So not only do millennials inherit the worst economy in 70 years but even if we get a good degree we still need to learn to CODE?
What the FUCK
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Just learn to code, skipping the degree
Just learn to code it's not even that hard.
Just learn to code, you can learn the basics in like a week
Just learn to code by looking things up using your search engine of choice
Just learn to code because learning it had become easier over the years
Just learn to code by being yourself
>just learn to code
Just learn to code start drinking coffee and turn it into code
JUST learn to code senpai
These anons are right. Coding itself is braindead easy, and if you're unable to do this basic skill it's not that different from being "unable" to read or write. It's one thing if you just haven't learned, but if you CANNOT learn that's on you.
What makes coding a high-end career in many cases and the reason it can sometimes pay big bucks, is that the hard part of it, which is usually modeling business requirements, is not easy at all. But that's most of the hard part of basically any high end white collar job, so the coding part is almost a side issue.
everyone should have at least basic programming skills in 2019. it isn't that hard. stop being a baby
It's a useful skill to have regardless of whatever job you're in. Computers are powerful tools and having the ability to use them to their full capacity makes you invaluable regardless of the industry you're in.
If you think you are going to be working in an office at any point in your career then learn some basic stuff that you can use to impress the boomers. They eat that shit up because they can't do it.
Clean your room bucko!
>listening to jp instead of his influencers
Absolutely LMAO
Just learn to code and be pajeeted
Based Finance grad here. Couldn't imagine being a retard that fell for the coding me.
>t. can't code for shit and making more in my first year than a coder will see in their entire lives
Can you really not code man?
Lol at any ambitious smart person who can’t code
Selling penny stocks to Brazilians? How does one make 80s money as a young finance squirt in this era?
I don't know why EVERYONE would have to learn how to code.
>just learn to code
It's not about it being hard it's just probably a waste of time if you have no interest in it and will never need it for anything. I definitely wouldn't do it JUST because Pastor Peterson said so.
coding is braindead easy? do you mean design patterns, algorithms, multi core programming, concurrency, etc... are all easy? or are you talking about just monkey coding?
because I got my CS/math masters + 2 years experience working now, and I can assure you some concepts are still difficult as fuck.
I'm talking about the coding that you would conceivably have to do in practice in a business environment, as someone who "has to learn to code to not be left behind". That doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be a software engineer, and generally you certainly wouldn't be designing any algorithms, doing anything parallel or concurrent unless it's 100% black boxed for you, etc.
t. CSfag who went into finance
yea and if you dont know how to wash your penis you are going to be really fucked. Let me know when computers start to litigate
>ITT millenial Op complains about reality
>the absolute state of zoomie s o ys
Just a code tO leRan im Stroke haviNg
If you are not exploring ML and particularly time series prediction, you are about to be completely bowed the fuck out.
Programming will be automated through time series prediction. It is not an easy field to understand.
Feel free to offer terrible advice while feeling confident, though. Although I warn you, it will not be enough to stop reality from slapping you in the face.
Joke's on you, I'm already retired early. Finance has some sweet gigs if you can get the right ones.
That said, I'm getting into ML out of personal interest and because I want to try writing some scalping bots. Also, the idea that "programming will be automated through time series prediction" is ridiculous, and you'd know why if you knew how to code.
In general, I am skeptical that ML and time series prediction is a general skill that many people will need to have like coding, but I could be wrong.
Imagine the dataset as github commits and the tech advances.
Noone will need to code, only do code reviews and select the best. Then that will be automated.
I'm so glad I'm on med school and don't have to deal with this shit
This and DeepMind's recent progress on Starcraft both make me rock hard, but programming involves a level of conceptual reasoning that's an entire step beyond language modeling. There has been some work done in model based code generation, but only very primitive work and the results have been essentially null so far. What you're describing is decades away, most likely multiple decades.
Just learn to have your scribe deal with the EHR.
And I do realize you can make the argument that "well we thought beating the world champion at Go was decades away too". These things are definitely unpredictable, but it is objective fact that some set of things is indeed multiple decades away, and I believe automated programming is one of them.
Logical problems are being solved with network rearchitectures. It's only a matter of time.
You are right that we do not know how long. But it could be months as easily as years.
Well, you have to think of it in terms of the actual kind of reasoning required for a programming task. Just for a simple example, how exactly do you intend to tell the neural network what program you want it to write? Just describe it in English? Maybe feed it UML diagrams? There's an actual, practical reason why we don't use programming languages that are like natural languages like English, and why we don't program directly in UML. It's specifying what you want the machine to do in sufficient detail that's the real work of programming, not remembering which function calls that translates to. The actual detailed specification of what you want the machine to do is the hard part, and how is a machine learning model supposed to do that for you? The only truly automated programming system would be a literal human level AGI that can have a back and forth conversation with you to develop a detailed spec, send you candidate code for revisions, etc.
Simple, if you can't use something simple like excel to input a few instructions into a program, you will not be able to operate most machinery.
At first?
Start with the commit message: "tests for loginpage" + codebase
Generate * n
modify when tests look good
new generation: "code for loginpage" + codebase (with tests)
Generate * n
modify until tests pass
just learn to code
Gotta be rich poorfag
You didn't answer my question though. "Generate" doesn't mean anything on its own, unless you're happy with random code that just does whatever. How are you going to tell the system WHAT to generate? This problem is the heart and soul of programming. You will never get to the step "when tests look good" until you solve it conclusively, because the combinatorial expolosion of possible programs is such that you'll never be able to search through them meaningfully even with all the computing power of the year 10,000 AD all to yourself.
