What is /biz' personality?

INFJ-T (“the Advocate”) here. What are you user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


MBTI is a trendy version of horoscopes.

>implying horoscopes don't work

mbti is retarded


INFP ("the faggot") here. The pro-janny side of biz. All-in-link, as all INFPs are.

If you are an XNFX you're never going to make it.

Already made it, sorry.


Underperforming ENTP-A “The Debater” here.

Was skeptical about these, but seems pretty accurate. The only time I hold shit back is when I find it logically necessary to keep my opinions to myself for personal gain or survival.

The only fantasies I have are of financial freedom and freedom to say what I want, which are really the same thing. Nothing infuriates me more than capitulating to some moron because his bankroll is bigger than mine.

I don’t give two fucks about moonlambos, all I want from my internet fun money is to never have to suffer some brainlets shit ever again just to get by. Thats living.

These personality types are confirmed BS already.

>I read that INTJs are super special and the test told me I'm not one

I have never taken a personality test because I am over 120 IQ.

lack of curiosity is a low-IQ trait. Sorry to have to present this information to you.

Ability to detect pseudosciences and not let them waste your time/thoughts is a high-IQ trait.

Given your propensity to argue about pointless shit and make brainlet-tier definite statements, you seem like a plain narcissist posturing as intelligent.
>detect pseudosciences
Anti-scientific sentiment punched into a single phrase. Quite a feat.

*NT* master race


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whatever the 'architect' is. basically it means autistic

I don’t think anyone is claiming a goofy little webapp that adds up how many circles you clicked quantifies as a “science.”

You’d have to be a brainlet to not understand how a test, however rudimentary, does give insight into X result. It doesn’t mean you’d put it on a resume, but its no less insightful than sticking your hand outside to guage the temperature. You’re not going to get an accurate assessment, but you’ll know if its hot or cold.

Also, people bragging about their IQ scores usually got them from sone equally reliable test as these personality questionnaires.

Also, Also people with high IQs don’t drag out a number to try and sound smart.


The MBTI categorization is on par with facebook quizzes. People regularly get different results just months of taking the test.

Some articles on the topic summarized and put together:
For lazy asses, who don't want to read scientific articles even summarized:


>So, in sum, the MBTI unreliably, invalidly, and perhaps even inappropriately assigns four-letter labels to test-takers. Of course, if this sounds like your idea of fun, go for it, but we’ll take our $35 to the local pub, for measurably more fun as we assign our own four-letter label to the MBTI.


>Until then, we all need to recognize that four letters don’t do justice to anyone’s identity. So leaders, consultants, counselors, coaches, and teachers, join me in delivering this message: MBTI, I’m breaking up with you. It’s not me. It’s you.


>"It's 2014. Thousands of professional psychologists have evaluated the century-old Myers-Briggs, found it to be inaccurate and arbitrary, and devised better systems for evaluating personality. Let's stop using this outdated measure - which has about as much scientific validity as your astrological sign - and move on to something else."

Yes because personalities are static and never change. Your mind is as malleable as your physique.

Whatever your MBTI is it definitely includes Autism. Giving this much of a shit, about a thing you claim to not give a shit about, to put together a fucking syllabus.

Holy fuck chill out, Nobody is stamping it on their forehead.

>Confirmed IQ of 157 by a psychiatrist
Your move son

These tests, much like iq tests, need to be administered by competent professionals. Most people, that weren't borderline delinquents in high school (such as myself), have never been accurately tested for any of the intelligence/psychometric nonsense, because the testing takes days to weeks and costs a fortune. The results are condensed and canned indicators that assist institutions with individualized education planning, and have virtually zero broader impact upon the individual's future outside of the education environment.

>inb4 education has a huge impact on future success

If you were pulled from class to have this testing done, you weren't Harvard bound anyways. You probably should have been starting a roofing business at 16.

ISFP poorfag here, my life is fucked


INTP masterrrace. TA + Quantitative analysis = infinite money

Sometimes I feel bad for the plebs that still do discretionary trading. So... pedestrian.

Yes, finally, it's complete bogus. I know, it can be fun to take a test like that and feel like maybe the test is right... maybe you are speshul. But such pseudosciences have previously been used in companies and militaries to classify people, because someone high up the ranks thought it is actual science. Not giving such pseudoscience a hard pass can lead to some actual damage.

The talk in this thread went pretty from this to that:
>this thing might be actually accurate
>we know it isn't exact science, but it still can give some guide
>it's just a prank, bro. people use it just for fun. nobody actually believes in it. we were only kidding

statistics say you are extremely likely lying or the psychiatrist was wrong

Back to Crystal Cafe, roastie.

