what jobs do you guys think will get hit the hardest in a recession?
What jobs do you guys think will get hit the hardest in a recession?
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Jobs located in China
Architects and construction industry. Like always.
software developers
usually useless shit like the above
before a recession happens everyone tolerates them doing fuck all but when shtf things change
Yea this! Its already starting to happen here in the UK
t. work in construction industry
This will be a big one, especially if the recession is led from real estate debt (i.e. Australia).
I think in the next recession far more than any before it, the service industry will take a massive hit. In particular, low-skill jobs like baristas and waiters. There'll be less disposable income, more unemployment and more people looking for low-skill work.
construction workers in China will be absolutely cucked
I actually feel sorry for the 20-30 y/o Chinese males. First the country fucks up the male to female ratio, making it almost impossible for the average man to find a female. Relationships there are all about money even more than in the West. Now a recession is going to happen and is going to decimate the optimism and economy of their country. On top of all that, the government has banned online porn. Every one of us here is doing just fine compared to them.
dude what if we started selling porno mags in china
everything but lawyers (because they write laws) and doctors (because you dont fuck with the people keeping you alive)
At least they're not in Xinjiang Province (East Turkestan). Those poor bastards literally have reeducation camps.
car rental
okay, let's do this, you and me
let's go to China and start a porn mag importing business - Whustler
Probably better returns than investing in shitcoins
Not sure about actual China, but I was in HK over Christmas and they have market stalls selling porn, dildos etc openly on the street.
I've been in Japan and it was the same. All of it was Jap porn though. We have to get them hooked on Western porn somehow. Would be a good niche market to easily take over.
Look at those little dreamy cucks dreaming about building a porn empire in china as if nobody had this idea.
how can i have a qt3.14 waifu like mayuko :(
because they eat a lot of fish japanese pussies smell like death. that's what weeaboo virgins dont know when they dream about their waifu.
You need to be put down like the dog you are.
>software developers
Ironically, I got a $100K job in 2008 straight out of college
Personal Trainers
Anyone overqualified from academia with multiple master's, a phd, or an mba.
Lawyers, due to automation
Bankers, due to automation
Anything fossil fuel related due to climate change feedback loops not being able to be held back by geoengineering efforts
It's not gonna be a recession, it will the biggest Churn the world has seen since WWII. Pony up with crypto and hodl on to your ass, we going places
>It's not gonna be a recession, it will the biggest Churn the world has seen since WWII.
Let her rip, i've already got nothing to loose but the clothes off my back.
White collar jobs
They have the option to go to cheap brothels already user.
yeah. everyone will be getting wrecked, besides the heavily protected - already approved doctors through the AHA.
In the future all trucking, retail, banking, cs jobs will be gone. Robots will take over the world and it will make unemployment at a all time high. We're all fucked man
>robots taking over cs jobs
the day robots can create themselves would be a great day. that day wont happen for a long time
Low-skill jobs will see a demand. Fired HR /"IT" good-for-nothing roasties will always flock to those.
And on top of that, those facetious chinks once wrote a publication "How did Jews took control of USA"
checked fellow aryan
also thats the same bs luddites shilled 250 yrs ago - unemployment doesnt mean low quality of life
actually the opposite is true - the less manpower is needed for sustaining human life the more (quality of) life we can sustain and so we get closer and closer to universal basic income
(but only as far as the racewar starts muhaha)
So what? I fucked married women in Vietnam and Philippines all the time.
>not taking advantage of free room and board and re-education
Never going to make it
Airline industry will get fucked hard.
>lawyering will be automated in the next couple years