What is /biz having for breakfast?

For me, it's the buttermilk chicken biscuit from McDonald's. Flaky, melt in your mouth buttermilk biscuit with delicious fried chicken patty. I quench my insatiable thirst with an ice cold monster energy ultra sunrise.

Bull market confirmed. I'm back, bitches.

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Didn't know /sippboys/ come to biz.hello my fren

God damn zoomers

>eating carbs
Not gonna make it, broham

Monster energy drink with it's endless grams of sugar.

Jesus some of your guys' eat like trash

It's dinner time here.

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>those crumbs on your fingers

God imagine the smell

>fell for the "carbs are evil" meme

fatty detected

lol polack detected

looks tasty OP.

Lost 40 pounds not eating carbs for just 2 months. You’re probably young enough where you can get away with carb eating for awhile, but if you don’t kick the habit soon you’ll get fat as fuck when your metabolism slows down.

Bro monsters are last year it's all about /bangs/ now get with the times Gramps

God this looks good. Do they have that shit in Canadian mcdees?

Do you even understand anything about diet? Obviously you lost weight since you have cut a whole macro nutrients. Weight loss and weight gain is all about a fucking simple equation. After getting in the min. fats and prots, you can do whatever you want...

>You all fell for the diet memes.

Eating too many calories makes you fat, not carbs.


I lost a ton of weight by only eating potatoes for a month. Each day you can allocate 2 tablespoons of oil if you wanted to roast the potatoes, but nothing fried. Potatoes make you feel really full and are actually pretty nutritious. I would recommend this for any fatties out here on Jow Forums.

Water. I'm fasting this week.

You guys are wrong but w/e. Enjoy the carbs while you can. Some day you’ll understand.

I wish I saw this thread before digging in. This is what's left of my Irish Breakfast from a diner in the Bronx. Shit was cash.

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Sipping was popular on biz last year. Biz played a pretty big role in popularizing the boomer meme.