INFP almost every time I've taken it. Otherwise I've gotten ENFJ.

INTJ-A reporting in

>Doesn't follow financial astrology, which is proven to work
Brainlets who try to sound smart by being overtly skeptical are cute.

ENTP here but I honestly don't see any significance. Its like horoscope, you're condition to focus on what you're told you possess (as a type), and wala, you're that type!

intj of course, now get out of my way

Imagine unironically thinking you're high IQ whilst being all in on a Jow Forums meme coin lmao the absolute state

shut up, debater peasant and bow down to the superior infj!

this discussion clearly proves any other type than infj‘s is pretty much rentally metarded

never gonna make it

ENTP here (IQ around 130 give or take 3 points based on my LSAT score). My GF is an INFJ.

All in LINK

ENTP and INFJ are bros for life, no need for bowing

>Imagine unironically thinking you're high IQ
Imagine projecting so blatantly.
Nowhere did I have any pretenses of IQ of any magnitude as I don't give a shit.

>based on my lsat score
You absolute brainlet



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This but 151
Damn you fucking faggot

Imagine going on a Nigerian interpretive dance forum to call anonymous NEETs "brainlet" and "low-IQ" only to backtrack and act like you never said anything of the sort.

*bro fist*

> „Living in the moment can cause ESTPs to miss the forest for the trees.“
Never gonna make it

Uhhh huh a logic test that has a bell curve distribution will have no correlation to a logic test... with a bell curve distribution. I’m the brainlet.

imagine suffering from lack of reading comprehension and pretending to be of even average IQ


I’ll just leave this here.
t. Sagittarius born in the year of the dragon

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LMNO-P chad reporting in

INTJ & all in LINK

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INTJ-T here. Can confirm that this user is of low-tier IQ, considering that it finds meaning in bickering over the validity of a personality test on a thread from a Chinese cartoon loving image board dedicated to "Business and Finance".

>blatant projection
>thinking he is capable of speaking from authority
Again, It's not high IQ, it's narcissistic pretending you have it.

any ISTP bros here?

Can one not be both narcissistic and high IQ, theoretically? NOT attempting to pose the question aggressively as further projection, just genuinely curious about your ideas.

I would think that the two actually correlate, but I’m a brainlet Sagittarius born in the year of the dragon.


If you are anything different you'll never make it.

you can always change your stars user...

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Nothing feels worth it anymore.

Yep, Narcissists can have high IQ. the ones that don't will try their best to elicit a response in other people so that they are seen as intelligent.
This can be seen as IQ posturing and making definite, unsubstantiated, clearly shallow, statements.

I would stray from absolutes. In general I agree, but I must say that you just made a definite, unsubstantiated, and shallow statement considering, again, the absolute presented that narcissists with non-high IQ "will try their best to elicit a response in other people so that they are seen as intelligent". An user might just find joy in inciting an emotional response in someone.

>I must say that you just made a definite, unsubstantiated, and shallow statement considering
That's alright. If you feel it is shallow, you are free to expand on it, don't care if it is seen as smart as it is to conduct a discussion about something.

A good example of what I'd consider 'shallow' is the typical knee-jerk unargumented skepticism to something like astrology. There's is much depth to the topics presented and pretending that it is not, is simple disingenuous.

Spends whole days learning and detecting patterns in market, but laughts at people learning patterns in human behaviour.
You are trully retarded user.
Everything goes around in same waves and patterns

Of course, I was in no way attempting to attack your intellect. It was more so directed for refinement of ideas, and what better tool than discussion for that? It seems you agree.
I only have what I consider a surface level understanding of astrology, yet I'm skeptical in regards to the subject. Could you point me towards some literature that might show me the depth you write about?


This book convinced me of the validity of the concept to some degree. Cheers

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Intp here can confirm this exactly what I do and want. Lets get it user

Might I suggest that you gentlemen get a room and settle this with some anal sex?

Nice, thanks for sharing also checked.

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The great Greco-Roman negotiation to end all facebook iq test disputes.


Head of security at a nighclub

how cute, an INFP and INTJ-T found each other.

too distracted discussing, never gonna make it

reqtard and dodge coin holder, never gonna make it

Cultivating mass and handing out ocular pat downs.

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Overestimating your “abilities” is definite low-IQ tier

INTJ here
Cash in on your strengths, brother.

It sucks that my personality type is literally personified by CSW

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> thinking only 63%
kek brainlet

don't overthink it, you incel
feeling is how you get laid