what be your thoughts on ethereum fellow bizness men? Do you think PoS will win over PoW? Personally i think it's a good idea since PoW clearly doesn't scale and always seems to centralize control in the hands of miners which nowdays is the chinks since they have all the ASIC hardware. Ethereum provides a platform that all the shitcoin devs can build on rather than rolling their own crypto. It really does seem like the safest bet imho.
What be your thoughts on ethereum fellow bizness men? Do you think PoS will win over PoW...
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/biz is a corecuck board. you won't get any positive replies for ETH.
Eth will stall in the $200 range for a few years. In a decade or so though it’ll hit at least $10k per. Good investment if you just want to wait
Personally I don't think the natural centralization is bad, and can't imagine a centrally planned decentralization. One cannot know all the factors and it seems foolish to try
There is so much money just waiting on the sidelines to choose a winner. If $10k we would hit $100k easily.
Has to scale first though.
>Personally i think it's a good idea since PoW clearly doesn't scale and always seems to centralize control in the hands of miners which nowdays is the chinks since they have all the ASIC hardware.
You do know that 0xBTC exists on the Ethereum blockchain right? It's 51% attack proof.
You don't think ETH will moon during the 2021 bullrun?
minded coins are shit. if PoS succeeds your mined coins wont be worth anything.
Unfortunately I don’t foresee a crypto bullrun for quite awhile. Just accumulate user and you will make it
BTC halves in 2020...and a bullrun always happened a year after a halving...
except it's halving this time because it's dying. No one is using that network for anything anymore. Only reason anyone would even hold any btc at all is because your FORCED to because it's the FORCED PEG on all the exchanges. Funny how the exchanges basically became the crypto version of the FED.
I think ETH is unironically a wise long-term (say, 2-3 year) hold.
I can see 10k with staking.
ETH is a winner. Take 10% of your biweekly shekels and average in until you got at least 32. They don't call them infinite money trees for nothing
It's kinda like USD, except instead of exchanges forcing you to use it, its bombs and regime change.
POS + hard cap = srs gains.
Been throwing 100-300 bucks into this every month since June last year. I don't care if it moons or not but I can't afford to miss it again if it does.
i'm not investing until i see how well the PoS implementation performs. Theres no doubt that PoS works because other coins already use it but Eth is doing a different implementation of it. According to the updated road map it wont be rolling out until late 2019 so we got a white to wait my firend.
>except it's halving this time because it's dying.
dumbest thing I've read on this board all year.
ETH is almost as solid a bet as BTC, so it's a good choice. There's absolutely no reason why PoS would fail to be implemented, and yes, it will be better than PoW.
No. PoS just gives more power to the already rich, and anyways sharding every day looks more and more like it's never actually going to happen. ETH is a dead end only propped up by people hyped about nonspecific 'apps' that will never actually be useful for anything
BTC is a solid bet because the exchanges force you to fucking use it. That might change though if ETH surpasses BTC in value. Then it will be hard to justify BTC as the peg.
Unironically never invested in crypto until 2 weeks ago when I heard fidelity was starting a custody platform. I read up on a bunch of crypto and what it actually is, and from everything I read went with ETH
>PoS just gives more power to the already rich
so does Pow... It worked ok for a while until rich fags realized they could bulk order GPU's and take over the network. Then it wasn't long until the chinks realized they could make specialized hardware and btfo the western rich fags and control the network. It's been nothing but a hostile take over since day one.
PoS isn't perfect but at least it scales and doesn't require the energy of a small country to function.
And what about proof of space?
Gonna make it.
Not gonna make it. By the time it comes out ETH will be worth much more than it is now.
Ethereum is trash.
You should buy Jesuscoin if you want poor people to have the most power. Meek shall inherit the earth and all that.
I wonder how those who claim Ethereum is trash can actually believe this. Browse around ethresear.ch sometime and check out the work being done there.
