Guys please you have to help me. Please tell me what does it feel Like? Im a 33 year old virgin with social crippling anxiety who has never experienced sex with a real woman and I really need to know. I'm going insane I've contemplated suicide because I'm still a Virgin and I really don't know what to do to fix my self. I bought ripple in 2016-17 at $0.008 usd and sold in the December highs so money is no longer an issue for me. I can't get over the fact though that women make me insanely scared. Any time I get within 10 feet of a woman I begin to have a hard time breathing and nervousness. My hands shake and I begin to sweat underneath all my layers of clothing I wear 3 layers usually so people don't smell my bad odour from the excessive sweating.
I really can't stand it guys every fucking time I go out into public I need to interact with women and it makes me a nervous wreck. Its gotten so bad I can't even go to restraunts anymore because when a female waitress approaches in the tight dresses I can't function. I begin sweating, sometimes in extreme cases I get chest pains and need to go outside for some fresh air to recover.
I'm really at the end of my road here guys. I have more than enough money to never worry about anything but I can't get over this power women have over me. The way they look as soon as I get eye contact or even worse all of these symptoms start happening. What's even worse is sometimes I studder and then they smirk at me which makes my other symptoms even worse. Please guys I'm fucking begging you i need your help. I'm from Toronto Canada so if any leafs here wouldn't mind meeting up and helping me im willing to pay you $95,000 Canadian to help me figure out how to talk to women and not get nervous around them. I'm so fucking desperate words can't even begin to describe my current situation. I need to know what sex feels like but first I need to know how to get over my social crippling anxieties. You guys helped me before. Please help.
sex is overrated. for your anxiety get some drugs like beta blockers
Thomas Collins
smoke dank weed fuck pills sex is overrated sometimes just hire a hot ass hooker
Jackson Adams
Are you ugly?
Anthony Richardson
Drive rideshare in a dope ride around last call, a few months of reps that way and inevitably a roastie who's rolling will be all over you. Hand out a business card to the women with whom conversation is easy or fun. Fornicating is literally fucking yourself. The purpose is explicitly to make more men, and thus is empty or vain without the intention to breed.
Also make a profile on christian mingle, there are plenty of traditional roasties in southern ontario.
Zachary Bailey
No I just really get very scared by women. I was bullied by females all through out school after trying to drill a hole through the school gym locker changing rooms.
Jayden Howard
Dude buy xtc pill then rent a prostitute for a night. Problem solved. For 10 BTC I will be your personal guide for a year.
Carson White
If you're willing to shell out as much as 95k CAD I suggest you see a therapist first.
Bentley King
Do not listen to this guy .
Drugs are poison and will fuck you up. Hit the gym and get jacked. That’ll help you.
I also want to congratulate you on not cracking down and sleeping with a hooker. Be proud that you are still a virgin. Just do not settle for a roastie. Get a nice trad girl.
Robert Perez
Just try some new hobbies. Book club, board games, concerts, art classes, running club, martial arts, bird watching, gardening, DJing, singing, electronics, even church. You will get used to being in a situation with other women by bonding over the hobby, without the pressure of any interaction feeling like a date. Even if this doesn't work you will still feel a lot better guaranteed, you just have to take the leap.
Brayden Thomas
Like I said 10btc. Come to Amsterdam for 2 weeks, then you can blow the rest of the money, about 20k USD and have fun. I know some very good professionals.
James Murphy
Admit it, you know what to do and how to fix yourself but you're too stuck in your ways to change.
Aiden Parker
omfg my bff Stacy and I have only been to /b/ before but onoes we decide to check out the srs BLUE boards today cuz no work no school today and ROFL dude. Is this story really real? Pls be real. Stacy always talks to this one guy who is SO OLD he's probs 30 or 35 so one time he asks us to flash him our chests while he is masturbating. His cock was so big and brown I think he must have been part Mexican bc his penis was almost black I. Swear. To. God. Anyways Stacy has done more than me with boys before and she starts saying she will use her mouth to "hurry things along" I almost barfed but then we were having fun cuz the guy seemed nervous and scared honestly Stacy drank his jizz I could not believe it but I would maybe try it if the guy really loved me and we were engaged to be married but omg we will def be married before we're 30 or whatever gross. Loser.
34 khv here. Similar thing with me and also from Toronto, except I am also poor.
Charles Gutierrez
I’ll teach you how to overcome that crippling for FREE. Because I know how it feels and I overcame it myself, I know how fucking suicidal it makes one. Half of these faggots responding who desperately want your money probably have never touched a woman
I am the only one who can help you, I'm not even kidding. Feel free to reach me.
Adam Thompson
Nice dubs.
No risk = no reward.
You don’t need someone to show you that.
Brody Parker
You’re retarded
Matthew Myers
As the user that replied to you said, if you have that money to pay, go see a therapist. Might look around for a couple. Gotta be honest with yourself and with them. My therapist is a women and I've been working on dating. Just being open with her has helped me interact with the opposite sex.
