I did it Jow Forums. I finally did it. I sucked a guy's dick for money. It wasn't as hard I thought. The problem is I'm a Muslim man and this goes against my religious beliefs. I'm really tempted to do it again though. What should I do help me out? I made decent money.
I did it Jow Forums. I finally did it. I sucked a guy's dick for money. It wasn't as hard I thought...
user I...
What coin are you holding?? I'm curious...
Did it feel good tho
lol nigga you gay..
what do you get out of posting this over and over again?
buy some knee pads muhammad.
trips obv.
absolutely haram
>It wasn't as hard as I thought
Do a better job next time then, you might earn more
It's only gay if you finger your own ass and jack off while you do it
All in Chainlink.
Suck 100,000 more and buy 10,000 Chainlink so you can /makeit/.
how much did you charge? asking for a friend
The wages of sin is death. It’s not to late to ask god for forgiveness and stop your homosexual acts but if you continue down this road, you know where it will lead you.
how did you go about the transaction? where did your customer come from?
Imagine the smell...
Just keep buying HOT
>100 sats by Ramadan
mohammad is a false prophet anyways who was a pedo with aisha and also probably a faggot. you're going to hell anyways since you don't have the right religion and are also a reprobate faggot.