started having some interest in Bitcoin in 2011 but only decided to buy some in 2014 after it peaked at $1200. I bought my first BTC at $600 and was upset at myself for not having bought earlier. I am convinced that BSV is the real Bitcoin and that CSW was the leader of the Satoshi team. Now I have a second chance at buying bitcoin at a tenth of what I paid initially in 2014. I know that CSW advocates for creating content and not "investing" by solely buying but I would be foolish to think that BSV will remain at this price once it unleashes its full potential. I have already made a good amount of money but now I feel like I have a better opportunity than ever before.
How many to make it oldfags?
> Man known for lieing contines to tell bigger lies
Tell me more about this man who cannot sign a genesis block
This is his argument user
Or simply move some coins.
> the so-called “sign publicly, and everyone will know” mantra doesn’t actually prove anything
The only sentence in the rambling diatribe of an incoherent toxic liar that matters.
It would prove he had access to the genesis blocks, which is what satoshi, and only satoshi, may still have. He's probably dead though.
Maybe he's not satoshi but patents have value right user?
> patents have value on open source global currencies
mmhmm tell me more about how they would be enforced? You going to prosecute every node operator? Open source contributor?
You will just force those things underground. He is betting on the old world but likely his patents are just as incoherent as his lies.
Pro wrestlers in 1980s swore under oath that that they were totally legit. CSW is a classic carny.
I should atleast have some rrrright?
Satoshi is dead, Craig is a serial liar who deceived the Aussies out of several million dollars in grants
Buy BTC or ETH, BSV and BCH are shitcoins
ETH? Hahahahahah
Fuck no
How many do u have?
listen friend. you are right. I have close to 1,000 BSV and i need more. all these psyop glowniggers on here are telling you lies.
What would someone need to do to convince you they are satoshi?
From: Spike Spiegel
Ethereum Fraud
>Buy ETH
you dumb nigger
Sign a genesis block. Only that will prove identity.
>ETH is not a shitcoin
what did op mean by this
provable identity is kind of the entire point of crypto.
you just agreed signing a genesis block proves nothing more than possession of the private key
sound money is the point of bitcoin
>all these replies
Are you familiar with the ID system? I could really care less how you speculate, have fun losing your money, dork
BTC? Not enough to made it
Hey is that the dude from the "what is investment banking" video
Checked. Also, holy shit are you me, user? I have a similar background to yourself.
Do you also feel the same disdain I feel for trash like this?
its the dude from your mom's bedroom
He can sign with multiple genesis blocks and maybe some other random blocks as well. I'm sure he ran QA on releases.
Perhaps some testnets exist that he can provably sign as well.
Maybe he can ramble on about how noone understands bitcoin and everyone should sell to fiat because he's going to crash the market. That will prove it.
no i meant bsv
it's just interesting to see how you are playing it.
It's a bit of an impossible dilemma for you; how can we make a test for satoshi that craig wright can't pass.
The only way out for you is to say it's impossible to prove you are satoshi but instead youre pushing the narrative that signing the keys is the definitive solution when you know he's already done that for andresen, matonis and others
Bitcoin must be about trusting third party sources. I understand Bitcoin now, thanks CSW.
It's possible that matonis and andresen were fooled or are lying.
But you know they arent, so why would you give craig the narrative to prove he is satoshi on a silver platter
Does anyone really think someone as egotisical as Craig Wright would have made Bitcoin and not put his name on it?
From wikileaks
If he signs a genesis block then I will accept that he is satoshi and support his kiddie porn chain or whatever he thinks BSV is this week.
Until then that habitually lieing piece of shit needs to stop paying you fucks to spam these social forums with your dumb fuck nonsense.
Go get a real job.
How do these threads even get replies... So many brainlets on Jow Forums lately. sigh
You need to spend next weekend and study csw religiously
Let the best chain wins
>admits he will follow satoshi even if he disagrees with him
You just cant win can you
Compare his medium and twitter is the first step
I think faketoshi legitimately redefines what it means to be a pathetic failure. He is the crypto equivalent of going shopping at wal-mart, you can't help but feel better about yourself after witnessing such a sad, simpering, smoothbrained, fraudulent, self-absorbed turbocuck.
