We all know that stereotype of how hot women go for rich guys. But is it really that easy or is it just a myth? Can someone who actually knows please explain what it's like when a guy is a millionaire.
How easy is it for rich guys to get with hot chicks?
Well no hookup I've ever seen or been involved in has involved any mention or suggestion of wealth, so apart from buying prostitutes I don't think it makes much difference.
Of course, being able to buy prostitutes DOES make a big difference.
What matters really is the cocky confidence/arrogance, swagger and balls that being rich gives you. And plenty of non-rich people have that as well, mostly young'uns.
what this user said
outdated boomer advice
yes, it does. all you need is to show your wealth on social media and then basically 99% girls you dm will be ready to suck your dick after they see your profile
Hes pajeet dont listen
Extremely easily, as others pointed out it gives you incredible confidence, and succesful men are essentially the most attractive men there are, I'd say it gives you a +3 on a /10 rating minimum. If you use your wealth correctly by getting into ridiculous shape, nice car, living in the right area, etc. It's impossible not to.
Hopefully making it will reduce your anxiety, let you sleep more, spend more time out in the sun and doing things that make you happy. so long as you have good bone structure in your face and are average or above average height, you should be fine. You will also be able to afford nicer clothes too.
If all being rich does for you is "give you more confidence" then that's a huge fail. We need methods that literally automate roastie acquisition.
>yes, it does. all you need is to show your wealth on social media and then basically 99% girls you dm will be ready to suck your dick after they see your profile
This is a good start.
I'm attractive and got girls all my life but they end up leaving me because I'm frugal and they think I'm poor and their friends badmouth me because of jealousy and me being "cheap". They end up with an ugly or old guy that either throws money at them or has the illusion of wealth and usually doesn't last long.
The irony here is that I haven't worked in five years and can maintain my lifestyle indefinitely, while their "rich guys" work 60 hour weeks and blow the money on them. And Im from a family with 8 million in hard assets, that are also extremely frugal. But before I ever feel comfortable telling a girl I date this, the whole attitude of the relationship goes to them shit testing me about my "future" and "being successful" and talk down to me because I do things like buy clothes at discount stores, opt for a budget hotel, and almost never eat out or buy Starbucks (I genuinely prefer a 20 cent instant coffee and cooking 5$ steak and eggs at home).
So by that point it's lose/lose if I tell them I'm not poor. Even the very few who were just concerned about me being a deadbeat rather than only greed, they still weren't cool with a minimalist lifestyle and we're embarrassed when almost everything materialistic they talk about I have a method to do it cheaper or know a place to get a quality knock off, or that I autisticly compare everything by dollar value of performance and utility
The rich girls always had a gold digging mom that hated me, yet their dads loved me, backwards right? The poor girls we get along at first because they know how to get by on less, but anytime I treat them to something it's the new baseline of entitlement and eventually im an asshole because I can't gift them anything or bring them anywhere because its never a special occasion.. just a new base.
Wish I was gay desu
You go to a bar, buy a drink, put your car keys on the table and then you wait.
Pretty much this.
Yes, getting more money will make more people want to have sex with you, but most of them will be gold diggers. And those types of bitches will jump from you to a nigger with more money eventually. Or try to have kids with you so they can divorce you and get half your paycheck.
I think the real difference is you don't sit all day in a job and live healthier. Thus you have more opportunities and look better. Less stress ages you slower too. Agewise 30's look like 20s.
getting women all comes down to having a pretty face.
pic is something 20 k will get you
It's more like the tratis to become rich is what they like
Your crypto NEET bux from a vietnam basketweaving board will impress no one :)
>iris color change
wtf? It's not even a good color
dark med look with green eyes is better than dark med look with brown eyes
This is ironic right, if not HAHAAhHa god damn this board is full of retards.
I mean seriously, you bunch of fucking losers... wake the fuck up it is 2019. Being rich does not matter fuck all, anyone who ever had a actual gf knows that. It might make you slightly more attractive for 1 hour when you speak to them in a bar, but after that ... if you are a horrendous cunt they will still not be attracted to you. Anyway most people including thots think you are a pompous asshole if you flaunt your wealth 1 min after meeting.
If you dont have a face or body like a piggeon that got runover by a truck, just go on tinder and meetup with some chicks and a act like a normal person and not as a autistic manchild ????? Profit and have fun. Have fun for fuck sake, girls want somebody that will bend them over the sink and pound their pussy. Man the fuck up
Underrated post that highlights the entire post of this thread.
Once link moons we need to brain storm how to completely automate the way of fucking different 9/10’s multiple times per week. Obviously getting in shape, looksmaxing, clothes maxing, car maxing are all baselines, but even then roasties aren’t going to trip over your dick, you still need to go out and aggressively take them. Which is too much effort imo there needs to be a better way besides direct prostitution.