Gyms are good. Cardio and weight training. Gonna take a month before you start to really feel good. I find that doing cardio and raising my heart rate for a while makes it easier to socialize later on.
This is a good idea too. Part of exposure therapy. Basically you get used to being around the opposite sex in a less than date way. Can help to humanize women.
Ian Sullivan
Nice to help the OP with free help. Social anxiety is no joke for sure. I say a therapist and all the external help he can get is a good thing.
Easton White
Well, my life is the proof that is I was a retarded I would be dead and living under a bridge.
I have friends, a gf that I took her virginity and is rich, doing my graduations and mentally ok.
If I see you aint bullshitting and can really help OP I assume it.
Josiah Wood
My girlfriend and I have been through similar situations and can jointly help you and like I said... for free, because I genuinely enjoy helping people as I believe i have an increased power level through good karma
Wyatt Wright
>is I was a retarded
Here you go OP, here’s your guy
Ayden Phillips
the 3 steps to get laid by a girl
1. buy 10,000 chx 2. wait a couple of years 3. tell girl you hold 10,000 chx
Aiden Brown
Get a cute purebreed doggo to walk and be your bro. Train the dog from a puppy as well as you can. Do not break from training the dog until it decides it is done, puppies love being trained.
Women will look at you to ask nonverbally if they can interact with doggo, and then will shift total attention to the dog. You just then have to be cordial in saying/timing adieu. And if you fuck it all up all the woman remembers is the dog.
David Rivera
Spend the 95000 CAD on prostitutes and shrinks, you don't have to fuck the prostitutes, you can just hire them to talk with and be around.
It's insane that you think the solution to your anxiety when you are around women, is to pay a guy to talk with you..
Dylan Cox
I type fast retard, I'm answering more than 10 topics in several boards and different sites, that is why I asked OP to hear the audios or not.
>good karma NOPE.jpg, how can you have good karma mocking people that are offering help for free too?
Justin Mitchell
Get a fucking escort and get over yourself you faggot. Do it a few times, enough to realize how fucking stupid you are for being this way. Then do it 2 more times after that to remind yourself that all women are prostitutes, it is all just a matter of civilities built into modern society.
Justin Gray
This is my doggo, isnt purebreed as I found her in the street, but I already walked with her on the beach (a rich area) and I can assure its legit, but that doesnt mean you will be able to go further unless you are good looking or if you are really charismatic/persuasive.
I got some numbers but well, I'm young, tall, 6pack and good looking so its ok.
OP, you should probably first find a therapist who specializes in social anxiety as already suggested multiple times. I would do the same right away if I had the kind of money you have.
I am a pretty complicated case myself. I've a whole baggage of mental and neurological disorders that need to be treated before I could even begin to start thinking about women. Suffice to say, the problems I have due to my severe ADHD makes having a social life almost impossible. It's difficult to have any kind of confidence or self esteem when you feel like an utter failure in all aspects of life.
John Richardson
You need to reorganize your brain at a chemical level at first, to do it just with a proper psychiatrician and with proper medication because I think your brain reward system is already fucked up.
But you could start exercising to see with adrenaline/serotonine/dopamine release there is any change.
Luke Stewart
Save your leafnigger nuggets, do sports, eat a healthy diet and get more confident by that. If you are in a good looking body, you confidence comes automatically, if not, search a therapist and do NOT ask a channel4 user to steal your money for something that is free in your country (health care).
Nicholas Ward
>humanizing women I don't think I've ever seen these two words together on this website. Maybe that's largely the problem
Thanks for offering to help, btw. I do have medication for it but I don't take it because I've other things in the way like my poor, chaotic sleep. I try to get cardio in whenever I'm not too fatigued. I used to lift weights but not anymore due to fatigue and fucked up joints.
Psychological therapy is unfortunately not free in Canada. I am not sure which countries have free psychotherapy covered by single payer healthcare
Evan Hernandez
Well, if you want to reach me in Telegram its up to you, as I said I offer this help to anyone as a gratitude for the user who helped me in the past.
Go tell a girl that you're rich right now and see how well that works. kek
Ryan Gomez
Thanks, Favelanon. I'll shoot you a message later. I actually have to go to sleep now.
Jason Reed
Sleep fren, nothing like sleep so we can calm down a little.
Samuel Jenkins
Unfortunately on Jow Forums, many guys view women as non-human. They are human for sure and being better able to understand that can help with understanding that they share more in common than not with us guys.
A lot of the differences we have stem from society which tries to give us set roles. Many companies make money off of feeding fear of others by fearing our insecurities. "Gotta have the latest and greatest to get the hottest girl or guy. Buy this item from us so that people will like you."
There's always only attractive people in beer commercials.
Luis Morales
>all these newfags ITT responding sincerely to pasta This board is dead and the bottom is in