Jow Forumsbros, should I hire attractive women at my company?
I'm trying to fill a CMO spot and I got an application from a highly qualified moderately attractive woman, but I'm worried it would be too distracting to work around her, am I being too autistic?
would it maybe be good for company image?
don't give a fuck about diversity just want to make it
Jow Forumsbros, should I hire attractive women at my company?
I'm Confused.
>I'm worried it would be too distracting to work around her, am I being too autistic?
Wtf, are you a time traveler from the 1950s, or have you just never interacted with a woman before?
go away normie
You run a fucking business, you're more of a normalfag than me, or at least ought to be
user, let me tell you about women and niggers in the workplace
well user, I didn't think I'd get this far... I don't know what to say
does it have some government benefits to keeping women around? Else I don't see the any benefit, and seems more like a trouble for rape and harassment claims.
no, it won't make a difference
I just feel conflicted because if the same applicant was male I'd probably hire them, and I don't necessarily exclude a highly qualified applicant due to gender, but I also don't want to risk anything
Easy. Do have lots of unmaried men on your workplace? Then they will probably start to compete and be distracted.
DONT make the mistake.
>i accidentally a successful company
>should I put a woman in a c suite
user is this a rhetorical question?
He won't be in business for much longer
begone thot
Unless you are a Resturaunt or some sort of business where you need to hire customer service people, women will drag your business to the ground and be a massive headache. Hire men. Only strong capable men and you’ll make it.
I'm trying, desperately, to understand you so I can better answer your question. I'm pretty sure, however, if you're in a position to hire a marketing officer, that you must be better qualified to answer your own question. I think you, if you're legit, should actually be putting on an ama, not asking questions yourself.
This. Dumb question OP. Don't hire women if you don't absolutely have to.
Don't hire her, it will lead to nothing but trouble.
Depends how dependable your other employees are. Hottie joined the office and one lead was acting very unprofessional and generally retarded. Just don't hire virgins, weirdos, neckbeards and youll be fine
>hiring one woman completely fucks things up for a staff of dozens of high functioning autists
Totally worth it
Have you interviewed her yet?
I work with some attractive women and honestly it doesn't affect me that much. While physically I may find them attractive the emotional and logical sides of me realize it would be pretty dumb to do so and would just make working with them weird. I would say if she actually seems qualified for the job then hire her.
If you're really this ideologically opposed to it though then don't. It will just cause headaches for the both of you. It's much easier to just not hire someone than to fire them.
>While physically I may find them attractive the emotional and logical sides of me realize it would be pretty dumb to do so
I realize that sentence didn't make sense. By "to do so" I mean to hit on them/try to pick them up/sleep with them. I've been drinking with my president's day off.
you must be insane to even contemplate this idea.