Any truck fags browse biz? Thinking of buying a semi and becoming an independent owner-operator. Anyone have any info or personal experience in the industry?
Owner-Operator Trucking
Automation is going to fuck all trucking jobs in the ass. It's got no future.
Don't you want hand delivered products delivered to your doorstep (at a 40% premium)?
Actually, OP I have a pretty big redpill for you. If you want stable income, you can actually buy a FedEx freight line and be busy 100% of the time. Keep in mind, these freight lines are sold based on profits, so as an owner operator, try to take a look at the revenue the freight line gives and calculate expenses on your own. If you're a good analyst, you could prob be making $200K your 1st/2nd year, and even invest in other lines and employ your own drivers once you figure out the process.
You have a decade tops before this industry is replaced.
There's a reason there aren't many owner operators anymore. Probably has something to do with regulations making it hard to turn a profit unless you are a huge company.
Did you inallfields your own thread, you madman?
OP, are you from the old misc. discord last year?
Wtf is a freight line
Nah lol it just autofilled the namefag entry.
I watched the Joe Rogan interview with David Yang while I was at work today where Yang dicusses how automation would make manual trucking obsolete in 10, so out of curiosity I looked into trucking and right now it sounds like it might be profitable as fuck. I can afford to buy my own semi outright so If I can make 100k a year for like 5-10 years it would still be worth it, automation or not.
What discord
Truckers are the scum of the earth and the most cucked job job possible.
Fuck truckers and FUCK you.
this. so long as you're the only person driving the truck you should be fine, but if you ever have to hire someone to work under you check that bitches background. Don't ever trust a trucker with nothing
I've got a semi right now for you to suck, fucking queer.
This. Trucking is omae wa mou shindeiru
Oh, you got 300k to invest in a rig and the skill to drive one then bad boys plus the cash flow to operate and fix it until you make a full years wages?
Good luck pussy, you'll just get employed by Walmart for long hauls and get an hourly rate. Your clearly not cut out for the business.
Do you even do drugs? if you want to make big money you gonna have to drive a lot and that requires drugs and know how when it comes to beating the log books which you don't even know about.
Ah yes the self driving truck meme. You have nothing to worry about
>low-iq member of the intellectual majority doesn't know anything about electronic log books
Oh vey shut it down goyim!!
The jews want to discourage you from... trucking?
>doing crank
>beating the log books
>Breaker 1-9, breaker 1-9. Cledus this here’s Buford T Justice, you sumbitch.
Protip: it’s not 1977 anymore
I've been a driver for almost ten years, owner/operator for three weeks. I'm doing a lease purchase, buying a high mileage truck for about 30K. 30K is also about the amount you want to have on hand for repairs and maintenance.
I get paid a pretty decent rate, 75% of what the load pays and 100% fuel surcharge. I haul truck and car parts from the midwest to the south. First week my check was $3400, second week was $1725. Pay varies depending on what I haul. None of that includes taxes, which I'm setting aside 50% of every check for. 25% goes to the repair fund, and the rest goes to me.
Plan on filing taxes quarterly, keep every receipt, and find someone who knows how to do trucker taxes. My profit margins come from what I can chip out of that first 50%.
There's many a slip twixt cup and lip. I'm planning to be out of the industry in 10 years regardless, but I'm willing to bet our government is going to decide that wiping out millions of middle class jobs won't be worth the civil unrest.
Oh look, it's this faggot. If you could take the nigger cocks out of your mouth for three seconds, you'd get the license info from the trailers that cut you off or hang out in the hammer lane in front of you and report their asses. You'd be doing everyone a favor, almost as much as if you necked yourself.
Yes, I've seriously considered it because I'm in a position to do it while I run my online business. From what I gather it's around 100k to start. (55k for truck, 20k for trailer, 20-40k for insurance). Obviously you need your MC number and stuff but that isn't as much. Your base plates, which I haven't looked into. Running costs for a month since everyone is net30. But you also need probably another 20k in cash for any issues with the truck/trailer.
The thing I'm concerned with is if the economy dips in the next year or so how will it hurt the rates. Last summer, it was easy to find 3/mile loads, and now truckers freak out for getting a $2 load and there is not as many. Too many people are showing how much you can make and I think it's attracting a lot of people like me, who have cash to go straight o/o and have always wanted to drive. These truckers that are bragging have been driving initially for like 10 years to save up and I think they think others have to wait that long too. They don't realize there's a lot of people not in trucking, ready to do it, and have the bankroll to go straight o/o.
Even if that was the case your logic is flawed based on what OP is asking. Automated trucks have no relevance in the situation.
Repairs will bankrupt you on top of opportunity loss. In today’s day and age it is easier to drive for a company. 50 years ago I’d say go for it
This, although with companies the problem is that you start out at the bottom, which means the worst assignments and possibly not hauling anything back on return trips. In general it's not a very profitable job, mainly suitable for young men with no attachments, and absolutely infested with bankrupts desperately trying to avoid minimum wage labour. The mechanics are all crooked too.