First part is legit. Money especially in the west in 2019 doesn’t mean shit.
The second part is retarded, even if you’re an 8/10 you’ll be fucking 4 points below your looks level off of online dating.
There needs to be a better way and frankly I think it involves Instagram
Sure maybe insta is better nowadays, i have no clue. But what are you gonna do, post pictures of your battlestation and expect the ladies to go moist lol ? Just joking, but I think Tinder is much more direct and nearly everybody is using it these days. From 2/10 landwhales to 10/10s
Here's what Jeff Bezos, richest man in the world, was texting to his mistress:
>“I love you, alive girl. I will show you with my body, and my lips and my eyes, very soon.”
>“I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.… I want to kiss your lips…. I love you. I am in love with you.”
If some dude was sending these texts over Tinder and showing people on /b/, they would be in hysterics over what an incel creep he was.
$100 billion, plus TRT, couldn't improve Jeff Bezos's game. This alone should be enough to tell you: money isn't everything.
op, if you want to be a millioanire in 2-3 years buy chx. you only need 10,000
You’re retarded lad, there are no 10’s on tinder. And I know this because I have attractive and young sisters and Routinely poll them for what they use.
Younger one and her friends only uses Instagram and spam chat, older two and their friends use bumble.
So *maybe* Iif you have a 6 pack, epic pics doing risky and high testosterone thin gs in random parts of the world, and a chiseled face, you’ll be able to pull good quality consistently. But even completely looksmaxed this is out of the purview of most guys here.
Instagram will obviously sort of be a similar thing, but you’ll have a wider pool to select from. But I don’t know. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there
Brutal blackpill. Sucker berg and bezos are some of the biggest cringe tier incels on the planet.
Everyone who makes it and has below 900 ng/dL test should inject test prob to avoid this scenario of being a beta cringe tier retard
I’ve also have run extensive catfish experiments with tinder in my city (very large burger city) over the course of many months and the quality even he matches with is sort of shit
Bezos uses steroids retard, he probably has high test but is still mentally weak
money make you handsome
Also, why would you even try to get a woman to like you through money or personality... let me tell you, if it's a one night stand, then it may feel better to buy a hooker or just fap away, even fapping is better than one night stands
... a handsomely scammable beta paypig.
>The second part is retarded, even if you’re an 8/10 you’ll be fucking 4 points below your looks level off of online dating.
This is basically exactly my situation. I'm entirely reliant on Tinder and basically only fuck girls a point or two below my station, because women are such failures that basically any woman who isn't completely repulsive in in massively high demand.
Look retards, not all of us are hopeless incels. And no one here is saying that a fat bank account will transform you from incel to casanova over night.
But we need to figure out how we can leverage our wealth to acquire higher quality roasties, consistently and effortlessly.
I too think IG is probably the key.
incel detected
Yes, but if you are in shape, and have game, money *can* act as an amazing force multiplier.
Assume a girl has met you once, maybe at a bar or a first date. She is interested enough to come over to your place "for drinks" or to "watch a movie".
How will she feel if she shows up to a dingy, small apartment? She will be uncomfortable, start to doubt you, and probably make an excuse to leave.
"This was fun, but I have work tomorrow"
"Thanks user, I am really tired and have to go, but text me"
You'll never hear from her again, because she made a lot of subconscious assumptions about why you live that way.
What if you can afford a super nice place, though?
Girl is instantly comfortable, and impressed. She begins to make tons of positive assumptions about you. Happy to spend a long time hanging out at your place. Eager to make an excuse of "it just happened" when she lets you have sex with her.
My friends old apartment was awesome, in addition to being super nice it had an amazing roof top pool. He would get any girl he was hooking up with to bring her friends over to put on bikinis and get drunk in the hot tub.
My place at the time faced the downtown of a major east coast city, and had a rooftop pavillion. I would always bring girls up there "to sip some wine and chat". It was like playing the game on easy mode.
This is the right idea, the only missing part of the puzzle is how to meet them effortlessly to begin with.
Once women find out your financial situation their perspective changes. Women at the bank, law offices, and higher-end places you shop will be overly flirty. It's better to act and dress like a normal person most of the time to avoid the thot trap. Only insecure people pay for prostitutes these days.
-30 yr old boomer
Another key is COOPERATION.
If you have a crew of guys that have reasonably good game, good looks, and money, that is how you can make magic happen. Things that would become extremely difficult, or seem creepy when done alone, suddenly become very easy.
If everyone is drinking, having fun, and hooking up, the odds your target girl will do all 3 climb exponentially.
If everyone is doing shots, she will too. Which is awesome, because if you were trying to get her to do shots in a 1 on 1 setting, it would set off the rape alarm.
