Phenibut makes me feel happy and more social. How do i get this feeling without having to take this shit everyday?
Phenibut makes me feel happy and more social. How do i get this feeling without having to take this shit everyday?
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HIIT, paleo, cold showers, get better sleep.
I took too much prior to a class presentation and went into slow mo mode
I promise you, benzo dependence isn't worth it.
Nutritional dense diet. Look up Frank Tufano. This has helped me alot. But what helped absolutely most are high doses of vitamin d3. I took 400 000 IU of D3 oil over 2 weeks and then 10 000 IU a day ater that. It changed my life
Theanine is better. Don't take Phenibut everyday.
this is not a benzo.
@OP, i dunno, but GHB is like phenibut on steroids, maybe check that out. you can take that shit everyday and don't get dependant on it, just have to be careful to not dose 24/7
I went through a period where I was taking pheni 4-5 days a week. Not worth it because I quickly lost the magic that comes with Phenibut. Save it for when you need it (job interviews, weddings, social outings) and keep usage 1-2 times a week. Take 1-2 month (or longer) tolerance breaks when possible.
i know, im looking for alternatives.
L-theanine and caffeine, cardio, sleep and eat well.
iv taken theanine a few times but it doesnt give that social feeling i get with phenibut. Phenibut makes me actually want to talk to people. maybe the theanine dose was too low? i took around 600mg.
where can i get GHB in the USA?
I dont know a replacement, but at least you can reduce required dosages by a factor of 10 with topical administration.
Mix 1 g Phenibut into a liquid solution containing 70% ethanol and 30% DMSO.
Thus, 1 ml = 33 mg Phenibut, apply 1 - 3 ml to your wrist area. Will show effects within 20 minutes to 1 hour.
consistent exercise, more importantly, something where you can see a little improvement every time, but that you'll never master. You need to constantly challenge yourself.
Is it really safe to take that much D3? I have some d3 pills that are 2000UI id have to take 200.
what's your pheni dosage
1g like twice a week, been using it for years. Id just like to have that happy social feeling without taking phenibut if that is possible. I read that it has something to do with GABA in the brain which gives you that happy social feeling. I already lift and do cardio 4-5 times a week and my bodyfat is around 12%. My diet is good low carb high fat protein.
Yes it is. Search for vitamin d3 megadose and one of the first results will be a meta study. They recomend 300 000 in one dose to rase your blood levels to about 40-50 in deficient people. 60-80 are optimal. I found that to be too much oil so I spread it out over two weeks. Don't forget to pair it with a good k2 supplement
I used to take phenibut every day but I developed a tolerance and became very anxious. I ended up going to a doctor and telling her I had anxiety. She prescribed me Prozac and Vistaril, both non habit forming, relatviely safe drugs. I was able to wean off the phenibut and I feel 100x better than I did when I was on it. Prozac worked miracles for me. Try it out user.
Imagine being this retarded.
you can buy it on dark web dream market with bitcoin but i promise you it will fuck your life up. it did mine . ironically i started taking phenibut to get off GHB and getting off penibut is it's own private hell
good luck
Is it better than phenibut? Iv been taking phenibut for years and have never had any problems with addiction, two times a week max.
This guy wants you to kill yourself. Those vitamins in combination and at such high doses will kill you. Likely you'll start puking and slurring your speech before you die but it'll be too late by then because vitamin d is accumulated in your body fat and even if you stop intake immediately it'll keep being released into your bloodstream for weeks (or until you die, basically). Be careful with vitamin d, it is greatly beneficial but keep the dosage to the recommended daily intake.
>(((pharma))) shills
Well, if he takes those doses he's going to need lots of medical care which will make some pharmaceutical company very happy. Why would the baker recommend you eat less bread?
Doesn't prozac turn you into an emotionless zombie and kill your sex drive?
fuck off, it takes zero effort to search "vitamin d megadose" on and there are tons of studies. for example, this one with "single therapeutic intramuscular injection of 600 000 IU (15 mg) cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)."
also im not depressed or dependent on phenibut, i take it twice a week.And have gone months without taking it, i was just looking for an alternative way to get that happy social feeling that phenibut gives.
It depends on the person. I still have emotions. It did slightly reduce my sex drive but I am still quite horny. It also takes about 20% longer to cum now which isn't that bad if you think about it.
it is much more euphoric then phenibut but it only lasts about an 2 hours
I'm not going to look at our single hand-picked study. I would encourage anyone to google the effects of a megadose of vitamin d instead. Also, please go back to fucking Jow Forums, you guys are a plague.
Lyrica is unironically the best drug ever, but then again it's another GABAergic like Phenibut thus addictive