3 digits
damn i only got 63 but i have 2 btc that i was thinking of converting so i would have 3 digits as well
>People suggesting buying BTC or ETH
You people are dummies. ETH is a dead end because Casper and sharding will never work like they want it to, and Bitcoin is a goddamn permanent timebomb in terms of stability due to the nature of hard forks and big financial players not wanting to get in 'late.' Do your research, get in on developing alts right now that have never yet had the chance to moon. If you're feeling really ballsy try and find things with potential to do Bitcoin's job better that the banks and the like would want to get in early on. Just get in on something that's new before the next crypto wave begins
>Saying nothing in so many words
NPC detected
That 2 btc you can split and get 2 bsv and 2 bcash
>>he doesnt know instutitions wont risk building on top of unproven tech
Bitcoin is the only decade old proven tech
>doesnt acknowledge craig forging documents to "prove" he's satoshi
old habits die hard for him, you're just in denial because you're bagholding
I will follow someone who has contributed to humanity
I will not follow someone who habitually lies and tries to destroy the space when he fails to convince others of his fraud.
Not really hard to understand.
See you on the moon user
Very nice.
Funny how BSV is literally mainnet LINK + way more but these greedy niggers just dont get it.
Too soon.
He needs to die for the bull market to start.
>BSV is literally mainnet LINK + way more
I dont buy vaporware user
Sirgay is gay
Maybe he just wanted to add that into his blog post as an afterthought.
you're a fucking retarded shill using generic shill tactics to try to prove yourself as a psudointellectual.
nobody gives the slightest fuck about your theorycrafting bullshit, Satoshi can sign a genesis block and prove it's satoshi, thats how bitcoin works, thats how the entire fundemental fucking baseline of the crypto market works is a god damn signature. Everything you do takes a signature, your wallet signs the fuck out of everything, he's lying through his teeth because he doesn't even understand at a basic level that he needs to sign the block or he isn't him.
i don't give a fuck if he "has the private key" and isn't satoshi. If he can sign the damn thing then he's effectively satoshi, if he can't then he's not.
>Actually believing that CSW is Satosh.
>Not knowing that he has planned this for awhile so he can create some shit coin and dump it on tards like you.
The bloke is a known scammer but you still blindly follow.
Just because he can’t sign a genesis block doesn’t mean he isn’t satoj
He doesnt ask for my money (ico)
Scam in what way exactly?
>you just agreed signing a genesis block proves nothing more than possession of the private key
Which Craig Wright does not have.
A literal ponzi scheme.
>I own a fuckton of X
>"Buy X!"
>Sweet now I can sell a chunk of my X for more than I ever spent making it
>Keep a large stack to sell after the next wave of idiots I convince to pump the price
Sign the genesis block, write posts under Satoshi's original handle, move some of Satoshi's stash.
You know, the first things actual Satoshi would do if he wanted anyone do know who he is.
>What would someone need to do to convince you they are satoshi?
not be craig wright
He never told me to buy his coin, thats the last thing he'll do
He always tell his twitter follower to read books because its free
You never did your research user
>"Wright’s mother had told me about her son’s long-standing habit of adding bits on to the truth, just to make it bigger. ‘When he was a teenager,’ she said, ‘he went into the back of a car on his bike. It threw him through the window of a parked car. That’s where his scar comes from. His sister accompanied him to the hospital and he’s telling the doctor that he’s had his nose broken twenty or so times, and the doctor is saying “You couldn’t possibly have had it broken.” And Craig says: “I sew myself up when I get injured.”’ What his mother said connected with something I’d noticed. In what he said, he often went further than he needed to; further than he ought to have done. He appeared to start with the truth, and then, slowly, he would inflate his part until the whole story suddenly looked weak."
actually signing with genesis key doesn't prove it legally he is satoshi (so it's not like he can get any more inconvenienced) but it would remove much of the doubt (and outright contempt) he so desperately seeks to remove. so it makes ZERO sense for him not to sign unless he CAN'T.
for someone who got incredibly lucky being around at the right time to acquire a shit ton of btc hes certainty an unappreciative punk
he is a narcissistic psychopath. all he craves is attention and validation and money is his prime validation mechanism. so there is that. i'm not aware of him ever pushing anything to github or sourceforge remotely connected to bitcoin. i mean satoshi ddidn't do much else, he was posting on forums but he was way more active on the codebase. and there is this faggot who never did anything with the code possibly never wrote a single line of code in his life claiming to be him. it's an insult really.
if he is in possession of the private keys to the wallet that is the known property of the creator of Bitcoin (Satoshi) it would be more than enough to prove, in a court of law, that he is Satoshi, as possessing the private key is the same as possessing (or owning) th wallet, and as the wallet in question is specifically the property of Satoshi Nakamoto whoever possesses the private keys could be considered beyond reasonable doubt Satoshi Nakamoto. The court could even give a reasonable amount of time for anyone to lay counterclaim to the wallet (to see if anyone else could prove they own the private keys too) if no one came forward it would basically solidify the conviction that Craig Wright is indeed Satoshi Nakamoto.
