You have been granted audience with the Golden prosperity toad. your fortune for your portfolio this week is hidden in the rolls.
0 - -10%
1 - 2%
2 - -30%
3 - 1%
4 - 0%
5 - -3%
6 - 22%
7 - 17%
8 - -0.6%
9 - 5%
Doubs- 2X last number
Trips- -90%
Quads- 200%
Attached: download (56).jpg (474x592, 111K)
Attached: 1545020258716.jpg (986x797, 568K)
Look at that ID, I don’t trust you at all golden toad
Shit there on to it, act natural!!!!
Attached: 1549249158575s.jpg (240x250, 6K)
One punch man LOL u rolled 1
>the golden jew aka wall street money arrives just in time to btfo bobo
Based and kikepilled
Unironically gold name and im also all in LINK.
+22% soon? kekkee lets go linkmarine
I am not happy with this roll. Jew ID strikes again.
Jew nigga
Attached: 26b.jpg (272x185, 26K)
Oy vey, there's nothing off about this post at all
I am all in ETH and BTC. I even have some WAX
Do with me what you will frogman
grant me riches prosperity pepe
Legendary op ID. The stars have truly aligned. This means link 1k eoy unironically.
Attached: 1548598285937.png (320x316, 208K)
Attached: 88888888.png (702x531, 245K)
Attached: 1545464776839.png (625x910, 74K)
Attached: 1545443499925.png (412x507, 387K)
You must be holding link with those kind of digits
Attached: E458208E-C7AF-42AC-A141-8D1E1DCBD839.jpg (125x120, 4K)
Injecting hopium intravenously lads