Get your target girl to come out with the group. Go to nice bars/clubs, and as long as she is drinking and affectionate, you pay for everything and make sure she has a great time. By the end of the night, she owes you and she knows it, plus she is drunk, so you can swoop her back to your very nice place for sex.
that is actually easier than you think, if you use my COOPERATION idea
The girl you're hooking up with has friends. The girls you're bros are fucking have friends. Use each other as a referral system, and host cool parties/go out to fun bars and buy rounds of shots while making sure they have a fun time.
Having a pool and hot tub on site is also amazing. Buzzed girls will get into just their underwear and jump in at night.
Good stuff, but how about a method that doesn't require a crew? This is 4channel bruh, we /lonewolf/ here.
I have done it both ways, and I am more of a loner myself.
You can get 6s and 7s with game all by yourself, not too hard to do.
But when you try to get the 8s and 9s, the game gets fucking HARD. The guys who manage to bang those girls always have some edge:
-incredible looks
-super social status (frat president, DJ, athlete, etc)
-party drugs, which club girls know they have to trade their mouth or pussy for
....the list goes on, but you get the point.
A crew can act as an edge, because women always want to fit in with the group, and if the guys all act a certain way, the women will follow. If that means sleeping with a more normal guy, they'll do it and justify it to themselves later on.
For perspective, I am a good looking white guy with a 6 figure job, and I went to an ivy league school, which makes girls think I am rich/gives me some legitimacy.
I have tried to run game alone on 8s and 9s, and it is just incredibly difficult. They have SO MANY guys giving them attention, it is unbelievable. Unless you happen to have a super strong personal connection, or the girl really wants a boyfriend, it is not going to happen. You need to be ABOVE their level for them to spread their legs.
The alternative is to use tactics that might risk a #MeToo accusation, which I would probably not recommend.
Basically the same as my experience. 6s and 7s are attainable, 8s and above are borderline impossible to get. I agree that just running some bullshit game on them isn't generally sufficient.
This is what we're trying to figure out. How do we leverage our wealth to build a pipeline (preferably online) that takes care of the initial introduction and essentially drops them into our laps easily, consistently, and in high numbers, at which point we can apply the rest of your advice?
damn I wish I had such shit taste in food, I blow so much money on just cooking at home. I won't even consider buying most steak under $15/lb. once you try the good shit it's hard to go back
also gays seem pretty materialistic too
Sugar dating. It's the only way I can think of.
Not what I wanted to hear, but basically what I've concluded so far as well. Thanks user.
How is it any different than what you are describing?
I was really skinny as a teenager, like 120 pounds. I started lifting and I'm 185 shredded, foods just a chore for me. I don't enjoy food, so whatever is cheap and easy to get down I go with. Literally can't tell the difference between cheap/expensive steak. 99% of my diet is carbs for breakfast (oats), some kind of rice/eggs/beans/veggies midday, and whatever meat with a fuckton of butter and cheese for calories for dinner. Prob only spend like 100 a month on food, add in random days I get a pizza or something if im really behind on calories
I think only the really obnoxious drama queen gays are materialistic, but that might just be my impression because I spent my whole life being harassed by gay dudes. Makes me hate them and as cool as some can be, impossible to be friends with. Like a hot girl with beta orbiters constantly waiting for her to slip up with some weird nefarious shit
I was thinking of some lifestyle oriented hack, as opposed to more or less having to pay the bitch. But I suppose that at that point we are kind of in a gray zone.
Maybe a better question to ask would be how to pull off sugar dating while minimizing the upfront/direct costs (or put differently, how to make it as different as possible from outright prostitution)?
What did he mean by "vietnam basketweaving forum"?
>Why Doesn’t Tinder Co-Founder Justin Mateen Use His Own App To Meet Women?
Just to add one more data point: I'm with the other user buying expensive meat. Can't describe it rationally but cheap meat feels off somehow in taste. I've made even a self-test blind study where i got someone else to buy meat to test if i can guess it right and got same result. The only counter argument i can find is that it's a regional thing - been in other countries where relatively cheap meat was as good as expensive here. Being frugal as fuck i have nothing but food to waste money on anyway so i do so.
money doesn't matter
Region matters. That's true. When I was overseas you paid premium for decent meat. In some US states beef is local, if I spent 15$ on the most expensive t bone steak or ribeye it would feed 3 people
>t. elliot rodger wannabe
This is why you're an incel. Also LINK is never going to moon so might as well neck yourself now.
>$5 Steak
It's unironically hard, because the girls that are after you for your money only are hard to be around.
Forgot pic
user I hate to break it to you...
Girls want to be treated as if they're special. If you're not going to give them material gifts, you have to use your creativity and come up with experiences to compensate.