>if he is in possession of the private keys to the wallet that is the known property of the creator of Bitcoin (Satoshi) it would be more than enough to prove, in a court of law, that he is Satoshi
wrong current possession of the keys is by no means proof of past possession. it's something a 2 bit lawyer can dismiss the case by.
after seeing what length he went to try to prove by circumstantial evidence fraud and tampering he is satoshi, occams razor says he can't sign.
He can sign it at any time, he just doesn't feel like it. You can't prove that he can't sign it.
>I hold a key, a methodology, and a way to definitively prove, and over time, I will release parts of the story bit by bit. As I do, I utterly destroy the scammers in the industry. I will bring down the ones seeking to make criminal industries out of Bitcoin and blockchain, and I will alter the path of the industry, and I don’t care if you like it—for it’s what I’m going to do.
>In doing so, I am going to create more wealth than I believe anyone could ever imagine—I certainly cannot. And I’m going to make other people wealthy, in some cases wealthier than they could even imagine. More importantly, other people who are partnered with me I’m going to make immense sums
This doesn't sound like something Satoshi would say.
again after the emotional roller-coaster he went through trying to present false evidence - and the ridicule and hurt he received - multiple times even going as far as to deceive multiple people with private seances of magician style controlled "signings" and not to mention his claim that he is ready to declare under oath himself as satoshi if anyone wished so, naaah... man it's ridiculous to even entertain he has the keys.
he is just playing on the weakness of people that need this messianic figure so bad they are willing to settle for a crazy ass psycho if it means satoshi didn't abandon them. he is milking this gullible crowd for everything he can.
Surely nobody really believes this man. How obvious does a lie have to be for you to suspect deception? Literally everything I know about human interactions and motivations tells me that this man is a liar and, less important, just a really really shitty dude. I mean, fuck. Who could like and trust this man? The only reason he won’t prove his claim, is because he can’t. Would any of you take the same approach to coming out as Satoshi? Does it make any human sense at all?
i’m not of the opinion he can sign, my point was that Craig is currently taking advantage of the epistemological problem of certainty in order to dismiss signing the keys, however if it could be concluded that a court of law could lawfully pass judgement that he is Satoshi you can basically remove that playing card from his hand, it would no longer be about ‘oh but people will just say i stole the keys’.
As for your argument that current possession does not infer past possession, it’s irrelevant, it’s not about when he possessed the keys, it’s simply about if he is in possession of them now.
nothing what craig says sounds like satoshi to me. but i may be biased because i thought he was fraud the first time i saw him. i started to compare posts much later. but his fanboyish praise of the whitepaper in 2009, and his misspelling of bitcoin from the time which is publicly documented makes it rather clear to me he didn't ever participated in the development. if he was an early miner and enthusiast that i can't dismiss altho probably his contribution is grossly overinflated even there.
and i'm telling you if you look at it logically he should sign if he can it would only bring him advantage without any serious drawbacks at this point. his home was already raided several times with absolutely zero proof just speculation from online media which he feeds daily btw so you can't think he is shy of such consequences.
virtually everyone seems to agree that satoshi was a group and that craig was part of it.
it is only logical then, that the group would have a shared key with everyone only having a portion of it.
with 2 possible satoshi members dead, craig won't be able to withdraw money but might be able to prove in a court of law that he was (part of) satoshi
i do think he has claimed to possess the key, though, which would make him a liar even the above statement was true
>As for your argument that current possession does not infer past possession, it’s irrelevant, it’s not about when he possessed the keys, it’s simply about if he is in possession of them now.
of course it's not irrelevant, and one key does not prove anything about the rest. worst case they somehow make him pay capital gains taxes after the genesis block. i could pay that from my pocket money.
not that limitation wouldn't get him off the hook at this point, that's what 7 years in australia? not to mention he already took them to rebates of around $54 million so it's probably an even more moot point at this time around.
