography, other languages. Each time I finish school I just re en roll into something new and keep learning. I also have a project that I believe is a multimillion dollar idea and I basically put all my time and energy into that. so basically frugality to a ridiculous extent, controlling 100% of my time, having no expenses, constantly learning useful skills and being patient with dollar cost averaged high risk investments. It takes tremendous mental fortitude and sacrifice and I would not recommend to everyone because most people are addicted to trinkets and NPC status symbols. Not me though, NEET 4 lyfe fuck normans.
>Imagine being so useless you can't even compete with niggers.
You can't even buy a nice house in a place worth living for 300k. Exceptionally delusional. Besides, you made 300k through a fluke.
>I’m 37 and have about $20 left after all bills
damn son. I only started working two years ago and after bills I atleast have $200 to fuck around with. and i'm disappointed with that.
At your age I think it's too late.
You've really fucked up sorry.
No one got rich by being frugal. You gotta be the best in tech or the best in finance, or like Bezos, the best in both.
So your sure fire way as to how to become a millionaire is to leech of money for taxs payers and do your absolute best to never actually spend any money. So like any presidential or political position.
Its only 1.2M for the rest of your life, you'll blow thru it within 6 years and be shit out of luck.
>Thats how it feels faggot.
honestly I feel fortunate just being were I am right now.
I have no false retarded beliefs that if I work my ass off for my whole life I'll be a millioniare.
Anyone that believes that probably deserves to get screwed over for the nievity.
and instead of learning from it they get upset. What babies.
Lol midget. You can entire when you make a mil passive yearly on your investments.
actually "deserving it" starts at about 25, sorry.
just get your shit together, anons
You are likely to be poor forever if you are born in the Africa.
>Just did the math, and I'll retire at 44
Planning to retire at all isn't the best idea if you're under 30 and don't have an infinite source of income. What with the fact that improvements in life extension technology will have a decent chance of getting people living to 200 or more for anyone around that age.
If you're not already in your mid-late 30s then you're probably not going to die soon enough for your retirement plan to work out.
i did this until i got injured and had to buy health insurance
be happy > be rich
So what happens then? I'm poor at 35 - do I just kill myself now? No can do, my son needs me
>At 31 I realize that I could have easily been rich by 25 just by not being a degenerate lazy faggot and easily a multi millionaire by my age if I wasn't low iq, lazy and willfully projected a victim mentality onto myself. However, I can still be not poor by 35 and hopefully multimillionaire by 40.
I see this shit so many times at work with coworkers in the early/mid 20s saying they’re starting a side hustle or music career and plan to be a millionaire by 30.
This generation is deluded as fuck.
Absolutely fucking based and non-poor pilled.
I think at the back of the head is just the realization that longterm they are fucked if they don't make it. So it's get rich or die trying.
>I eat bulk lentils