I have 600 dollars
What stock should I invest in
I have 600 dollars
What stock should I invest in
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Bitcoin SV unironically
thank god we all die
I'm really gonna do it
So I need real replies. If anyone else seek l says bitcoin that's what il go.
This was my bonus this year. Please help me make something of it
wait for the btc rally to retrace before dropping it into btc
don't invest in memecoins. invest in the stock market. Safe bets are things like the 2019 dogs of the dow, or you could go for staples like Starbucks, Coca-Cola (which just had a sizable dip based on nothing but projection), 3M, Visa, Apple or Microsoft. Cisco is a good option too.
Invest in stitch fix
Pay off debt with it. The only guaranteed return.
Buy as many $8.5 puts for Ford as you can buy with that and sell when you hit +200%
Nice try boomer, we aren't going to prop up your 401(k) bags. You faggots are already going to be fucking us on social security and pensions so it may be better to just quit while you're ahead.
>401K bags
bruh, i've averaged about 8% return over the last 5 years and 10% over the last decade. plus i received $20K in passive income last year. What fucking bags are you talking about?
If you're in crytpo today, that mean didn't sell last january and you're the one holding bags. keep thinking your meme coins will moon again...JPM just started their own coin and all major companies will follow.
show actual value of your entire portfolio from inception to today.
I've made 64% on a trade once, it took profits with half and lost the other half based on it being a meme. i'm sure you're super rich right now, so post your portfolio value
Crypto is for the financially illiterate.
Lol I'm not compiling my trade history for some user on Jow Forums. I'm roughly at break even, all things considered. Fell for a few chink scams but have learned quite a bit over the past 2 years. It's only a matter of time before my friends and I dump on normies at 100x. 2020 is going to be /ouryear/
>roughly at break even
that means you're down.
Yeah, only the financially illiterate could create a decentralized and permissionless stablecoin backed by a collateralized debt service, because that's exactly what Maker DAO has done. Fuck off boomer.
Holo will hit top 10, just give it time.
It means I've put money in at various times between 2013 and now and am not keeping track of all of it.
>that means you're down.
No. It clearly means he's been at this for 2 years and knows exactly what he's doing and will be filthy rich in a year's time. Can't you see all the evidence on the wall!!!
>he doesn't keep track of whether or not he's made money
Not trying to shoot you down but holo has been in development for 10+ years and on the market for 3 years atleast.
Why hasn't it mooned at all yet?
How much have you personally invested cause I'm thinking I might aswell put some money down for the fun of it.
what country user
Thinks he is gonna make it with 600 bucks on stocks.
I have a multitude of wallets and have also spent ~1k in crypto on products, services and donations. From my cuckbase history I've put in around $23k and I'd estimate the combined value of my various wallets are worth around $20k today. I have some highly illiquid cryptographic assets as longterm holds so it's hard to say how much they're actually worth. Fwiw I'm still putting money in every few months
Holo has allowed me to redeem myself. Been following it since it hit Idex. I haven't bought any since before Binance listing and wouldn't necessarily recommend it as a good buy right now. It will certainly be much higher on the charts than where it is by EOY.
>make it
Maybe he just wants some profit.
Holo hasnt been on the market for 3 years you silly goose. The ICO was last April.
>$300 to VYST
>$300 to BSV
if you guys had 600dollars right now what stock would you invest in?
I would send it to my brother in the UK and ask him to put it all in KR1plc stock on the NEX Exchange. I can't buy their stocks in burgerland
Yeah. I mean buying to hold. How long do you think before any significant gains? Not expecting bitcoin madness but I can see just putting in say $500 now then coming back in 2 years might be worth it.
How crazy crypto has been from I've seen I'd rather not put to much in and stick to the market.
But making a need profit off crypto just to dumb into investment stocks sounds like a good plan to me.
Rather play it safe and get wealthy than gamble too far like some people.
Oh sorry. Just read about if the Reddit link and looked at the date of post and assumed its age.
$600 is nothing. If you invest it in real things like stocks, you'll only get $12 worth of dividends per YEAR if you're lucky.
I recommend you just pay off whatever debt you have now, and move on from there.
only way us poorfags can make it is through mooning shitcoins
Holo I will start selling off between 1 and 10 cents. It will probably hit at least 1 cent by EOY. I will continue holding a few million in the event that it ever does hit $1. I do not know the exact details of the token swap and thus would not recommend buying HOT tokens and forgetting about them. If you forget to do the swap you may be left with useless ERC20 meme tokens.
op should buy a used truck or something and haul wood for people idk... maybe buy link... but really your right 600 is nothing i had 600 dollars when i was 13
Is it because of the air purifier?
Please explain this token swop thing? I've never heard of this. Is it common with crypto?
I mean I'll buy it but not completely forget about it. Like check on it now and again. It's money after all.
He could have doubled that sum if he bought REFR two or so months ago and then sold.
OP Here I have 0 debts.
All paid off. That's why I wanna invest.
Wew lad I suggest doing more thorough research before thinking about buying HOT. HOT tokens are ERC20 placeholders for Holofuel. The Holo platform will be launching either later this year or early next year and HOT tokens will be swappable for mainnet Holofuel for a period of at least six months. After the swap ends all unswapped HOT is basically worthless since it can no longer be redeemed for Holofuel.
$600 wont do anything for you. You're better off budgeting for groceries instead. If you're patient with granite resolve you can invest in a low cost ETF like the Vanguard S&P 500, you'll get an extra $0.80 per month.
Don't get into crypto either, it's a ponzi scheme made up of wishful idiots no different from the lottery.
>He could have doubled that sum if he bought REFR two or so months ago and then sold.
Yeah, how about OP just get out a magic ball and predict the future, get winning lottery numbers to.
Fucking retard.
And holofuel is basically the proper holo token?
Yeah I'll do more research before an initial investment but I just thought I'd ask alil bit. I can read page upon page of info but miss some important things that others might discuss here.