At first. You may have to modify the generated code or have specific portions regenerate until they meet your requirements.
Then those actions will be automated. Selecting a single response from a large possible distribution of responses is at the core of ML.
Once people can do things themselves they will not need dedicated developers any longer.
Learn to code is a meme, the entire ecosystem is about to be disrupted.
You're not quite getting what I'm saying. It's not a matter of "modifying the generated code". Unless you have a way to specify it, i.e. literally manually PROGRAM the ML system for each task that you want it to perform, the generated code will be completely random and unrelated to the task you are trying to accomplish. How do you propose getting around this without either human level AGI, or hiring programmers to program in a higher level language that's used as input to the ML system?
Will I be able to afford this if I learn to code?
You are mapping from requirements to code. I don't know how it will function internally but I'm trying to figure it out.
Im more just warning people thinking they are jumping into a safe field. Programming is not safe, it is one of the first fields to be disrupted.
Medical is also an obvious place to disrupt. Also, our solutions will scale and don't rely on new sick people so we can actually solve the root problems.
>You are mapping from requirements to code.
Yes! That's exactly right, and that is precisely the fundamental task of programming, and what programmers spend 90% of their time and effort on (unless you also count gathering or developing the requirements themselves). As for how it will function internally, I am extremely confident that it will be as I described ("hiring programmers to program in a higher level language that's used as input to the ML system", then eventually "human level AGI").
That said, programming is not a "safe" field because there is no such thing as a safe field. AGI is coming, and when it does the economy as we know it will be over, because human labor of any kind will rapidly become redundant and orders of magnitude too expensive compared to AI.
Do you honestly not know any coding languages? Why are you on Jow Forums then?
>hiring programmers to program in a higher level language that's used as input to the ML system
Maybe, but that higher level language is prone to ML disruption as well. ad infinitum
Not until AGI. The reason for this is that at some point the process of specification "bottoms out" at a level where all the complexity is in the domain. In other words, it's the world that's complicated, not the program or ML system or language anymore, and the programmer's task will be to decipher the world, what needs to be done to the world, and how to communicate that to the ML/programming system. Programmers already do this today as part of their jobs, they'll just have nicer tools and focus on the specification part exclusively.
In some sense programming is "human relationship complete", since a lot of software deals with human interaction, and until you have a system that can fully understand that ITSELF, and communicate that understanding in a two-way manner with its users, we will need programmers to program it. If that's the case, then we're back to AGI. Once we have AGI all bets are off and everybody gets fired, but I'm actually pretty sure that programming will remain a pretty hot and lucrative field right up to that point. We may have to agree to disagree on that.
Just learn to cope
He's a deep state plant
What's the point of learning to code? Hasn't pretty much everything already been coded aside from advance shit
Nope. It's a law of nature that no data is ever in the right format for what you need, no two software components ever work together in quite the right way, etc. So there will always be some shitty little programs someone needs to write.
Uhh, I work for a manufactuer that has very complex machinery using vacuum, steam heat via boiler, chillers, cooling towers, and more. Most of the operators are 90 iq retards. Your statement is simply incorrect...
Why not just use software that works together
Like seriously what are businesses doing that doesn't exist already?
Nah, get the piece of paper as well. By which I mean literally just buy one from Mexico or something, it's just to get past some HR retards basically.
Dynamically generating a frontend based off a rediculous nested hierarchy of business components, so the executives can do predictive analytics on costs associated with equipment, staffing, on going costs etc, and obviously accompanying serverside logic. Basically a wrapper for SAP with a ton of statistical crap to create reports & basically prevent anyone from needing to touch SAP directly. Will then tie into a simulation engine being used to work towards a meme-heavy IoT plant automation system somebody convinced the board that they need (and actually will save millions, so there's that). That's my current gig. Tons of work out there, always something.
Just code yourself and learn human.
just learn to code with 1 simple trick (computer scientists hate him)
>How does one make 80s money as a young finance squirt in this era?
trade the most volatile asset class aka crypto
feelling pretty comfy
t. full stack dev
Also one of the thing about coding is that it's a basic requirement for life, like reading and writing.
But it's not because you know how to code that you're gonna get the big bucks. Just like knowing how to read and write doesn't make you a lawyer, knowing how to code doesn't make you a good and high paid programmer.
This gif explains how software development works in a more elegant and complete way than I could do with words. This is just how things are today, due to the complexity of the problem and the level of technology we have to address it, along with the economic incentives involved. I don't see it changing in the near future, though who knows I guess.
just learn to code and make the next adderall
is javascript a good starting point
what should i learn first
Learning to code is like learning to play an instrument, it's technical and frustrating in the beginning but once you get past that tipping point it's just practicing for hours a day. It's not like learning philosophy or biology or a hard subject.
Why are their so many fucking libraries and frameworks I need to learn. Of course I'm talking about web dev, which is for faggots, but what can I do.
I'd almost recommend the somebody just skip learning javascript and just install jquery and react and bootstrap and node.js and vue.js and angular.js and ember.js and sublime/vim/atom/eclipse/notepad/googleDocs lmao
also is it possible to buy a domain name with the word "nigger" in it?