The Chainlink team likes the coffee price comparison

I talked to the chainlink team at ETH Denver and asked about the cup of coffee reference. They actually said this is a great point of economic reference, that the token would be worth a cup of coffee in building an infrastructure of efficient and reliable smart contracts. I didn't talk to Sergey but I was told they would like the token's price to be pegged to coffee. When pressed, the only said take the price of a grande coffee at Starbucks.

Attached: CupofSergey.jpg (624x351, 39K)

noo :( i dont even like coffee i feel betrayed

It will be pegged to the price of one BigMac, check the whitepaper

Never fear user, the price is currently much less than a cup of coffee. Get in now

I’ve heard the same thing OP, although I wasn’t at ETHDenver, the token cannot be taken seriously if it’s volatilw and losing/gaining 10% every week, imagine locking in at $24 LINK and the price dips to $15 before execution, that is retarded in the finance world

From an efficiency standpoint, they explained that there's not a large "point" in the tokens being worth hundreds or thousands. There's no "point" in it, just as there's no harm. But that the intended economic value was pegged to doing something for $3-5, that is fast and secure. The future is efficiency and economical

I don’t think it’s far off, but I also don’t think anything higher than $4-5 is realistic. This isn’t 2017 anymore, token wouldn’t rocket like that without someone putting in fomo buy orders

what about the collateral? is 1000$ EOY debunked

Soft-selling the FUD rather than hard-selling it.

I could see a big announcement taking us there but even a $4 price tag is almost a 10x

Yes, they explained that Intel SGX, decentralization, and high node reputation mean you don't require a high token price for collateral

Is there even any point holding anymore?

thread reeks of bullshit discord FUD

what is the coffee analogy? Why a cup of coffee rather than 2 dollar bill? There is no difference. You're just calling it a cup of coffee as if there was something intrinsically special about the coffee other than it's price.

If this were true, you basically just asked the team if a token should be 4 dollars. An absurd question for many reasons, not the least of which is expecting a team, especially the least-hype team in this space, to be commenting on the price of their token. Also, there is nothing inherently special about one discrete token. Tokens are just a means to confer value. Collectively the value of all tokens would equal the value of the network. But reducing them to individual LINK tokens for "building infrastructure of efficient and reliable smart contracts" is retarded

get the fuck out of here faggot

subtle FUD
the discord fags are learning to sound more reasonable to fool the weak handed spuds

$0.47 to $3-5 is a nice investment imo, don't see a problem with it

no FUD here, I was in Denver and wanted to check in with the team. The cup of coffee reference has been around as long as link. It's a great marketing point, sell a business an idea that costs a cup of coffee

this subtle FUD is good keks tho

>It's a great marketing point, sell a business an idea that costs a cup of coffee

Its not though, it doesn't make any sense.
How many jobs do you expect to be priced at exactly one LINK token in payment?

and no-one in any business is comparing prices of technology in cups of coffee, do you even have a job?

So it's not pegged to the price of big macs???

Just sold 100k. Goodbye linkies

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It's a good enough point of emphasis that the team acknowledged it. I work in the software space, job confirmed. A job will vary based on how important or unimportant it is, if you're checking something petty like flights, shipping, or the price of a security/equity, shouldn't cost much. A nice cup of coffee.

hey boss, i think we should price things based on a nice cup of coffee, you know, like all business wants

go have that conversation with your boss. kek


Newfags, this is what subtle fud looks like.


Any other juicy tidbits!?

Nothing that hasn't been posted already. But they realistically have business interest that should push them into cup of coffee price range, so that's good news for linkies

seriously didn't choose the big mac index? fucking failed

Oh gosh this is like reading old BTC threads from bitcoin talk kek. Crypto is more than likely going to do better than these fudders would have you believe and connecting legacy systems with new tech allows far more value to leak into the ecosystem as a whole.

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t. nopants

>I talked to someone myself no I don't have proof
Shit thread.

You're full of shit because when I talked to Sergay at the conference he said it would be ideal if it were pegged to the price of a bucket of jizz


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Little known fact, but Sergey is a proponent of exterminationism. He believes in the very near future most of Africa, Latin America, and India will be destroyed in a nuclear Holocaust, decimating the coffee industry and making it a commodity like gold. This is where the coffee reference come from.

Attached: Major-Coffee-Producers-of-the-World-2-Small-2.png (854x427, 118K)

Well shit on my street and call me pajeet! We've got a bingo.

Uhh what

You pajeet street shitter

This is complete bullshit. I know this is a larp FUD. Sergey said he can't talk about the token at the moment. All of the other team members have also refused to talk about price speculations. This is complete and utter bullshit.

Wanting to peg link to the price of a coffee defeats the fact that 1 link is divisible. Some people are so fucking retarded on simple economics.

From an efficiency standpoint you will need high value collaterals to justify quadrillions in derivatives. There are not enough LINK tokens to make that collateral worth. You need a $10,000 per token to reach the quadrillion with full circulating supply

A Realistic link price prediction for once, wow

>what about the collateral? is 1000$ EOY debunked

there 1 billion chain link token, if it 10 dollar that mean 10 billion dollar worth of token, face it link is not going past 10 dollar, lucky if get 5 dollar. 5 billion enough for collatoral

The only pegging will be the nolinkies getting pegged by $1000 EOY

That would put the chainlink team in charge of 2.6 billion dollars, 1.4b of which are the 350m node rewards and 1.2b of which they own.
I think that we won't see anything much above $1 until we're through those node rewards. There are going to be hundreds of people trying to get LINK nodes for their sole passive income source, and they're gonna sell, which will hurt them more in the long run.

someday chainlink cryptocurrency will be worth one thousand dollars per token

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what is marketcap

Incorrect, you can use adapters to put $$$$ as collateral and the process is completely decentralized and automated, and you’ll of course need high rep nodes

The Team seemed to appreciate a realistic and probable viewpoint on price. No they don’t want to or believe the price will get to sky high proportions simply because it’s not bitcoin or does it need to be a store of value. What companies would look at a $760 token and not be scared away? However, pitching companies on something that costs a cup of coffee, that is a ok

A cup of Sergey?