Hi Jow Forums can you help me?
I want to learn about business, the ins and outs of it all, how to start a uk business and how to run it.
Hi Jow Forums can you help me?
I want to learn about business, the ins and outs of it all, how to start a uk business and how to run it.
Biz can mean many things. How invested are you. Do you want to learn accounting and marketing too? Outsource these, hire some people?
Whats your biz?
Learn bookkeeping and sales at a minimum.
Most regular businesses are run through common sense alone.
Don't overthink it. Action with common sense is better than nothing
What do you mean by "How invested are you"? Do you mean money or time wise? I think it would be good to learn accounting and marketing as well to have an understanding and ability to do so if needed. I want to start up a game development studio, I have a good skillset for creating software but would have to either employ or outsource art and music. I've got good common sense and I am able to predict quite accurately what will happen depending on the circumstances.
As in how mentally invested are you into the business? How much of the work do you want to do? Do you want to collect checks every month and have nothing to do with it, can you afford to do that? Outsource and pay for everything? Need awareness pay for an ad campaign, need financial admin assistance, pay for an accountant?
Or are you starting up a small biz. Your question was super vague and you need to clearly define yourself so I as a customer don't have to guess. Learning business covers an array of topics, some which wont ever be necessary - just like in software. You need to think what type of business person you want to be before perusing the objective. I'm not advocating sitting there for weeks on end, but play to your strengths.
So you have capital, make the company, have a couple of premade titles. Make some more outsource marketing and music. Also learn marketing and do it yourself too. Assess thereafter. You'll have a good idea of whether this will work or not by then, if it goes well hire junior / student devs.
This is a fairly easy biz to setup theres very little logistics involved. Much of the accounting can be automated.
Think merch too, and events to market yourself.
Apologies, my understanding of the actual business world is small so I can see why you would be confused. I want it to be a small business with the potential to grow big in the future. I want to be involved, run the business and help creating the software.
Assume me to be a complete retard in business context, some of these words such as capital, financial admin assistance etc. are foreign to me.
Go read through investopedias glossary of terms. Investopedia is a website. Youtube how to set up a small uk business there are answers there. Dont buy software or services.
When you feel as though youre ready .ake a company and sell your shit through that company, whether that is a service or a product is up to you. A service being I will help you develop your game at a cost a product being I will make a game and sell that to people. In your line of work its a little bit more muddled as youre creating a product but selling a service but hopefully you get the idea.
Research, all the time, talk to people, be annoying in asking questions. You have to want it no one will give you all the answers you have to figure it out.
Holy shit that is a oxford dictionary full of terms, surely business folks don't remember all these terms? Can you be employed and have a business at the same time? How would I know I would be ready? Research what and ask what questions?
Job centre runs classes introducing people to basic business practices. But one thing I picked up is employees are fucking expensive, they are by far your biggest expense. And I'm not talking about just wages, it also includes employer obligations like insurance and pensions.
Job Centre does? But how do you gain the money needed to run a business at the beginning to pay for things like wages, insurance etc.?
Not all of them are applicable to day to day business, theres a lot of trading terms there. However, youll find most terms there just look up what you need to know / hear and dont understand.
>Can you be employed and have a business at the same time?
Ofc can you manage your time though?
If you have the skills to make a product or sell a service and some money (capital) you're ready now. Just go and do it fail and try again, keep learning shit as you go. Make another company rebrand and try again.
You work a normal job or three, save and take a risk. Or be rich.
You need to create a viable business plan, then either save up or go to a bank and ask for a business loan.
>employees are expensive.
You can pick up as many Syrians as you can fit in your van at Edmonton Tesco for £10/hr per.
Also investment from other firms, but your idea isn't cutting edge enough nor is your marketability (not a public facing company / organisation). Sponsors wont want to sponsor you in the beginning.
Expensive, move biz up north, white British managers here earn
Ok I'll keep that in mind. I can manage my time but I am assuming I would need to use my weekends as well to manage both a job and a business? How much money should I have to get a good start?
>employing whites
Opps forgot to answer you.
What is a business plan? How do you create one? How do you know it is viable?
Don't bother user, when comrade Corbyn and his wing man McDonnell cease power it will be Marxist re-education center for you.
>90% tax on the rich
>100% wealth tax
>100% inheritance tax
>Trade Union ownership of all businesses
>Strike action everyday
>Prison sentence for capitalists
List can go on, but you get the point.
It's time to migrate..
I get pic related vibes from Corbin!
just make the game user, pay people when you need to, blah blah
records only really matter when you go over the VAT threshold, afaik
(still keep records of your expenses of course for tax purposes. Getting a separate bank account is enough, although I didn't bother for a couple of years, but sorting through personal vs biz expenses can be a pain. Oh and tip: just get another personal account, no need to tell the bank it's for biz and be charged more....)
the harsh truth is, most games fail. Don't worry about too much until you are actually making profit
none of this applies if you somehow convinced someone to invest a ton of money into your "business", but with no previous experience I doubt you have done that.
VAT threshold? What is that? Yeah that is a good idea, no difference between personal and business except you get charged more.
I'm trying to start a small biz selling shit on Amazon. Got a load of shit photoshopped and uploaded, now just need to do the search terms. Only 1 sale so far though.
Unfortunately it's FUCKING HARD to do when employed. You have the finance, but not the time! I get home wrecked around 8pm from work most days and just not mentally able to sit and do more. Espesh with all the things around the house to do.
It's moving, just very slooooowly.