>virtually everyone seems to agree that satoshi was a group and that craig was part of it.
nah, he couldn't have been part of it based on the actual evidence we got. no way one of the team made mistakes like he did after years of sweating on the project.
Hi user im getting some just incase
no man i totally agree with you, he should definitely sign them, as you say it is only to his advantage, my point is that his only reason for not signing is that ‘it will not definitively prove anything’. However if a court of law were able to pass judgement that he was Satoshi (as in beyond a reasonable doubt) it would put a rest to his current parry. Just to malr it clear i’m of the opinion he’s not in possession of the private keys.
>he has claimed to possess the key, though, which would make him a liar
he has claimed a lot of things so far where he was proven to be a liar it's just this one is more tricky than his claims about being a world renown rower a master chef and a concert pianist.
yeah but it's just the other way around. it wouldn't be an inconclusive proof, it does not prove his identity - without the shadow of doubt by any means - in a court of law, nor does it prove the possession of 1 million bitcoins - just makes it more likely which is his goal - but it would be his strongest argument ever for the public especially his favorite gullible cultists would see it as a sign from heaven and he has spent the past 5 years trying to convince everyone he is satoshi.
i have yet to see a convincing argument why he wouldn't sign if he could. he actually presented very good arguments he should sign himself.
and the funniest thing when he is out of ground, he falls back and revokes his caims with an emotional appeal. he says he is scared of the consequences - which is not true of course we are talking about a psycho - but he just knows emotions don't have to stand the trial of logic and basically no arguing against them in a formal manner. also normies can relate to it as it resonates with their own fears of invasion they can see it as a sensible move. and a predator and manipulator uses that again and again if he is put in a corner without shame. and then he will go at it again on twitter time and time because he jut know there is no disproving his claims aside from satoshi showing up signing with his pk and presenting early forms of the bitcoin code before publishing to prove his work as a progress which he could challenge wright to produce before doing so. this would after a while make craig shut the fuck up play the hurt genius that got robbed of his work in a "hack" maybe threaten with suing but never follow through and disappear.
Why make an oath when he can make a fund that will pay $1m to whoever proves him wrong?
Thatd be a much more powerful statement. Anyone can swear on his momma that he is Satoshi with no repercussion nowadays.
i mean at that point it depends on if you believe the courts and government are trustworthy (which we will equate with impartial and uncorrupt). That’s an entirely different matter, as the rule of law is absolute, what they pass is absolute, unless later overturned. In fact, cant a court actually compel him to reveal his private keys ? In Australia they have no 5th Amendment.
alright, if you can prove i'm not god i will give you $1million.
he seems to be big in the law and patents and corporatism... nothing he ever wrote strikes as he doesn't trust the system. he bashes socialism from time to time never seen him shit on the legal system.
its funny because all 3 of those things have already happened
Where are you storing them? There is no hard wallet support. I'd buy a few but don't want to leave them on an exchange.
exactly, why would someone like that create Bitcoin ? He likes to make out that the anarchist undertones of Bitcoin are just the political interpretations of a few ‘wild groups’, but it’s pretty obvious Bitcoin is an anarchist project to rival the financial system and challenge the centeralised powers.
bitcoin maximalists are so fucking dumb, that's written like a post on twitter to maximize retweets from other brainlets, not as something to convince someone. In fact it's going to have the opposite effect on someone who's not a bitcoin maximalist already
>That’s an entirely different matter, as the rule of law is absolute, what they pass is absolute
there is like usually 3 or 4 higher courts you can appeal to. and it's not uncommon for them to remove sentences that an incompetent judge on lower courts set. but again, it would be 5 minutes to make the case dismiss for any decent lawyer. all he has to say
>"your highness the proof is inconclusive, there is no one on this planet that can actually prove without reasonable doubt, that my client was satoshi nakamoto him signing merely proves he is currently in possession of said private key and he declines to make a statement on how and when he came into it's possession" then the judge would call for experts to demonstrate where one of them will generate a private key sign a message and put the pk on a pendrive and hand it to the lawyer (or emails it) who then signs an other message 5 minutes to demonstrate how the personal signature of the expert. judge then sees the private key can be freely passed around stolen or published via bittorrent and he shuts down whatever procedure they got into.
pro tip: he doesn't write his medium posts or any of his ''''academic'''' work.
No they haven't.
he signed for gavin and matonis and bbc. he posted 'nour' on p2pfoundation. he moved a shitload of 2010 satoshi coins in december at the bsv fork.