Can't find a decent job. Im 23. I am thinking of teaching English in Korea. Anyone here doing this? Whats it like?
Can't find a decent job. Im 23. I am thinking of teaching English in Korea. Anyone here doing this? Whats it like?
I'm there right now. I'm literally in class right now. Ask anything you want.
My advice: Get into teaching adults and business people ASAP, pay is much better. Unless you genuinely enjoy being with kids (no pedo)
And if one were a pedo? Asking for OP
wtf op im gonna tell on you
If I want to teach English in China/Japan/Korea do I need to know one of those languages?
it's a great way to waste a year or two and end up right back where you started
actually, no
What are the kids like in korea? Based on what I understand from web manhwa, both boys and girls are extremely violent and their primary occupation is fistfighting and being delinquents, is this accurate?
Are you white?
How easy is it to get laid?
In Korea, English teachers are rightfully seen as people who couldn't get jobs in their home countries. It's a dead end job that pays $2k per month. YOu can get undatable girls if you're average and decent looking ones id you're good looking. My nextdoor nieghboe in Seoul spoke fluent korean and was like 6'3' and pretty goodlooking but dated 2/10 korean giels.
every loser I know taught english in some asian shithole after graduating college. find something better to do dude
>Whats it like?
it's like STD's and alcoholism
you get the STD's from the hookers you are forced to fuck since no korean girl will date you, and the alcoholism from the realization you just flushed a year of your life down the drain
>$2k per month
I make $5k a month, free food at lunch, free apartment, yeah entry level is shit but entry level is shit everywhere
Contrary to common belief, speaking Korean is actually worse for picking up Korean girls. I pretend to know no Korean and just speak english at them, that way they can't say no.
>he chose english teaching in korea as his career path
>they can't say no
If finding a job is the only thing that you have problems with then it might work but if any other aspect of your life is bad it's going to be magnified in a foregin country most probably.
Easy work, good pay, I have time to work on side projects, cost of living in almost 0 so everything goes straight into vanguards, except for memeing you actually have no real reason to think it's bad
go to vietnam instead you stupid faggots. way better and tons of hot chicks who will giddily fuck your fat short chode
absolutely true
Korea is done, do check out Vietnam or rich Cambodian private schools (under the radar opportunity atm)
Like with anything there is some truth to the cynicism about English teachers. There's a lot of losers, a lot of alcoholics and womanisers.
But there are also those who are doing it as a gap year or to help travel. I did it for two years in two different countries but with a clear plan about what I wanted to do when I came back. I actually gained a lot of good skills in terms of public speaking, organisation and "cultural skills" that you can definitely spin right.
I taught with a couple of people who had similar plans to me and both gained a lot from it too. They both have very nice STEM jobs in the West now.
So yeah, have a plan, work for a good company and focus on what you can get out of it.
But yeah, you will come across of a lot of idiots. Or smart people who just want a nice easy life. But don't fall into that trap. Everyone needs value in their life.
Lastly, only teach adults and get a good qualification (eg. CELTA). It'll cost you but it's worth it, both for your teaching and for future perceptions.
Ahh yes, they won't refuse because of the implication.
>he fell for the korean and jap girls lust for white men meme
the only Korean girls who prefer white men are westernized american born girls who went through a life time of hollywood brainwashing
the only girls you are going to get in Korea are hookers or other undesirables as normal girls would be ostracized from society if they dated outside their race
better stick to poor countries like the philippines, vietnam, or thailand where the subhuman jungle asians there see white men as a way out of their shitholes
right faggot
just checked craigslist-- still 2.1-2.2 million won per month for every job listed
maybe your hagwon pays 2x the market rate for your awesome skills but I highly doubt it. eithwe way you'e gonna be fucked when youre 40
based and redpill, you have it zero'd in, especially the SEA part and the hollywood brainwashing part.
ah yes, craigs lists where the good jobs are advertised... fucking idiot
Oh gee golly when did Jow Forums turn into Dave's ESL Cafe. Go teach in Japan. Korean girls are sheeboons. Also Korea is a dump
>better stick to poor countries like the philippines, vietnam, or thailand where the subhuman jungle asians there see white men as a way out of their shitholes
I'm Black and have a girlfriend in Thailand. I feel personally attacked.
Go away nigger.