>work in london
>wake up in the dark early morning to go to work
>come back home in the dark late night
>repeat for 40 years
Work in london
>work in Los Angeles
>go to work at weed store with millennial coworkers
>have a great time and make lasting memories with frens near my age
>not sure that I’ll leave even when my $50 a week into BAT/ETH pays off
If you're on track to earn 70k in the next 5 years then stay, otherwise fuck off to somewhere you can afford to live in more than a cuckshed.
Know the feel
is london still white?
more importantly is oxford still white?
I just want to live around white people again
t. Atlantafag
White countries are not your safe space.
You have to go away from the city if you want white.
Remember that the darkness is your tomb
Only during working hours, then they all go home
bong cities are lost. the closer you are to the countryside the better it gets.
What do you do, OP? I am jelly as fuck at Londoners and wish I worked there in my 20s, but now I'm a 32y'cel and have no chance of fitting in.
I basically want to work in the City and be a cunt to everyone, especially to myself.
I didn't even do A-level maths.
>but now I'm a 32y'cel and have no chance of fitting in
Not true atall. The average age in London is 37 or something.
And thats dragged down by Mohammad and his 12 kids. The average age for white people must be higher.
jeez, this fallacy is so common there must be a name for it, can anyone tell me what it's called?
"I'm 40, which is too old to become fluent in Japanese."
"WRONG! Millions of people speak Japanese well past their 70's LOL, that means you can start from scratch at 40, roundeye."
"I'm 18 and have never been to school in my life, it's kind of too late for me now."
"NOPE! Plenty of 18 year olds go to school, in fact they are the smartest kids in the whole school system"
"I'm 55 with no career, experience or connections, is it too late for me to be a CEO 10k/day"
"Not at all. Most top CEOs are around this age, I'd say you're perfectly placed to apply for a CEO role. Send them your CV."
>I basically want to work in the City and be a cunt to everyone, especially to myself.
That is an accurate description of London but my question is: why? It’s overly expensive, crowded, polluted, violent, everyone works too many hours and the slightly higher wages are negated by the high cost of living. It’s a city full of people telling themselves “just one more year of putting up with this shit and I’ll make it” but they never do. The ultimate rat race full of wagecucks and horrible modern shit like diversity and vibrancy and cosmopolitan values
You don't work just for a paycheck, you also go to work to give your life meaning. Having an extra 40 hrs of week of free time gets boring fast.
Be happy that you are not Russian, cause you would do exactly the same but for 500$ a month and you would die at 55 due to bad food and medicine. Actually you are lucky man.
f-fuck you and your trips
I get that, and I’m not a neet, but if pushing papers as a mid level executive cog in machine at generic multinational corporation gives your life adequate meaning then you must be very narrow minded
know the feel OP, I commute from outside london too so it takes me over an hour. I do make a ton of money for my age but its still pretty miserable
Literally sounds fucking ideal. It DOES give our lives meaning, which is why - since the dawn of civilisation - humans have keenly organised themselves into doing "pointless bullshit" like that. It's mentally satisfying and rewarding and gives you place, lots of allies, and a purpose.
Sure, there's other stuff, but they are merely hobbies. Men need a professional life as well.
Tell me more about your job and life?
dentist. life could definitely be worse. and my job doesnt feel as wagecucky as most corporate jobs. but yeah, all of what is described in OP still remains true
>It's mentally satisfying and rewarding and gives you place, lots of allies, and a purpose.
You sound like such an NPC. I always struggle to relate to people like you in real life. Don’t you ever feel reflective? Don’t you wonder what it’s all about? Worry about if you’re living a worthwhile life? What your impact is? The opportunity cost of the time you spend being a wageslave?
Even the way you phrase it:
>gives you a place
Is that all it takes? Someone to “give you a place” - whatever it may be - and you just accept it? Like you have no agency of your own? Don’t you ever think about what YOU find valuable and worthwhile or do you simply let other people decide that for you? Isn’t it ultimately important that YOU determine your place, not some arbitrary person above you?
I have disdain for the neets but at least they don’t say NPC shit like this
And I’m not a total nihilist who says all work is meaningless and unfulfilling. There is genuinely meaningful work out there. Elon Musk working to get people to mars - that’s valuable and inspiring. It’s probably the same for the engineers. There are people who dedicate their lives to their passions - artists, inventors, scholars - and there’s you who’s satisfied with doing any old work, however pointless, however little it contributes to society, just because it “gives you a place”. You ought to question why you are given this place and what place you want in life.
