I am a jew but poor

I am a jew but poor

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Then you're not really a jew

most of the jews I know are poor.

why wouldnt you be poor if youre a retard?
your race guarantees nothing

Are there homeless people in the Israel?

this. it's almost like the whole jews control the world thing is wrong

>most of the jews I know
Where do you live that there are that many? You probably live in CA or NJ

The jewish elite controls the world. No one is talking about below average jews

>Be born into the most nepotistic and powerful race in the world.
>Be bellow average
>Become a pawn like the rest of us

Yeah nothing new. Low level Jews are treated almost like goys.

>most nepotistic race in the world
Thats actually Indians dude.

Are you a mutt?

sounds like your parents jewed you

You are thinking of cronyism.

They literally are goys.

Just ask your grandpa for his ancient Yiddish texts lmao

Hmm that sucks. I thought the other Jews were supposed to give you a job somewhere. Did you piss them off or something?

Thats because its just a psyop

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How is that even possible, you could literally just walk into any law firm, investment bank, hollywood studio, political agency, media company and do that secret nose thing we do to one another when we want to signal each other.


Thats like a bear driving. How can that be?

>is this a rat face

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Most of the orthodox religious ones are unironically poor as fuck driving twenty year old beaters and shit. The youth spends its time studying the holy books instead of something productive, and then has a few - several kids one after the other before they're ready. Waste of perfectly good genetics if you ask me

The jews have Jewed Jews since the desert.

wut a simple explanation is wrong??

i work shit job with jew who struggle with depression

most jews ok

Now imagine all the poor jews in germany under WWII. Simply for being jews they are regarded as second hand citizens and put in camps.

Exactly. Some people are evil from every race. You are supposed to go after the evil rich people specifically. Not just completely exterminate their whole race.

Me too brother.