No other project in all of crypto is doing anything close to this. In fact it's highly likely that all other crypto projects COMBINED don't have this sort of output. Furthermore it's likely that all other projects are ripping off Ethereum's research constantly.
Won't matter though. The copycats are way too late. ETH has already won.
They’re too poor to buy in and reap gains and since they can’t short it they have nothing better to do but bitch
PoS is definitely imperfect, but when you think about incentives it makes sense. If you got 32 ETH, you wouldn't want to lose it by misbehaving on the network. If you got 0.000xxx ETH then you wouldn't care if you misbehave if there is a possibility of a reward greater than your current stack.
Its kind of like the landed gentry leading the republic forward I suppose
Nigga I literally work as a cashier at a drug store and I manage to throw a few hundred into ETH every month. I was too young to catch the first wave and didn't have my priorities in order, but I'm not gonna miss my chance.At worse I'll be out of a few thousand grand. At best, my money will 10-20x itself and I got college and an econobox covered.
you can begin trade school right now for like $5k and start an apprenticeship within a year or two where they will pay you to get experience and certifications
I did a few weeks of demolitions for $20/h, good money but I don't see anybody doing this long term without saving a ton for physiotherapy later on. Unless you're an electrician or a plumber trades are a meme.
Why even use ETH if you can use the current system
Both systems have those at the top forcing decisions and enriching themselves
so become an electrician lmfao
there are hundreds of different trades, and it sounds like you didn't even really take a hard look at what type of shit is out there and where you can take it
oh well, you'll fall for the college meme like so many 20 somethings, then wind up wondering how your friend who repairs antennas or some weird shit like that is making $120k a year and travelling all over the world while you do desk work
Haven't you noticed that they're adding stablecoins for nearly everything? Gg Bitcoin, not even a store of value. And yes, we know it's a scam - other than DAI the other stablecoins haven't got enough transparency - but it doesn't matter. The peg isn't remaining against a slow shitcoin with 0 innovation & no organic usage.
What about proof of niggers? The more niggers you own, the more of the network you control. It worked out pretty well in the 1700s. The chinks have more people but we all know that niggers will always be better slaves
The people climbing antenna towers make $30k/year. The really good ones with an education, certs and connections can pull $100k/tops.Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about.
Trades are absolutely a meme because if you're not an idiot you need to save a significant percentage of your income to fix up/maintain your body later on. I'd rather be a design engineer/ pharmacist working in a comfy office raking in money + RSUs + bonuses than your average guy in trades. The people raking in the real dough in trades are running their own businesses AND are out there at 2 am fixing shit.
You idiots never stop shilling your garbage long enough to read about alternatives
Enjoy following the foundation without any criticism lol
Waiting for the fork and then I'l dump it for more link
Aching tradie here, can confirm.
dear friend, where do you think tradie managers come from? do you think they come from college, or do you think they come from internal hires with pencilwhipped online degress?
yes- of course tradies start low on the totem pole (almost everyone does), but like anything with a heirarchy, you can climb the tradie ladder and you can do it with remarkable, stunning ease if you are intelligent and driven
not that anyone wants to be a big fish in a small pond, but it beats a lot of other options handily
also you can always get """"injured"""" while tradeslaving and sue easily, its much more difficult to get """"""injured"""""" at a desk job and get away with it
you absolutely must take into account all the benefits a cunning tradie can accumulate if they play the game for maximum gains
let me paint a picture
tradie + security clearance + "warzone"(hazard pay/uplift) + government contracting firm + no cost of living + bonuses + significant paid vacation + management position after a couple years
does that sound like money to you? because let me assure you, that is indeed money, and lots of it
you seem to have a certain worldview that is very limited in scope, and have no idea how tradies exploit the system for maximum gains and minimum effort, and this is uprising, because you must know that...trade...unions exist.
the one time in history that the white man out-jewed the jew
>The fundamental issue with Ethereum is that it solves NO problems better than alternatives except raising money from fools.
What about trustless currency with end-to-end privacy and value stability?