The only reason I am able to tolerate my current wageslave job is that it is a means to a more valuable end. I’m buying a rental property and a shit ton of LINK then I’m fucking off back to being a college philosophy teacher. It might not be everyone’s choice but at least I’m not letting someone else decide for me
Is it really that bad in terms of wages?
england's not for you buddy
>living in Hampshire
>working 2 jobs back to back, 6 days a week
>1 day off is doing washing for the week ahead
>pretty much no time to do anything else
>tired all the time
>gaining weight all the time
>"fuck this, I quit"
>move to Essex
>not enough money for a place
>living in car
>use a gym for showers
>doing odd jobs here and there for cash in hand
>finally get an interview with a place for part-time work
>paying £30k a year
>requires experience
>lie on CV, blag interview, have fake references that all vouch for me
>welcome aboard
>they give fucking training
>job is piss easy
>spend most of my time shitposting online
>only working 3 days at most a week
>already starting to hate getting up early for those days
>already thinking of jacking it in because it's a soulless job
Damn no wonder you britbongs are so pale
>work in the north
>hour+ commute
>have to be on site 8:30-5:30
>22k gbp/year
I moved from aus to the uk and did what you did. can i ask what field your in?
500$ is the median salary in Russia. Yep, residents of big cities (like Moscow or St.Petersburg) earn 2 times more on average, but still. For example, I make about 1700$ a month and that gets me into 5% of top incomes.
And I wasn't messing around about life expectation. Most of Russian men die before their retirement age of 60.
So, I may advise OP to visit Russia (or more shit hole country). May that will give him a lesson
Fuck off faggot, try living in fucking Inverness.
Havent seen proper sun in months.
I think it counts as compliance and quality control. You basically just make sure people are working to FCA regulations and not fucking about.
I am a 32yo NEET and regret it terribly, as will you one day.
I thought I was so fucking clever by avoiding "muh wagecuck" and basically being a worthless bum and letting my brain decay while everyone else joined in with the fun and stimulation of adulthood.
mirin, I am not above lying on a job application. Was it always 3d/week or did it just turn out that way?
Wait is 30k a good starting salary in bongland ?
Started off full time, but then I said I could do the same job in half that and offered to drop my wage down to £30k to do so. I'm valuing time over money now, and I only work for the minimum amount possible to keep a roof over my head.
It's pretty good, but it was a £50k starting salary and I dropped it to £30k when I lowered my working hours.
lad can i see your faked resume? leave your name/details out of course but if i could see the general body of it that would be really useful. Want to move to usa and do the same thing. drop a email or email me [email protected]
My starting salary was 33k€ in France (not Paris) and it's meh-tier as an engineer, I was thinking that brits made more money.
ask me how i know your iq caps out under 120
32 years old lifelong neet here, still loving it
it's retarded to go neet if all you're going to do is jerk off to anime and play video games. the whole point of neet life is to pursue your passions
otherwise, wagecucking is indeed the best choice. npcs cannot function without strong external guidance
Nice, nice. Did you have ANY experience/connections/background in the sector at all? Usually need at least something.
My mate got a good banking job from his brother's recommendation, for example.
Try using a sunbed every so often
Holy shit I thought this kind of people were a meme made up by Jow Forums but they actually exist
Some jobs are actually worth putting interest in it.
Very few. But regardless, having an extra 40 hours per week only gets boring if you have no interests or hobbies whatsoever.
See, I love painting miniatures, doing models, I have well over 2000 models altogether, planes, tanks, fantasy monsters, infantry, you name it. I also love hiking and at the time I lived in the middle of the Alps.
Yet when I finished my studies I spent 4 months waiting for a security clearance for a job and I was turning completely crazy from the idleness, despite spending my days enjoying my hobbies.
Whoa wait just a minute. You work in a weed store in LA and haven’t been robbed at gunpoint yet by the dark skin tribe? This has to be a LARP.
They'll never understand it, user. A job and some professional meaning/direction is absolutely essential to any man's wellbeing and self esteem, and intellectual satisfaction.